Dependency-Check is an open source tool performing a best effort analysis of 3rd party dependencies;
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is at the user’s risk. In no event shall the copyright holder or OWASP be held liable for any damages whatsoever
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Scan Information (
show all ):
dependency-check version : 11.1.1Report Generated On : Fri, 14 Feb 2025 00:37:20 +0100Dependencies Scanned : 95 (74 unique)Vulnerable Dependencies : 1 Vulnerabilities Found : 1Vulnerabilities Suppressed : 0 ... NVD API Last Checked : 2025-02-14T00:37:06+01NVD API Last Modified : 2025-02-13T23:15:11ZSummary Display:
Showing Vulnerable Dependencies (click to show all) HikariCP-5.1.0.jarDescription:
Ultimate JDBC Connection Pool License:
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 37404f82207a28141bd9b0fe6b1d0a16
SHA1: 8c96e36c14461fc436bb02b264b96ef3ca5dca8c
SHA256: a47a6ee62379694ee52c30036f0931b72f9aee2a801d590341ed82bd839e2134
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile
HikariCP-5.1.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name HikariCP High Vendor jar package name pool Highest Vendor jar package name zaxxer Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 11 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname com.zaxxer.HikariCP Medium Vendor Manifest originally-created-by Apache Maven Bundle Plugin Low Vendor pom artifactid HikariCP Highest Vendor pom artifactid HikariCP Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer name Brett Wooldridge Medium Vendor pom groupid com.zaxxer Highest Vendor pom name HikariCP High Vendor pom organization name High Vendor pom organization url brettwooldridge Medium Vendor pom url brettwooldridge/HikariCP Highest Product file name HikariCP High Product jar package name pool Highest Product jar package name zaxxer Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 11 Low Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name HikariCP Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname com.zaxxer.HikariCP Medium Product Manifest originally-created-by Apache Maven Bundle Plugin Low Product pom artifactid HikariCP Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer name Brett Wooldridge Low Product pom groupid com.zaxxer Highest Product pom name HikariCP High Product pom organization name Low Product pom url brettwooldridge High Product pom url brettwooldridge/HikariCP High Version file version 5.1.0 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 5.1.0 High Version pom version 5.1.0 Highest
Implementation License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 42bba74155dc773eca277ee7a16f74be
SHA1: 41f1e0ddd157c856926ed149ab837d110955a9fc
SHA256: 6dd3bcffc22bce83b07376a0e2e094e4964a3195d4118fb43e380ef35436cc1e
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:runtime angus-activation-2.0.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name angus-activation High Vendor jar package name activation Highest Vendor jar package name angus Highest Vendor jar package name eclipse Highest Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname angus-activation Medium Vendor Manifest extension-name org.eclipse.angus Medium Vendor Manifest implementation-build-id 2.0.2-RELEASE-c08e320 Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Eclipse Foundation High Vendor Manifest provide-capability osgi.serviceloader;osgi.serviceloader="jakarta.activation.spi.MailcapRegistryProvider",osgi.serviceloader;osgi.serviceloader="jakarta.activation.spi.MimeTypeRegistryProvider" Low Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Eclipse Foundation Low Vendor pom artifactid angus-activation Highest Vendor pom artifactid angus-activation Low Vendor pom groupid org.eclipse.angus Highest Vendor pom name Angus Activation Registries High Vendor pom parent-artifactid angus-activation-project Low Product file name angus-activation High Product jar package name activation Highest Product jar package name angus Highest Product jar package name eclipse Highest Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Angus Activation Registries Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname angus-activation Medium Product Manifest extension-name org.eclipse.angus Medium Product Manifest implementation-build-id 2.0.2-RELEASE-c08e320 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title Angus Activation Registries High Product Manifest provide-capability osgi.serviceloader;osgi.serviceloader="jakarta.activation.spi.MailcapRegistryProvider",osgi.serviceloader;osgi.serviceloader="jakarta.activation.spi.MimeTypeRegistryProvider" Low Product Manifest specification-title Jakarta Activation Specification Medium Product pom artifactid angus-activation Highest Product pom groupid org.eclipse.angus Highest Product pom name Angus Activation Registries High Product pom parent-artifactid angus-activation-project Medium Version file version 2.0.2 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 2.0.2 High Version pom version 2.0.2 Highest
The ANTLR 4 Runtime License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: bff95723c494b332b14575d713a65df4
SHA1: 5a02e48521624faaf5ff4d99afc88b01686af655
SHA256: bd7f7b5d07bc0b047f10915b32ca4bb1de9e57d8049098882e4453c88c076a5d
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile antlr4-runtime-4.13.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name antlr4-runtime High Vendor jar package name antlr Highest Vendor jar package name runtime Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name org.antlr.antlr4.runtime Medium Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 11 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.antlr.antlr4-runtime Medium Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor ANTLR High Vendor pom artifactid antlr4-runtime Highest Vendor pom artifactid antlr4-runtime Low Vendor pom groupid org.antlr Highest Vendor pom name ANTLR 4 Runtime High Vendor pom parent-artifactid antlr4-master Low Product file name antlr4-runtime High Product jar package name antlr Highest Product jar package name runtime Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name org.antlr.antlr4.runtime Medium Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 11 Low Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name ANTLR 4 Runtime Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.antlr.antlr4-runtime Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title ANTLR 4 Runtime High Product pom artifactid antlr4-runtime Highest Product pom groupid org.antlr Highest Product pom name ANTLR 4 Runtime High Product pom parent-artifactid antlr4-master Medium Version file version 4.13.0 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 4.13.0 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 4.13.0 High Version pom version 4.13.0 Highest
The AspectJ runtime is a small library necessary to run Java programs enhanced by AspectJ aspects during a previous
compile-time or post-compile-time (binary weaving) build step. License:
Eclipse Public License - v 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 6398abe3162564b5b87e7a3ce4dfd204
SHA1: 26954e413fd6e4278c5720abe29726a904f14bc8
SHA256: 1921492949907e700a8918a21d51a508c421d08461652b77daab89cf0e6291d5
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring:provided aspectjrt- is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name aspectjrt High Vendor jar package name aspectj Highest Vendor jar package name aspects Highest Vendor jar package name runtime Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name org.aspectj.runtime Medium Vendor manifest: org/aspectj/lang/ Implementation-Vendor Medium Vendor pom artifactid aspectjrt Highest Vendor pom artifactid aspectjrt Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id aclement Medium Vendor pom developer id kriegaex Medium Vendor pom developer name Alexander Kriegisch Medium Vendor pom developer name Andy Clement Medium Vendor pom groupid org.aspectj Highest Vendor pom name AspectJ Runtime High Vendor pom url Highest Product file name aspectjrt High Product jar package name aspectj Highest Product jar package name aspects Highest Product jar package name runtime Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name org.aspectj.runtime Medium Product manifest: org/aspectj/lang/ Implementation-Title org.aspectj.runtime Medium Product manifest: org/aspectj/lang/ Specification-Title AspectJ Runtime Classes Medium Product pom artifactid aspectjrt Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id aclement Low Product pom developer id kriegaex Low Product pom developer name Alexander Kriegisch Low Product pom developer name Andy Clement Low Product pom groupid org.aspectj Highest Product pom name AspectJ Runtime High Product pom url Medium Version file version High Version manifest: org/aspectj/lang/ Implementation-Version Medium Version pom version Highest
The AspectJ weaver applies aspects to Java classes. It can be used as a Java agent in order to apply load-time
weaving (LTW) during class-loading and also contains the AspectJ runtime classes. License:
Eclipse Public License - v 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 25ff63c95878ac361028f45748b2b540
SHA1: 33b0e41476658229933eec7134678cf336e66dd4
SHA256: ca4d10891b851c62bff65c6cf9a7ef870f51584253399060d300041083afbb99
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:compile TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile aspectjweaver- is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name aspectjweaver High Vendor jar package name agent Highest Vendor jar package name and Highest Vendor jar package name aspectj Highest Vendor jar package name aspects Highest Vendor jar package name ltw Highest Vendor jar package name org Highest Vendor jar package name runtime Highest Vendor jar package name weaver Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name org.aspectj.weaver Medium Vendor Manifest can-redefine-classes true Low Vendor manifest: org/aspectj/weaver/ Implementation-Vendor Medium Vendor pom artifactid aspectjweaver Highest Vendor pom artifactid aspectjweaver Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id aclement Medium Vendor pom developer id kriegaex Medium Vendor pom developer name Alexander Kriegisch Medium Vendor pom developer name Andy Clement Medium Vendor pom groupid org.aspectj Highest Vendor pom name AspectJ Weaver High Vendor pom url Highest Product file name aspectjweaver High Product jar package name agent Highest Product jar package name and Highest Product jar package name aspectj Highest Product jar package name aspects Highest Product jar package name ltw Highest Product jar package name org Highest Product jar package name runtime Highest Product jar package name weaver Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name org.aspectj.weaver Medium Product Manifest can-redefine-classes true Low Product manifest: org/aspectj/weaver/ Implementation-Title org.aspectj.weaver Medium Product manifest: org/aspectj/weaver/ Specification-Title AspectJ Weaver Classes Medium Product pom artifactid aspectjweaver Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id aclement Low Product pom developer id kriegaex Low Product pom developer name Alexander Kriegisch Low Product pom developer name Andy Clement Low Product pom groupid org.aspectj Highest Product pom name AspectJ Weaver High Product pom url Medium Version file version High Version manifest: org/aspectj/weaver/ Implementation-Version Medium Version pom version Highest
