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Project Summary

Project Information

Field Value
Name TheseFoolishThings
Description This project is a collection of miscellaneous tools shared by a number of projects of the same author. There are **simple tuples** to use with Java Streams, **type-safe maps** ([inspired by the heterogeneous map pattern]( described in Effective Java by Joshua Bloch, a **finder** that handles in a smart way queries to data sources, a facility to use the **DCI (Data, Context and Interactions) architectural pattern**, a simple **message bus** suitable for using the pub-sub pattern inside an application, some **test utilities**, an **experimental actor framework** and a few other small things. The project name is a tribute to the [jazz standard with the same name]( by Maschwitz and Strachey.

Project Organization

Field Value
Name Tidalwave s.a.s.

Build Information

Field Value
GroupId it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings
ArtifactId thesefoolishthings
Version 5.0-ALPHA-3
Type pom