Keeping JavaBeans in sync. License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: a4ed4664612ece2fdff12bf5f21accc8
SHA1: ba454e7173845a67ba7f9e9478af4a9e43700b7b
SHA256: da366781ce264f2facefc922b858382dc1b82b551a777c6df6106a9349763080
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile
betterbeansbinding-core-1.3.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name betterbeansbinding-core High Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname it.tidalwave.betterbeansbinding.betterbeansbinding-core Medium Vendor Manifest implementation-build unknown Low Vendor pom artifactid betterbeansbinding-core Highest Vendor pom artifactid betterbeansbinding-core Low Vendor pom groupid it.tidalwave.betterbeansbinding Highest Vendor pom name BetterBeansBinding Core High Vendor pom parent-artifactid betterbeansbinding Low Product file name betterbeansbinding-core High Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name BetterBeansBinding Core Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname it.tidalwave.betterbeansbinding.betterbeansbinding-core Medium Product Manifest implementation-build unknown Low Product pom artifactid betterbeansbinding-core Highest Product pom groupid it.tidalwave.betterbeansbinding Highest Product pom name BetterBeansBinding Core High Product pom parent-artifactid betterbeansbinding Medium Version file version 1.3.0 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.3.0 High Version pom version 1.3.0 Highest
Keeping JavaBeans in sync. License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 63cad21fb9a2b5a837b11e881eeeda22
SHA1: f285f3cd2b41cbde08a45095ca3be862d7ef7adf
SHA256: b19e603cc5e959f2bde777f9f992ea63e59fef211c650d3bf4bf707ed741a84f
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile
betterbeansbinding-el-1.3.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.betterbeansbinding/betterbeansbinding-core@1.3.0
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name betterbeansbinding-el High Vendor jar package name el Highest Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname it.tidalwave.betterbeansbinding.betterbeansbinding-el Medium Vendor Manifest implementation-build unknown Low Vendor pom artifactid betterbeansbinding-el Highest Vendor pom artifactid betterbeansbinding-el Low Vendor pom groupid it.tidalwave.betterbeansbinding Highest Vendor pom name BetterBeansBinding EL High Vendor pom parent-artifactid betterbeansbinding Low Product file name betterbeansbinding-el High Product jar package name el Highest Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name BetterBeansBinding EL Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname it.tidalwave.betterbeansbinding.betterbeansbinding-el Medium Product Manifest implementation-build unknown Low Product pom artifactid betterbeansbinding-el Highest Product pom groupid it.tidalwave.betterbeansbinding Highest Product pom name BetterBeansBinding EL High Product pom parent-artifactid betterbeansbinding Medium Version file version 1.3.0 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.3.0 High Version pom version 1.3.0 Highest
Keeping JavaBeans in sync. License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 73e42607d80f5e24e9be17e4e3952184
SHA1: d865d0482b48bd900099fc5c84c02892766ff375
SHA256: 053cdb906c0d366df9e4851ce2528f200ba97fda2d7d6769dabe7012dcc83d29
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile
betterbeansbinding-swingbinding-1.3.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name betterbeansbinding-swingbinding High Vendor jar package name swingbinding Highest Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname it.tidalwave.betterbeansbinding.betterbeansbinding-swingbinding Medium Vendor Manifest implementation-build unknown Low Vendor pom artifactid betterbeansbinding-swingbinding Highest Vendor pom artifactid betterbeansbinding-swingbinding Low Vendor pom groupid it.tidalwave.betterbeansbinding Highest Vendor pom name BetterBeansBinding SwingBinding High Vendor pom parent-artifactid betterbeansbinding Low Product file name betterbeansbinding-swingbinding High Product jar package name swingbinding Highest Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name BetterBeansBinding SwingBinding Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname it.tidalwave.betterbeansbinding.betterbeansbinding-swingbinding Medium Product Manifest implementation-build unknown Low Product pom artifactid betterbeansbinding-swingbinding Highest Product pom groupid it.tidalwave.betterbeansbinding Highest Product pom name BetterBeansBinding SwingBinding High Product pom parent-artifactid betterbeansbinding Medium Version file version 1.3.0 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.3.0 High Version pom version 1.3.0 Highest
Byte Buddy is a Java library for creating Java classes at run time.
This artifact is a build of Byte Buddy with all ASM dependencies repackaged into its own name space.
License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: e830b0eae8ae0e4b7df4f4ddba23fbe1
SHA1: a5b1159b91c5334015de0f22ab4b1188cd42bbff
SHA256: c743cfb4db1e6c67af6297fbe32a3ad94710884cde4c7eecb1bad7d820d4f2ba
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile
byte-buddy-1.15.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.mockito/mockito-core@5.13.0
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name byte-buddy High Vendor jar package name asm Highest Vendor jar package name build Highest Vendor jar package name bytebuddy Highest Vendor jar package name net Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 1.8 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy Medium Vendor Manifest multi-release true Low Vendor pom artifactid byte-buddy Highest Vendor pom artifactid byte-buddy Low Vendor pom groupid net.bytebuddy Highest Vendor pom name Byte Buddy (without dependencies) High Vendor pom parent-artifactid byte-buddy-parent Low Product file name byte-buddy High Product jar package name asm Highest Product jar package name build Highest Product jar package name bytebuddy Highest Product jar package name net Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 1.8 Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Byte Buddy (without dependencies) Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy Medium Product Manifest multi-release true Low Product pom artifactid byte-buddy Highest Product pom groupid net.bytebuddy Highest Product pom name Byte Buddy (without dependencies) High Product pom parent-artifactid byte-buddy-parent Medium Version file version 1.15.0 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.15.0 High Version pom version 1.15.0 Highest
Byte Buddy is a Java library for creating Java classes at run time.
This artifact is a build of Byte Buddy with all ASM dependencies repackaged into its own name space.
License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 603bc53c7a294f23765bfb7e1820ad44
SHA1: f61886478e0f9ee4c21d09574736f0ff45e0a46c
SHA256: fa08998aae1e7bdae83bde0712c50e8444d71c0e0c196bb2247ade8d4ad0eb90
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:runtime byte-buddy-1.15.11.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final pkg:maven/org.mockito/mockito-core@5.13.0 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name byte-buddy High Vendor jar package name asm Highest Vendor jar package name build Highest Vendor jar package name bytebuddy Highest Vendor jar package name net Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 1.8 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy Medium Vendor Manifest multi-release true Low Vendor pom artifactid byte-buddy Highest Vendor pom artifactid byte-buddy Low Vendor pom groupid net.bytebuddy Highest Vendor pom name Byte Buddy (without dependencies) High Vendor pom parent-artifactid byte-buddy-parent Low Product file name byte-buddy High Product jar package name asm Highest Product jar package name build Highest Product jar package name bytebuddy Highest Product jar package name net Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 1.8 Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Byte Buddy (without dependencies) Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy Medium Product Manifest multi-release true Low Product pom artifactid byte-buddy Highest Product pom groupid net.bytebuddy Highest Product pom name Byte Buddy (without dependencies) High Product pom parent-artifactid byte-buddy-parent Medium Version file version 1.15.11 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.15.11 High Version pom version 1.15.11 Highest
The Byte Buddy agent offers convenience for attaching an agent to the local or a remote VM. License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: a207cc7dadc16dad523a33145669b9e2
SHA1: e32740c43acebaac9d55b86399ecf6a5df3c17fb
SHA256: 3399a0fdf7ba3f1386ebf831a706037428f1b1af81d653c25cf8a8fde2e4d2ea
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile
byte-buddy-agent-1.15.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.mockito/mockito-core@5.13.0
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name byte-buddy-agent High Vendor jar package name agent Highest Vendor jar package name bytebuddy Highest Vendor jar package name net Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 1.8 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy-agent Medium Vendor Manifest can-redefine-classes true Low Vendor Manifest can-retransform-classes true Low Vendor Manifest can-set-native-method-prefix true Low Vendor Manifest multi-release true Low Vendor pom artifactid byte-buddy-agent Highest Vendor pom artifactid byte-buddy-agent Low Vendor pom groupid net.bytebuddy Highest Vendor pom name Byte Buddy agent High Vendor pom parent-artifactid byte-buddy-parent Low Product file name byte-buddy-agent High Product jar package name agent Highest Product jar package name bytebuddy Highest Product jar package name net Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 1.8 Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Byte Buddy agent Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy-agent Medium Product Manifest can-redefine-classes true Low Product Manifest can-retransform-classes true Low Product Manifest can-set-native-method-prefix true Low Product Manifest multi-release true Low Product pom artifactid byte-buddy-agent Highest Product pom groupid net.bytebuddy Highest Product pom name Byte Buddy agent High Product pom parent-artifactid byte-buddy-parent Medium Version file version 1.15.0 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.15.0 High Version pom version 1.15.0 Highest
Library for introspecting types with full generic information
including resolving of field and method types.
Apache License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 3b8f14fe92feb865a8205aa63c5ed769
SHA1: 0e98374da1f2143ac8e6e0a95036994bb19137a3
SHA256: cb868f231c5cceb89d795ea00e6e1b7a93b8f4ac1ce1d8be76dde322dff4a046
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:runtime classmate-1.7.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name classmate High Vendor jar package name classmate Highest Vendor jar package name fasterxml Highest Vendor jar package name types Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 1.8 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname com.fasterxml.classmate Medium Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor High Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor-Id com.fasterxml Medium Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Low Vendor pom artifactid classmate Highest Vendor pom artifactid classmate Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id blangel Medium Vendor pom developer id tatu Medium Vendor pom developer name Brian Langel Medium Vendor pom developer name Tatu Saloranta Medium Vendor pom groupid com.fasterxml Highest Vendor pom name ClassMate High Vendor pom organization name High Vendor pom organization url Medium Vendor pom parent-artifactid oss-parent Low Vendor pom url FasterXML/java-classmate Highest Product file name classmate High Product jar package name classmate Highest Product jar package name fasterxml Highest Product jar package name types Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 1.8 Low Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name ClassMate Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname com.fasterxml.classmate Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title ClassMate High Product Manifest specification-title ClassMate Medium Product pom artifactid classmate Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id blangel Low Product pom developer id tatu Low Product pom developer name Brian Langel Low Product pom developer name Tatu Saloranta Low Product pom groupid com.fasterxml Highest Product pom name ClassMate High Product pom organization name Low Product pom organization url Low Product pom parent-artifactid oss-parent Medium Product pom url FasterXML/java-classmate High Version file version 1.7.0 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.7.0 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 1.7.0 High Version pom parent-version 1.7.0 Low Version pom version 1.7.0 Highest
H2 Database Engine License:
MPL 2.0:
EPL 1.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 756154ae197457f2995b89c11bc9b2c3
SHA1: 4fcc05d966ccdb2812ae8b9a718f69226c0cf4e2
SHA256: 8dae62d22db8982c3dcb3826edb9c727c5d302063a67eef7d63d82de401f07d3
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile h2-2.3.232.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-persistence-jpa@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample3@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name h2 High Vendor jar package name database Highest Vendor jar package name engine Highest Vendor jar package name h2 Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name com.h2database Medium Vendor Manifest bundle-category jdbc Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname com.h2database Medium Vendor Manifest implementation-url Low Vendor Manifest multi-release true Low Vendor Manifest provide-capability osgi.service;objectClass:List=org.osgi.service.jdbc.DataSourceFactory Low Vendor pom artifactid h2 Highest Vendor pom artifactid h2 Low Vendor pom developer email thomas.tom.mueller at gmail dot com Low Vendor pom developer id thomas.tom.mueller Medium Vendor pom developer name Thomas Mueller Medium Vendor pom groupid com.h2database Highest Vendor pom name H2 Database Engine High Vendor pom url Highest Product file name h2 High Product jar package name database Highest Product jar package name engine Highest Product jar package name h2 Highest Product jar package name jdbc Highest Product jar package name org Highest Product jar package name service Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name com.h2database Medium Product Manifest bundle-category jdbc Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name H2 Database Engine Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname com.h2database Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title H2 Database Engine High Product Manifest implementation-url Low Product Manifest multi-release true Low Product Manifest provide-capability osgi.service;objectClass:List=org.osgi.service.jdbc.DataSourceFactory Low Product pom artifactid h2 Highest Product pom developer email thomas.tom.mueller at gmail dot com Low Product pom developer id thomas.tom.mueller Low Product pom developer name Thomas Mueller Low Product pom groupid com.h2database Highest Product pom name H2 Database Engine High Product pom url Medium Version file version 2.3.232 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 2.3.232 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 2.3.232 High Version pom version 2.3.232 Highest
CVE-2018-14335 (OSSINDEX) suppress
h2database - Improper Link Resolution Before File Access
The software attempts to access a file based on the filename, but it does not properly prevent that filename from identifying a link or shortcut that resolves to an unintended resource. CWE-59 Improper Link Resolution Before File Access ('Link Following')
Base Score: MEDIUM (6.0) Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:N/A:N References:
Vulnerable Software & Versions (OSSINDEX):
cpe:2.3:a:com.h2database:h2:2.3.232:*:*:*:*:*:*:* h2-2.3.232.jar: table.jsFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ 8973a8c183f3455d8c4fe07a9a963429SHA1: 4b32bb0b435151f899abdc8a98dab8f844b10b94SHA256: 807d50c7d28cc022b174774cfaff3d1c8b39ea04c1e260ddb6265e7fc0660910Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence
h2-2.3.232.jar: tree.jsFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ 8105bba99dd1db86cb1cf23b2556a620SHA1: 1c00b802f6cb1013cb0ed40eec6a98b5ba4cd0e7SHA256: c5602b0b3488bb7d61959228a224a5f806f2749d67f9cdc182327fe069b94238Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence
Common reflection code used in support of annotation processing License:
Apache License Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 6698f99235fe6d36c42caaf2e6b52797
SHA1: e183c4be8bb41d12e9f19b374e00c34a0a85f439
SHA256: 0db2fd57d5e43688ac6ed5cdf36deaf05d84340dcc24c2dd2a2114de38e5175d
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:runtime hibernate-commons-annotations-7.0.3.Final.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name hibernate-commons-annotations High Vendor hint analyzer vendor redhat Highest Vendor jar package name annotations Highest Vendor jar package name common Highest Vendor jar package name hibernate Highest Vendor jar package name reflection Highest Vendor Manifest implementation-url Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor High Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor-Id org.hibernate Medium Vendor pom artifactid hibernate-commons-annotations Highest Vendor pom artifactid hibernate-commons-annotations Low Vendor pom developer id hibernate-team Medium Vendor pom developer name The Hibernate Development Team Medium Vendor pom developer org Medium Vendor pom developer org URL Medium Vendor pom groupid org.hibernate.common Highest Vendor pom name Hibernate Commons Annotations High Vendor pom organization name High Vendor pom organization url Medium Vendor pom url Highest Product file name hibernate-commons-annotations High Product jar package name annotations Highest Product jar package name common Highest Product jar package name hibernate Highest Product jar package name reflection Highest Product Manifest implementation-url Low Product pom artifactid hibernate-commons-annotations Highest Product pom developer id hibernate-team Low Product pom developer name The Hibernate Development Team Low Product pom developer org Low Product pom developer org URL Low Product pom groupid org.hibernate.common Highest Product pom name Hibernate Commons Annotations High Product pom organization name Low Product pom organization url Low Product pom url Medium Version Manifest Implementation-Version 7.0.3.Final High Version pom version 7.0.3.Final Highest
Hibernate's core ORM functionality License:
GNU Library General Public License v2.1 or later: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: f0f622227f863af4011b2abd7a17d77e
SHA1: 37de6cd48fbaecabb1de39eea3bb883c4bea5474
SHA256: effc3e9aa5f11b5647c9fc5b52711b6f99189c856d5f88294a69713cdd200951
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile hibernate-core-6.6.7.Final.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample3@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name hibernate-core High Vendor hint analyzer vendor redhat Highest Vendor jar package name hibernate Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name org.hibernate.orm.core Medium Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.hibernate.orm.core Medium Vendor Manifest implementation-url Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor High Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor-Id org.hibernate Medium Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Low Vendor pom artifactid hibernate-core Highest Vendor pom artifactid hibernate-core Low Vendor pom developer id hibernate-team Medium Vendor pom developer name The Hibernate Development Team Medium Vendor pom developer org Medium Vendor pom developer org URL Medium Vendor pom groupid org.hibernate.orm Highest Vendor pom name Hibernate ORM - hibernate-core High Vendor pom organization name High Vendor pom organization url Medium Vendor pom url Highest Product file name hibernate-core High Product jar package name hibernate Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name org.hibernate.orm.core Medium Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name hibernate-core Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.hibernate.orm.core Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title hibernate-core High Product Manifest implementation-url Low Product Manifest specification-title hibernate-core Medium Product pom artifactid hibernate-core Highest Product pom developer id hibernate-team Low Product pom developer name The Hibernate Development Team Low Product pom developer org Low Product pom developer org URL Low Product pom groupid org.hibernate.orm Highest Product pom name Hibernate ORM - hibernate-core High Product pom organization name Low Product pom organization url Low Product pom url Medium Version Manifest Bundle-Version 6.6.7.Final High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 6.6.7.Final High Version pom version 6.6.7.Final Highest
istack common utility code License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 535154ef647af2a52478c4debec93659
SHA1: 18ec117c85f3ba0ac65409136afa8e42bc74e739
SHA256: 7fd6792361f4dd00f8c56af4a20cecc0066deea4a8f3dec38348af23fc2296ee
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:runtime istack-commons-runtime-4.1.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name istack-commons-runtime High Vendor jar package name istack Highest Vendor jar package name sun Highest Vendor jar (hint) package name oracle Highest Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname com.sun.istack.commons-runtime Medium Vendor Manifest implementation-build-id 4.1.2 - 343a28e Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Eclipse Foundation High Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor-Id com.sun.istack Medium Vendor pom artifactid istack-commons-runtime Highest Vendor pom artifactid istack-commons-runtime Low Vendor pom groupid com.sun.istack Highest Vendor pom name istack common utility code runtime High Vendor pom parent-artifactid istack-commons Low Product file name istack-commons-runtime High Product jar package name istack Highest Product jar package name sun Highest Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name istack common utility code runtime Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname com.sun.istack.commons-runtime Medium Product Manifest implementation-build-id 4.1.2 - 343a28e Low Product pom artifactid istack-commons-runtime Highest Product pom groupid com.sun.istack Highest Product pom name istack common utility code runtime High Product pom parent-artifactid istack-commons Medium Version file version 4.1.2 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 4.1.2 High Version Manifest implementation-build-id 4.1.2 Low Version pom version 4.1.2 Highest
An abstract description of a simple message bus to be used within an application.
File Path: /Volumes/LocalData/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ d1450946bd6955d03f141ef81e25d986SHA1: 61780516989092a66a7ad6d505e3395c5df88f41SHA256: 0fb3e1f1a55f8c0d2928e1554aa8be0dfaa46d90b3e666d189f3c88833ec5904Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
TheseFoolishThings :: Actors:compile TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring:compile it-tidalwave-messagebus-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-actor@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name it-tidalwave-messagebus-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6 High Vendor jar package name it Highest Vendor jar package name messagebus Highest Vendor jar package name tidalwave Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Tidalwave s.a.s. High Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Tidalwave s.a.s. Low Vendor pom artifactid it-tidalwave-messagebus Highest Vendor pom artifactid it-tidalwave-messagebus Low Vendor pom groupid it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings Highest Vendor pom name TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus High Vendor pom parent-artifactid modules Low Product file name it-tidalwave-messagebus-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6 High Product jar package name it Highest Product jar package name messagebus Highest Product jar package name tidalwave Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus High Product Manifest specification-title TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus Medium Product pom artifactid it-tidalwave-messagebus Highest Product pom groupid it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings Highest Product pom name TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus High Product pom parent-artifactid modules Medium Version pom version 5.0-ALPHA-3 Highest
Roles are a powerful way for designing complex behaviours while keeping good practices such as Single Responsibility, Dependency Inversion and
Interface Segregation.
File Path: /Volumes/LocalData/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ f5021f6b77b00de5e7d06e4bf84405e3SHA1: b40ad0b6ed3d8beb6d76e48428e9943c207e9715SHA256: 84e02c08a2ef06dca5ff8863cad02d9ae034611c68fbd82011316138d5740ec8Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile it-tidalwave-role-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample3@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-persistence-jpa@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-marshal-xstream@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-displayable@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name it-tidalwave-role-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6 High Vendor jar package name it Highest Vendor jar package name role Highest Vendor jar package name tidalwave Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Tidalwave s.a.s. High Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Tidalwave s.a.s. Low Vendor pom artifactid it-tidalwave-role Highest Vendor pom artifactid it-tidalwave-role Low Vendor pom groupid it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings Highest Vendor pom name TheseFoolishThings :: Roles High Vendor pom parent-artifactid modules Low Product file name it-tidalwave-role-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6 High Product jar package name it Highest Product jar package name role Highest Product jar package name tidalwave Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title TheseFoolishThings :: Roles High Product Manifest specification-title TheseFoolishThings :: Roles Medium Product pom artifactid it-tidalwave-role Highest Product pom groupid it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings Highest Product pom name TheseFoolishThings :: Roles High Product pom parent-artifactid modules Medium Version pom version 5.0-ALPHA-3 Highest
Specific Spring support for DCI roles.
File Path: /Volumes/LocalData/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ 398851c016401a4ec3e922677ec24c5eSHA1: 10d6e89a4b8ac19fc5dd81f68a26981bc21d55c9SHA256: 48a1064f7a9a1da1fe63bc0f7f57daa19998767869cdff3d3220e763671497a1Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile it-tidalwave-role-spring-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-marshal-xstream@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-persistence-jpa@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-displayable@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name it-tidalwave-role-spring-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6 High Vendor jar package name it Highest Vendor jar package name role Highest Vendor jar package name spring Highest Vendor jar package name tidalwave Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Tidalwave s.a.s. High Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Tidalwave s.a.s. Low Vendor pom artifactid it-tidalwave-role-spring Highest Vendor pom artifactid it-tidalwave-role-spring Low Vendor pom groupid it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings Highest Vendor pom name TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring High Vendor pom parent-artifactid modules Low Product file name it-tidalwave-role-spring-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6 High Product jar package name it Highest Product jar package name role Highest Product jar package name spring Highest Product jar package name tidalwave Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring High Product Manifest specification-title TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring Medium Product pom artifactid it-tidalwave-role-spring Highest Product pom groupid it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings Highest Product pom name TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring High Product pom parent-artifactid modules Medium Version pom version 5.0-ALPHA-3 Highest
This module provides sample data structures used by other examples.
File Path: /Volumes/LocalData/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ 28fdf3eb04a7df4e880859b079e94d6bSHA1: 832caf4fc28fcdc27cc3670800dc877e1709ddc0SHA256: e81e03483cb631cec3209d81e4f20a75278dcf99c93598a0da5f39260f25b943Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: In-memory Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: Extended Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-data-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-marshal-xstream@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample1@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample3@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-displayable@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample2@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-persistence-jpa@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-data-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6 High Vendor jar package name examples Highest Vendor jar package name it Highest Vendor jar package name thesefoolishthings Highest Vendor jar package name tidalwave Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Tidalwave s.a.s. High Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Tidalwave s.a.s. Low Vendor pom artifactid it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-data Highest Vendor pom artifactid it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-data Low Vendor pom groupid it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings Highest Vendor pom name TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Data High Vendor pom parent-artifactid thesefoolishthings-examples Low Product file name it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-data-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6 High Product jar package name examples Highest Product jar package name it Highest Product jar package name thesefoolishthings Highest Product jar package name tidalwave Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Data High Product Manifest specification-title TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Data Medium Product pom artifactid it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-data Highest Product pom groupid it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings Highest Product pom name TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Data High Product pom parent-artifactid thesefoolishthings-examples Medium Version pom version 5.0-ALPHA-3 Highest
A simple example of Finder usage.
File Path: /Volumes/LocalData/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ 94fddbe86819de02c81624c46fab66acSHA1: 6d98571e16b87351e0b42eb64cd5fdfc5dd9cfebSHA256: f43a2b09dd9946215085622ca372c9ea56c3577db4feb8d2ebff8b01234e9881Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: Extended Finder:compileit-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample1-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample2@5.0-ALPHA-3
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample1-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6 High Vendor jar package name examples Highest Vendor jar package name it Highest Vendor jar package name thesefoolishthings Highest Vendor jar package name tidalwave Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Tidalwave s.a.s. High Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Tidalwave s.a.s. Low Vendor pom artifactid it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample1 Highest Vendor pom artifactid it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample1 Low Vendor pom groupid it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings Highest Vendor pom name TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: In-memory Finder High Vendor pom parent-artifactid thesefoolishthings-examples Low Product file name it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample1-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6 High Product jar package name examples Highest Product jar package name it Highest Product jar package name thesefoolishthings Highest Product jar package name tidalwave Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: In-memory Finder High Product Manifest specification-title TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: In-memory Finder Medium Product pom artifactid it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample1 Highest Product pom groupid it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings Highest Product pom name TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: In-memory Finder High Product pom parent-artifactid thesefoolishthings-examples Medium Version pom version 5.0-ALPHA-3 Highest
A collection of common utilities.
File Path: /Volumes/LocalData/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ 8f67017871478289ce98271166f99454SHA1: 57b7108822f1f8e4f7fa64e69e4196aaf1cd079fSHA256: c364e4ae744659cccd06745936cbc7d002ee84d1650c8d2d00e025ad1157cdd6Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Roles:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Actors:compile TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring:compile TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Data:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: In-memory Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: Extended Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:compile it-tidalwave-util-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample2@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-actor@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-displayable@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-data@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util-test@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-marshal-xstream@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample3@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-persistence-jpa@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample1@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name it-tidalwave-util-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6 High Vendor jar package name it Highest Vendor jar package name tidalwave Highest Vendor jar package name util Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Tidalwave s.a.s. High Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Tidalwave s.a.s. Low Vendor pom artifactid it-tidalwave-util Highest Vendor pom artifactid it-tidalwave-util Low Vendor pom groupid it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings Highest Vendor pom name TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities High Vendor pom parent-artifactid modules Low Product file name it-tidalwave-util-5.0-ALPHA-3.9156e6cd72d6 High Product jar package name it Highest Product jar package name tidalwave Highest Product jar package name util Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities High Product Manifest specification-title TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities Medium Product pom artifactid it-tidalwave-util Highest Product pom groupid it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings Highest Product pom name TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities High Product pom parent-artifactid modules Medium Version pom version 5.0-ALPHA-3 Highest
Specification License:
EDL 1.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 76e7b680375ea9f40f3ddbd702efcd25
SHA1: fa165bd70cda600368eee31555222776a46b881f
SHA256: 01b176d718a169263e78290691fc479977186bcc6b333487325084d6586f4627
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:runtime jakarta.activation-api-2.1.3.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name jakarta.activation-api High Vendor jar package name activation Highest Vendor jar package name jakarta Highest Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname jakarta.activation-api Medium Vendor Manifest extension-name jakarta.activation Medium Vendor Manifest implementation-build-id 7f7d358 Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Eclipse Foundation High Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Eclipse Foundation Low Vendor pom artifactid jakarta.activation-api Highest Vendor pom artifactid jakarta.activation-api Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id shannon Medium Vendor pom developer name Bill Shannon Medium Vendor pom developer org Oracle Medium Vendor pom groupid jakarta.activation Highest Vendor pom name Jakarta Activation API High Vendor pom parent-artifactid project Low Vendor pom parent-groupid org.eclipse.ee4j Medium Vendor pom url jakartaee/jaf-api Highest Vendor pom (hint) developer org sun Medium Product file name jakarta.activation-api High Product jar package name activation Highest Product jar package name jakarta Highest Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Jakarta Activation API Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname jakarta.activation-api Medium Product Manifest extension-name jakarta.activation Medium Product Manifest implementation-build-id 7f7d358 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title Jakarta Activation API High Product Manifest specification-title Jakarta Activation Specification Medium Product pom artifactid jakarta.activation-api Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id shannon Low Product pom developer name Bill Shannon Low Product pom developer org Oracle Low Product pom groupid jakarta.activation Highest Product pom name Jakarta Activation API High Product pom parent-artifactid project Medium Product pom parent-groupid org.eclipse.ee4j Medium Product pom url jakartaee/jaf-api High Version file version 2.1.3 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 2.1.3 High Version pom parent-version 2.1.3 Low Version pom version 2.1.3 Highest
Jakarta Annotations API License:
EPL 2.0:
GPL2 w/ CPE: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 7faffaab962918da4cf5ddfd76609dd2
SHA1: 54f928fadec906a99d558536756d171917b9d936
SHA256: b01f55552284cfb149411e64eabca75e942d26d2e1786b32914250e4330afaa2
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Roles:provided TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:provided TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: Extended Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples (master):provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Data:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings (modules):provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: In-memory Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Actors:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:provided jakarta.annotation-api-3.0.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/modules@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-actor@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-marshal-xstream@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/thesefoolishthings-examples@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-data@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-displayable@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util-test@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample2@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample3@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample1@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-persistence-jpa@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name jakarta.annotation-api High Vendor jar package name annotation Highest Vendor jar package name jakarta Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 18 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname jakarta.annotation-api Medium Vendor Manifest extension-name jakarta.annotation Medium Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Eclipse Foundation High Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor-Id org.glassfish Medium Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Eclipse Foundation Low Vendor pom artifactid jakarta.annotation-api Highest Vendor pom artifactid jakarta.annotation-api Low Vendor pom developer name Dmitry Kornilov Medium Vendor pom developer name Linda De Michiel Medium Vendor pom developer org Oracle Corp. Medium Vendor pom groupid jakarta.annotation Highest Vendor pom name Jakarta Annotations API High Vendor pom parent-artifactid project Low Vendor pom parent-groupid org.eclipse.ee4j Medium Vendor pom url Highest Product file name jakarta.annotation-api High Product jar package name annotation Highest Product jar package name jakarta Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 18 Low Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Jakarta Annotations API Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname jakarta.annotation-api Medium Product Manifest extension-name jakarta.annotation Medium Product pom artifactid jakarta.annotation-api Highest Product pom developer name Dmitry Kornilov Low Product pom developer name Linda De Michiel Low Product pom developer org Oracle Corp. Low Product pom groupid jakarta.annotation Highest Product pom name Jakarta Annotations API High Product pom parent-artifactid project Medium Product pom parent-groupid org.eclipse.ee4j Medium Product pom url Medium Version file version 3.0.0 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 3.0.0 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 3.0.0 High Version pom parent-version 3.0.0 Low Version pom version 3.0.0 Highest
Jakarta Dependency Injection License:
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 72003bf6efcc8455d414bbd7da86c11c
SHA1: 4c28afe1991a941d7702fe1362c365f0a8641d1e
SHA256: f7dc98062fccf14126abb751b64fab12c312566e8cbdc8483598bffcea93af7c
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile jakarta.inject-api-2.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-persistence-jpa@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-marshal-xstream@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name jakarta.inject-api High Vendor jar package name inject Highest Vendor jar package name jakarta Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 11 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname jakarta.inject.jakarta.inject-api Medium Vendor pom artifactid jakarta.inject-api Highest Vendor pom artifactid jakarta.inject-api Low Vendor pom developer email asd[at]redhat[dot]com Low Vendor pom developer email manovotn[at]redhat[dot]com Low Vendor pom developer email mkouba[at]redhat[dot]com Low Vendor pom developer email tremes[at]redhat[dot]com Low Vendor pom developer id asabotdu Medium Vendor pom developer id manovotn Medium Vendor pom developer id mkouba Medium Vendor pom developer id tremes Medium Vendor pom developer name Antoine Sabot-Durand Medium Vendor pom developer name Martin Kouba Medium Vendor pom developer name Matej Novotny Medium Vendor pom developer name Tomas Remes Medium Vendor pom developer org Red Hat Inc. Medium Vendor pom groupid jakarta.inject Highest Vendor pom name Jakarta Dependency Injection High Vendor pom parent-artifactid project Low Vendor pom parent-groupid org.eclipse.ee4j Medium Vendor pom url eclipse-ee4j/injection-api Highest Product file name jakarta.inject-api High Product jar package name inject Highest Product jar package name jakarta Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 11 Low Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Jakarta Dependency Injection Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname jakarta.inject.jakarta.inject-api Medium Product pom artifactid jakarta.inject-api Highest Product pom developer email asd[at]redhat[dot]com Low Product pom developer email manovotn[at]redhat[dot]com Low Product pom developer email mkouba[at]redhat[dot]com Low Product pom developer email tremes[at]redhat[dot]com Low Product pom developer id asabotdu Low Product pom developer id manovotn Low Product pom developer id mkouba Low Product pom developer id tremes Low Product pom developer name Antoine Sabot-Durand Low Product pom developer name Martin Kouba Low Product pom developer name Matej Novotny Low Product pom developer name Tomas Remes Low Product pom developer org Red Hat Inc. Low Product pom groupid jakarta.inject Highest Product pom name Jakarta Dependency Injection High Product pom parent-artifactid project Medium Product pom parent-groupid org.eclipse.ee4j Medium Product pom url eclipse-ee4j/injection-api High Version file version 2.0.1 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 2.0.1 High Version pom parent-version 2.0.1 Low Version pom version 2.0.1 Highest
Jakarta Persistence 3.1 API jar License:
Eclipse Public License v. 2.0:
Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 35a1b7dfb38cf44ff795be607b0e6b5b
SHA1: 66901fa1c373c6aff65c13791cc11da72060a8d6
SHA256: 475389446d35c6f46c565728b756dc508c284644ea2690644e0d8e7e339d42fd
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile jakarta.persistence-api-3.1.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name jakarta.persistence-api High Vendor jar package name jakarta Highest Vendor jar package name persistence Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 11 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname jakarta.persistence-api Medium Vendor Manifest extension-name jakarta.persistence Medium Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Eclipse Foundation Low Vendor pom artifactid jakarta.persistence-api Highest Vendor pom artifactid jakarta.persistence-api Low Vendor pom developer id lukasj Medium Vendor pom developer name Lukas Jungmann Medium Vendor pom developer org Oracle, Inc. Medium Vendor pom groupid jakarta.persistence Highest Vendor pom name Jakarta Persistence API High Vendor pom parent-artifactid project Low Vendor pom parent-groupid org.eclipse.ee4j Medium Vendor pom url eclipse-ee4j/jpa-api Highest Product file name jakarta.persistence-api High Product jar package name jakarta Highest Product jar package name persistence Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 11 Low Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Jakarta Persistence API jar Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname jakarta.persistence-api Medium Product Manifest extension-name jakarta.persistence Medium Product pom artifactid jakarta.persistence-api Highest Product pom developer id lukasj Low Product pom developer name Lukas Jungmann Low Product pom developer org Oracle, Inc. Low Product pom groupid jakarta.persistence Highest Product pom name Jakarta Persistence API High Product pom parent-artifactid project Medium Product pom parent-groupid org.eclipse.ee4j Medium Product pom url eclipse-ee4j/jpa-api High Version file version 3.1.0 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 3.1.0 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 3.1.0 High Version pom parent-version 3.1.0 Low Version pom version 3.1.0 Highest
Jakarta Transactions License:
EPL 2.0:
GPL2 w/ CPE: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 5315974a3935e342b40849478e1c9966
SHA1: 51a520e3fae406abb84e2e1148e6746ce3f80a1a
SHA256: 50c0a7c760c13ae6c042acf182b28f0047413db95b4636fb8879bcffab5ba875
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile jakarta.transaction-api-2.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name jakarta.transaction-api High Vendor jar package name jakarta Highest Vendor jar package name transaction Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name jakarta.transaction Medium Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 11 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname jakarta.transaction-api Medium Vendor Manifest extension-name jakarta.transaction Medium Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor EE4J Community High Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor-Id org.glassfish Medium Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Oracle Corporation Low Vendor pom artifactid jakarta.transaction-api Highest Vendor pom artifactid jakarta.transaction-api Low Vendor pom developer id stephen_felts Medium Vendor pom developer name Stephen Felts Medium Vendor pom developer org Oracle, Inc. Medium Vendor pom groupid jakarta.transaction Highest Vendor pom name API High Vendor pom name ${} API High Vendor pom organization name EE4J Community High Vendor pom organization url eclipse-ee4j Medium Vendor pom parent-artifactid project Low Vendor pom parent-groupid org.eclipse.ee4j Medium Vendor pom url Highest Product file name jakarta.transaction-api High Product jar package name jakarta Highest Product jar package name transaction Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name jakarta.transaction Medium Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 11 Low Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name jakarta.transaction API Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname jakarta.transaction-api Medium Product Manifest extension-name jakarta.transaction Medium Product pom artifactid jakarta.transaction-api Highest Product pom developer id stephen_felts Low Product pom developer name Stephen Felts Low Product pom developer org Oracle, Inc. Low Product pom groupid jakarta.transaction Highest Product pom name API High Product pom name ${} API High Product pom organization name EE4J Community Low Product pom parent-artifactid project Medium Product pom parent-groupid org.eclipse.ee4j Medium Product pom url eclipse-ee4j High Product pom url Medium Version file version 2.0.1 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 2.0.1 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 2.0.1 High Version pom parent-version 2.0.1 Low Version pom version 2.0.1 Highest
Jakarta XML Binding API 4.0 Design Specification License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 0c8f9991081def819435c3ff36e4d93f
SHA1: 6cd5a999b834b63238005b7144136379dc36cad2
SHA256: 0d6bcfe47763e85047acf7c398336dc84ff85ebcad0a7cb6f3b9d3e981245406
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:runtime jakarta.xml.bind-api-4.0.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name jakarta.xml.bind-api High Vendor jar package name bind Highest Vendor jar package name jakarta Highest Vendor jar package name xml Highest Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname jakarta.xml.bind-api Medium Vendor Manifest extension-name jakarta.xml.bind Medium Vendor Manifest implementation-build-id ca43d8b Low Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Eclipse Foundation Low Vendor pom artifactid jakarta.xml.bind-api Highest Vendor pom artifactid jakarta.xml.bind-api Low Vendor pom groupid jakarta.xml.bind Highest Vendor pom name Jakarta XML Binding API High Vendor pom parent-artifactid jakarta.xml.bind-api-parent Low Product file name jakarta.xml.bind-api High Product jar package name bind Highest Product jar package name jakarta Highest Product jar package name xml Highest Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Jakarta XML Binding API Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname jakarta.xml.bind-api Medium Product Manifest extension-name jakarta.xml.bind Medium Product Manifest implementation-build-id ca43d8b Low Product pom artifactid jakarta.xml.bind-api Highest Product pom groupid jakarta.xml.bind Highest Product pom name Jakarta XML Binding API High Product pom parent-artifactid jakarta.xml.bind-api-parent Medium Version file version 4.0.2 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 4.0.2 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 4.0.2 High Version pom version 4.0.2 Highest
SmallRye Build Parent POM License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 703254a1bd4c37efeebdc0a283c65565
SHA1: f17ad860f62a08487b9edabde608f8ac55c62fa7
SHA256: 6da3e9ce8d0c0a433f3e7ce610a3c66accb00c71fee67aa0ff3e5a841395ac15
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:runtime jandex-3.2.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name jandex High Vendor jar package name jandex Highest Vendor jar package name jboss Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name org.jboss.jandex Medium Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 17 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname io.smallrye.jandex Medium Vendor Manifest multi-release true Low Vendor pom artifactid jandex Highest Vendor pom artifactid jandex Low Vendor pom groupid io.smallrye Highest Vendor pom name Jandex: Core High Vendor pom parent-artifactid jandex-parent Low Product file name jandex High Product jar package name jandex Highest Product jar package name jboss Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name org.jboss.jandex Medium Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 17 Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Jandex: Core Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname io.smallrye.jandex Medium Product Manifest multi-release true Low Product pom artifactid jandex Highest Product pom groupid io.smallrye Highest Product pom name Jandex: Core High Product pom parent-artifactid jandex-parent Medium Version file version 3.2.0 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 3.2.0 High Version pom version 3.2.0 Highest
The DiffUtils library for computing diffs, applying patches, generationg side-by-side view in Java. License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 7307001832630cebc9ea88620d4af2d8
SHA1: a8b782ac93bf6c714526ac880adef7c52a87dad7
SHA256: 964c69e3a23a892db2778ae6806aa1d42f81230032bd8e4982dc8620582ee6b7
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile
java-diff-utils-4.15.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util-test@5.0-ALPHA-3
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name java-diff-utils High Vendor jar package name github Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name io.github.javadiffutils Medium Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname Medium Vendor pom artifactid java-diff-utils Highest Vendor pom artifactid java-diff-utils Low Vendor pom groupid Highest Vendor pom name java-diff-utils High Vendor pom parent-artifactid java-diff-utils-parent Low Product file name java-diff-utils High Product jar package name diffutils Highest Product jar package name github Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name io.github.javadiffutils Medium Product Manifest Bundle-Name java-diff-utils Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname Medium Product pom artifactid java-diff-utils Highest Product pom groupid Highest Product pom name java-diff-utils High Product pom parent-artifactid java-diff-utils-parent Medium Version file version 4.15 High Version pom version 4.15 Highest
Common Annotations for the JavaTM Platform API License:
CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 2ab1973eefffaa2aeec47d50b9e40b9d
SHA1: 934c04d3cfef185a8008e7bf34331b79730a9d43
SHA256: e04ba5195bcd555dc95650f7cc614d151e4bcd52d29a10b8aa2197f3ab89ab9b
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Roles:provided TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:provided TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: Extended Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples (master):provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Data:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings (modules):provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: In-memory Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Actors:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:provided javax.annotation-api-1.3.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-persistence-jpa@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-actor@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-marshal-xstream@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/modules@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util-test@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/thesefoolishthings-examples@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample3@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample1@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-data@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample2@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-displayable@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name javax.annotation-api High Vendor jar package name annotation Highest Vendor jar package name javax Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name java.annotation Medium Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname javax.annotation-api Medium Vendor Manifest extension-name javax.annotation Medium Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor GlassFish Community High Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor-Id org.glassfish Medium Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Oracle Corporation Low Vendor pom artifactid javax.annotation-api Highest Vendor pom artifactid javax.annotation-api Low Vendor pom developer id ldemichiel Medium Vendor pom developer name Linda De Michiel Medium Vendor pom developer org Oracle Corp. Medium Vendor pom groupid javax.annotation Highest Vendor pom name API High Vendor pom name ${} API High Vendor pom organization name GlassFish Community High Vendor pom organization url Medium Vendor pom parent-artifactid jvnet-parent Low Vendor pom parent-groupid Medium Vendor pom url Highest Product file name javax.annotation-api High Product jar package name annotation Highest Product jar package name javax Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name java.annotation Medium Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name javax.annotation API Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname javax.annotation-api Medium Product Manifest extension-name javax.annotation Medium Product pom artifactid javax.annotation-api Highest Product pom developer id ldemichiel Low Product pom developer name Linda De Michiel Low Product pom developer org Oracle Corp. Low Product pom groupid javax.annotation Highest Product pom name API High Product pom name ${} API High Product pom organization name GlassFish Community Low Product pom organization url Low Product pom parent-artifactid jvnet-parent Medium Product pom parent-groupid Medium Product pom url Medium Version file version 1.3.2 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.3.2 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 1.3.2 High Version pom parent-version 1.3.2 Low Version pom version 1.3.2 Highest
The javax.inject API License:
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 289075e48b909e9e74e6c915b3631d2e
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SHA256: 91c77044a50c481636c32d916fd89c9118a72195390452c81065080f957de7ff
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Actors:provided javax.inject-1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-actor@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name javax.inject-1 High Vendor jar package name inject Highest Vendor jar package name inject Low Vendor jar package name javax Highest Vendor jar package name javax Low Vendor pom artifactid javax.inject Highest Vendor pom artifactid javax.inject Low Vendor pom groupid javax.inject Highest Vendor pom name javax.inject High Vendor pom url Highest Product file name javax.inject-1 High Product jar package name inject Highest Product jar package name inject Low Product jar package name javax Highest Product pom artifactid javax.inject Highest Product pom groupid javax.inject Highest Product pom name javax.inject High Product pom url Medium Version file version 1 Medium Version pom version 1 Highest
JAXB Core module. Contains sources required by XJC, JXC and Runtime modules. License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: ab09aef6bebd4438b0a02707881801e4
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SHA256: ad3fd9bf00de3eda9859f70b6cfb011e2fe9904804e16a2665092888ece0fdca
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:runtime jaxb-core-4.0.5.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name jaxb-core High Vendor jar package name core Highest Vendor jar package name glassfish Highest Vendor jar package name jaxb Highest Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.glassfish.jaxb.core Medium Vendor Manifest git-revision cb19596 Low Vendor Manifest implementation-build-id 4.0.5 - cb19596 Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Eclipse Foundation High Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor-Id org.glassfish.jaxb Medium Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Eclipse Foundation Low Vendor pom artifactid jaxb-core Highest Vendor pom artifactid jaxb-core Low Vendor pom groupid org.glassfish.jaxb Highest Vendor pom name JAXB Core High Vendor pom parent-artifactid jaxb-parent Low Vendor pom parent-groupid com.sun.xml.bind.mvn Medium Vendor pom url Highest Product file name jaxb-core High Product jar package name core Highest Product jar package name glassfish Highest Product jar package name jaxb Highest Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name JAXB Core Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.glassfish.jaxb.core Medium Product Manifest git-revision cb19596 Low Product Manifest implementation-build-id 4.0.5 - cb19596 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title Eclipse Implementation of JAXB High Product Manifest specification-title Jakarta XML Binding Medium Product pom artifactid jaxb-core Highest Product pom groupid org.glassfish.jaxb Highest Product pom name JAXB Core High Product pom parent-artifactid jaxb-parent Medium Product pom parent-groupid com.sun.xml.bind.mvn Medium Product pom url Medium Version file version 4.0.5 High Version Manifest build-version 4.0.5 Medium Version Manifest Bundle-Version 4.0.5 High Version Manifest implementation-build-id 4.0.5 Low Version pom version 4.0.5 Highest
JAXB (JSR 222) Reference Implementation License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: c7384f1f95b8a8e15291485ff9dbe4f3
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Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:runtime jaxb-runtime-4.0.5.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name jaxb-runtime High Vendor jar package name glassfish Highest Vendor jar package name jaxb Highest Vendor jar package name runtime Highest Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime Medium Vendor Manifest git-revision cb19596 Low Vendor Manifest implementation-build-id 4.0.5 - cb19596 Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Eclipse Foundation High Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor-Id org.glassfish.jaxb Medium Vendor Manifest provide-capability osgi.serviceloader;osgi.serviceloader="jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContextFactory" Low Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Eclipse Foundation Low Vendor pom artifactid jaxb-runtime Highest Vendor pom artifactid jaxb-runtime Low Vendor pom groupid org.glassfish.jaxb Highest Vendor pom name JAXB Runtime High Vendor pom parent-artifactid jaxb-runtime-parent Low Vendor pom parent-groupid com.sun.xml.bind.mvn Medium Vendor pom url Highest Product file name jaxb-runtime High Product jar package name glassfish Highest Product jar package name jaxb Highest Product jar package name runtime Highest Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name JAXB Runtime Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime Medium Product Manifest git-revision cb19596 Low Product Manifest implementation-build-id 4.0.5 - cb19596 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title Eclipse Implementation of JAXB High Product Manifest provide-capability osgi.serviceloader;osgi.serviceloader="jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContextFactory" Low Product Manifest specification-title Jakarta XML Binding Medium Product pom artifactid jaxb-runtime Highest Product pom groupid org.glassfish.jaxb Highest Product pom name JAXB Runtime High Product pom parent-artifactid jaxb-runtime-parent Medium Product pom parent-groupid com.sun.xml.bind.mvn Medium Product pom url Medium Version file version 4.0.5 High Version Manifest build-version 4.0.5 Medium Version Manifest Bundle-Version 4.0.5 High Version Manifest implementation-build-id 4.0.5 Low Version pom version 4.0.5 Highest
The JBoss Logging Framework License:
Apache License 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: acab989faf62db02c092448e95614fab
SHA1: 886afbb445b4016a37c8960a7aef6ebd769ce7e5
SHA256: 5e08a4b092dc85b337f0910a740571d8720cfa565fabd880a8caf94a657ca416
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:runtime jboss-logging-3.6.1.Final.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name jboss-logging High Vendor hint analyzer vendor redhat Highest Vendor jar package name jboss Highest Vendor jar package name logging Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name org.jboss.logging Medium Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.jboss.logging.jboss-logging Medium Vendor Manifest implementation-url Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor JBoss by Red Hat High Vendor Manifest originally-created-by Apache Maven Bundle Plugin Low Vendor Manifest os-arch amd64 Low Vendor Manifest os-name Linux Medium Vendor Manifest specification-vendor JBoss by Red Hat Low Vendor pom artifactid jboss-logging Highest Vendor pom artifactid jboss-logging Low Vendor pom groupid org.jboss.logging Highest Vendor pom name JBoss Logging 3 High Vendor pom parent-artifactid logging-parent Low Vendor pom url Highest Product file name jboss-logging High Product jar package name jboss Highest Product jar package name logging Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name org.jboss.logging Medium Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name JBoss Logging 3 Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.jboss.logging.jboss-logging Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title JBoss Logging 3 High Product Manifest implementation-url Low Product Manifest originally-created-by Apache Maven Bundle Plugin Low Product Manifest os-arch amd64 Low Product Manifest os-name Linux Medium Product Manifest specification-title JBoss Logging 3 Medium Product pom artifactid jboss-logging Highest Product pom groupid org.jboss.logging Highest Product pom name JBoss Logging 3 High Product pom parent-artifactid logging-parent Medium Product pom url Medium Version Manifest Bundle-Version 3.6.1.Final High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 3.6.1.Final High Version pom parent-version 3.6.1.Final Low Version pom version 3.6.1.Final Highest
JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J License:
Apache License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: c077b88c43f9d63f64f9880fdb457efb
SHA1: 9d08badad22f1ac07deac9188ade596472a2bfd9
SHA256: 5744d62c5af556e839ab922c9fa3f737f0a5971e478ba68b2eb5256b2842ec78
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile jcl-over-slf4j-2.0.16.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-marshal-xstream@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-displayable@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-persistence-jpa@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name jcl-over-slf4j High Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname jcl.over.slf4j Medium Vendor Manifest multi-release true Low Vendor Manifest originally-created-by Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 5.1.9 Low Vendor pom artifactid jcl-over-slf4j Highest Vendor pom artifactid jcl-over-slf4j Low Vendor pom groupid org.slf4j Highest Vendor pom name JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J High Vendor pom parent-artifactid slf4j-parent Low Vendor pom url Highest Product file name jcl-over-slf4j High Product jar package name 9 Highest Product jar package name apache Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname jcl.over.slf4j Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title jcl-over-slf4j High Product Manifest multi-release true Low Product Manifest originally-created-by Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 5.1.9 Low Product pom artifactid jcl-over-slf4j Highest Product pom groupid org.slf4j Highest Product pom name JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J High Product pom parent-artifactid slf4j-parent Medium Product pom url Medium Version file version 2.0.16 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 2.0.16 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 2.0.16 High Version pom version 2.0.16 Highest
Command line parsing library for Java License:
Apache License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: c350dc0db8aa038e6bbaf0050720d69c
SHA1: 0a7c5fef184d238065de38f81bbc6ee50cca2e21
SHA256: deeac157c8de6822878d85d0c7bc8467a19cc8484d37788f7804f039dde280b1
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile
jcommander-1.82.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.testng/testng@7.10.2
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WebJar for jQuery License:
MIT License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: bc444e0ba9afc1f621d54e6b687a5f9a
SHA1: 42088e652462c40a369b64d87e18e825644acfab
SHA256: 262016dd3a559df87aefbe392804e9bf620787c9204c0ab8522d4c231ea65097
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:runtime
jquery-3.7.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.testng/testng@7.10.2
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name jquery High Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 19 Low Vendor pom artifactid jquery Highest Vendor pom artifactid jquery Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id jamesward Medium Vendor pom developer name James Ward Medium Vendor pom groupid org.webjars Highest Vendor pom name jquery High Vendor pom url Highest Product file name jquery High Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 19 Low Product pom artifactid jquery Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id jamesward Low Product pom developer name James Ward Low Product pom groupid org.webjars Highest Product pom name jquery High Product pom url Medium Version file version 3.7.1 High Version pom version 3.7.1 Highest
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Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence
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Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence
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Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence
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Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence
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Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence
JSR305 Annotations for Findbugs License:
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: dd83accb899363c32b07d7a1b2e4ce40
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SHA256: 766ad2a0783f2687962c8ad74ceecc38a28b9f72a2d085ee438b7813e928d0c7
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JUL to SLF4J bridge License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 410ad2f2230e0150216d86e12a4af995
SHA1: 6d57da3e961daac65bcca0dd3def6cd11e48a24a
SHA256: 0f2ec396ea29c9a440890d1f09fdb82fdd574b47b298435764235451c193861d
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile
jul-to-slf4j-2.0.16.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter@3.4.1
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name jul-to-slf4j High Vendor jar package name bridge Highest Vendor jar package name slf4j Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname Medium Vendor Manifest multi-release true Low Vendor pom artifactid jul-to-slf4j Highest Vendor pom artifactid jul-to-slf4j Low Vendor pom groupid org.slf4j Highest Vendor pom name JUL to SLF4J bridge High Vendor pom parent-artifactid slf4j-parent Low Vendor pom url Highest Product file name jul-to-slf4j High Product jar package name bridge Highest Product jar package name slf4j Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name JUL to SLF4J bridge Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title jul-to-slf4j High Product Manifest multi-release true Low Product pom artifactid jul-to-slf4j Highest Product pom groupid org.slf4j Highest Product pom name JUL to SLF4J bridge High Product pom parent-artifactid slf4j-parent Medium Product pom url Medium Version file version 2.0.16 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 2.0.16 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 2.0.16 High Version pom version 2.0.16 Highest
The logging API of the Log4j project.
Library and application code can log through this API.
It contains a simple built-in implementation (`SimpleLogger`) for trivial use cases.
Production applications are recommended to use Log4j API in combination with a fully-fledged implementation, such as Log4j Core. License:
Apache-2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: d89516699543c5c21be87ee1760695f3
SHA1: b02c125db8b6d295adf72ae6e71af5d83bce2370
SHA256: 5b4a0a0cd0e751ded431c162442bdbdd53328d1f8bb2bae5fc1bbeee0f66d80f
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile
log4j-api-2.24.3.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter@3.4.1
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name log4j-api High Vendor jar package name apache Highest Vendor jar package name log4j Highest Vendor jar package name logging Highest Vendor jar package name org Highest Vendor jar package name simple Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 17 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-activationpolicy lazy Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.apache.logging.log4j.api Medium Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor The Apache Software Foundation High Vendor Manifest multi-release true Low Vendor Manifest provide-capability osgi.service;objectClass:List="org.apache.logging.log4j.util.PropertySource";effective:=active,osgi.serviceloader;osgi.serviceloader="org.apache.logging.log4j.util.PropertySource";register:="org.apache.logging.log4j.util.EnvironmentPropertySource",osgi.serviceloader;osgi.serviceloader="org.apache.logging.log4j.util.PropertySource";register:="org.apache.logging.log4j.util.SystemPropertiesPropertySource" Low Vendor Manifest specification-vendor The Apache Software Foundation Low Vendor pom artifactid log4j-api Highest Vendor pom artifactid log4j-api Low Vendor pom groupid org.apache.logging.log4j Highest Vendor pom name Apache Log4j API High Vendor pom parent-artifactid log4j Low Product file name log4j-api High Product jar package name apache Highest Product jar package name log4j Highest Product jar package name logging Highest Product jar package name org Highest Product jar package name simple Highest Product jar package name util Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 17 Low Product Manifest bundle-activationpolicy lazy Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Apache Log4j API Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.apache.logging.log4j.api Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title Apache Log4j API High Product Manifest multi-release true Low Product Manifest provide-capability osgi.service;objectClass:List="org.apache.logging.log4j.util.PropertySource";effective:=active,osgi.serviceloader;osgi.serviceloader="org.apache.logging.log4j.util.PropertySource";register:="org.apache.logging.log4j.util.EnvironmentPropertySource",osgi.serviceloader;osgi.serviceloader="org.apache.logging.log4j.util.PropertySource";register:="org.apache.logging.log4j.util.SystemPropertiesPropertySource" Low Product Manifest specification-title Apache Log4j API Medium Product pom artifactid log4j-api Highest Product pom groupid org.apache.logging.log4j Highest Product pom name Apache Log4j API High Product pom parent-artifactid log4j Medium Version file version 2.24.3 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 2.24.3 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 2.24.3 High Version pom version 2.24.3 Highest
Forwards the Log4j API calls to SLF4J.
(Refer to the `log4j-slf4j[2]-impl` artifacts for forwarding SLF4J to the Log4j API.) License:
Apache-2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 1f4b63f9c41f2f5179aa10b35d76e805
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SHA256: c7f2b0c612a4eb05b1587d1c880eb4cf5f4f53850676a8ede8da2b8fabb4f73f
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile
log4j-to-slf4j-2.24.3.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter@3.4.1
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name log4j-to-slf4j High Vendor jar package name apache Highest Vendor jar package name logging Highest Vendor jar package name slf4j Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 17 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-activationpolicy lazy Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname Medium Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor The Apache Software Foundation High Vendor Manifest multi-release false Low Vendor Manifest provide-capability osgi.service;objectClass:List="org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.Provider";effective:=active,osgi.serviceloader;osgi.serviceloader="org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.Provider";register:="org.apache.logging.slf4j.SLF4JProvider" Low Vendor Manifest specification-vendor The Apache Software Foundation Low Vendor pom artifactid log4j-to-slf4j Highest Vendor pom artifactid log4j-to-slf4j Low Vendor pom groupid org.apache.logging.log4j Highest Vendor pom name Log4j API to SLF4J Adapter High Vendor pom parent-artifactid log4j Low Product file name log4j-to-slf4j High Product jar package name apache Highest Product jar package name logging Highest Product jar package name slf4j Highest Product jar package name slf4jprovider Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 17 Low Product Manifest bundle-activationpolicy lazy Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Log4j API to SLF4J Adapter Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title Log4j API to SLF4J Adapter High Product Manifest multi-release false Low Product Manifest provide-capability osgi.service;objectClass:List="org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.Provider";effective:=active,osgi.serviceloader;osgi.serviceloader="org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.Provider";register:="org.apache.logging.slf4j.SLF4JProvider" Low Product Manifest specification-title Log4j API to SLF4J Adapter Medium Product pom artifactid log4j-to-slf4j Highest Product pom groupid org.apache.logging.log4j Highest Product pom name Log4j API to SLF4J Adapter High Product pom parent-artifactid log4j Medium Version file version 2.24.3 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 2.24.3 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 2.24.3 High Version pom version 2.24.3 Highest
logback-core module License:, File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: e850016bab60c8adb79242bcc4bb50e4
SHA1: 4f17700f046900aea2fadf115e2d67fec921f7fd
SHA256: f15e206b98ca25294506d2dadfe5ce2a6da9df9cf7c85d8e7191f99a422df3c9
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Data:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples (master):runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: In-memory Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: Extended Finder:runtime logback-core-1.5.16.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample3@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample1@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-marshal-xstream@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/thesefoolishthings-examples@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample2@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-persistence-jpa@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-data@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-displayable@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name logback-core High Vendor jar package name ch Highest Vendor jar package name core Highest Vendor jar package name logback Highest Vendor jar package name qos Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname ch.qos.logback.core Medium Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor High Vendor Manifest multi-release true Low Vendor Manifest originally-created-by Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 5.1.9 Low Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Low Vendor pom artifactid logback-core Highest Vendor pom artifactid logback-core Low Vendor pom groupid ch.qos.logback Highest Vendor pom name Logback Core Module High Vendor pom parent-artifactid logback-parent Low Product file name logback-core High Product jar package name 21 Highest Product jar package name ch Highest Product jar package name core Highest Product jar package name logback Highest Product jar package name qos Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Logback Core Module Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname ch.qos.logback.core Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title Logback Core Module High Product Manifest multi-release true Low Product Manifest originally-created-by Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 5.1.9 Low Product Manifest specification-title Logback Core Module Medium Product pom artifactid logback-core Highest Product pom groupid ch.qos.logback Highest Product pom name Logback Core Module High Product pom parent-artifactid logback-parent Medium Version file version 1.5.16 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.5.16 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 1.5.16 High Version pom version 1.5.16 Highest
Related Dependencies logback-classic-1.5.16.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: c373c81ef7ae3884b18b5beacb7f2f49 SHA1: 113979db51dfad6dc895b34460d7b7ff64ffe7d2 SHA256: f985a33a68d900badec5b0c3c613ab9db66415d2cf378987357ded9da5370e32 pkg:maven/ch.qos.logback/logback-classic@1.5.16 lombok-1.18.36.jarDescription:
Spice up your java: Automatic Resource Management, automatic generation of getters, setters, equals, hashCode and toString, and more! License:
The MIT License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 92c08153ae16c161c8cc2cc8185d2724
SHA1: 5a30490a6e14977d97d9c73c924c1f1b5311ea95
SHA256: 73b6b05b6a2d365b700bab08d30f94de9d336490bc0acce5b6181fef48cbf18e
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Roles:provided TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:provided TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: Extended Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples (master):provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Data:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings (modules):provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: In-memory Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Actors:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:provided lombok-1.18.36.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample3@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-persistence-jpa@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/thesefoolishthings-examples@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample2@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-marshal-xstream@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample1@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-displayable@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/modules@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-data@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-actor@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util-test@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name lombok High Vendor jar package name java Highest Vendor jar package name lombok Highest Vendor jar package name tostring Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name lombok Medium Vendor Manifest can-redefine-classes true Low Vendor pom artifactid lombok Highest Vendor pom artifactid lombok Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id rspilker Medium Vendor pom developer id rzwitserloot Medium Vendor pom developer name Reinier Zwitserloot Medium Vendor pom developer name Roel Spilker Medium Vendor pom groupid org.projectlombok Highest Vendor pom name Project Lombok High Vendor pom url Highest Product file name lombok High Product jar package name java Highest Product jar package name lombok Highest Product jar package name tostring Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name lombok Medium Product Manifest can-redefine-classes true Low Product pom artifactid lombok Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id rspilker Low Product pom developer id rzwitserloot Low Product pom developer name Reinier Zwitserloot Low Product pom developer name Roel Spilker Low Product pom groupid org.projectlombok Highest Product pom name Project Lombok High Product pom url Medium Version file version 1.18.36 High Version Manifest lombok-version 1.18.36 Medium Version pom version 1.18.36 Highest
lombok-1.18.36.jar: mavenEcjBootstrapAgent.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ 27467519bf9615b24cad3b003c4353a9SHA1: 37d92e0a726a67883ab94bee27c6f292e6318dcdSHA256: 9566d0706d6245cac3cdd9db6d1d81551aa3e727febcf64452c6db9701c40037Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
TheseFoolishThings :: Roles:provided TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:provided TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: Extended Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples (master):provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Data:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings (modules):provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: In-memory Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Actors:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:provided Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name mavenEcjBootstrapAgent High Vendor jar package name launch Low Vendor jar package name lombok Low Vendor Manifest can-redefine-classes true Low Product file name mavenEcjBootstrapAgent High Product jar package name launch Low Product Manifest can-redefine-classes true Low
Module containing common code License:
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 534f518acc64c3bd5a9de436130f407b
SHA1: 69c454dbec59c7842cf59a534b7ec03618d75b91
SHA256: d1ff22870b51a59a1d3047580a99c703b165e01ae933c06b713ec9a1826cc753
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile micrometer-commons-1.14.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.1 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.1 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.1 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name micrometer-commons High Vendor jar package name common Highest Vendor jar package name io Highest Vendor jar package name micrometer Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name micrometer.commons Medium Vendor Manifest branch HEAD Low Vendor Manifest build-date 2024-12-10_10:18:33 Low Vendor Manifest build-date-utc 2024-12-10T10:18:33.878998962Z Low Vendor Manifest build-host 183180b9f3cd Low Vendor Manifest build-job deploy Low Vendor Manifest build-number 40141 Low Vendor Manifest build-timezone Etc/UTC Low Vendor Manifest build-url Low Vendor Manifest built-os Linux Low Vendor Manifest built-status release Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname micrometer-commons Medium Vendor Manifest change 4f534a7 Low Vendor Manifest full-change 4f534a77397d189e204a6a087fac3462d832dabf Low Vendor Manifest module-email Low Vendor Manifest module-origin micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git Low Vendor Manifest module-owner Low Vendor Manifest module-source /micrometer-commons Low Vendor pom artifactid micrometer-commons Highest Vendor pom artifactid micrometer-commons Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id shakuzen Medium Vendor pom developer name Tommy Ludwig Medium Vendor pom groupid io.micrometer Highest Vendor pom name micrometer-commons High Vendor pom url micrometer-metrics/micrometer Highest Product file name micrometer-commons High Product jar package name common Highest Product jar package name io Highest Product jar package name micrometer Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name micrometer.commons Medium Product Manifest branch HEAD Low Product Manifest build-date 2024-12-10_10:18:33 Low Product Manifest build-date-utc 2024-12-10T10:18:33.878998962Z Low Product Manifest build-host 183180b9f3cd Low Product Manifest build-job deploy Low Product Manifest build-number 40141 Low Product Manifest build-timezone Etc/UTC Low Product Manifest build-url Low Product Manifest built-os Linux Low Product Manifest built-status release Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name micrometer-commons Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname micrometer-commons Medium Product Manifest change 4f534a7 Low Product Manifest full-change 4f534a77397d189e204a6a087fac3462d832dabf Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title io.micrometer#micrometer-commons;1.14.2 High Product Manifest module-email Low Product Manifest module-origin micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git Low Product Manifest module-owner Low Product Manifest module-source /micrometer-commons Low Product pom artifactid micrometer-commons Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id shakuzen Low Product pom developer name Tommy Ludwig Low Product pom groupid io.micrometer Highest Product pom name micrometer-commons High Product pom url micrometer-metrics/micrometer High Version file version 1.14.2 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.14.2 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 1.14.2 High Version pom version 1.14.2 Highest
Module containing common code License:
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: f6015f3594322034a155fdc3b442aa55
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SHA256: a428a9049b170f37f86c0f19b10a9e828b3e5f3f897043c846198bd3ee04296e
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:compile TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile micrometer-commons-1.14.3.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.2 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.2 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.2 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name micrometer-commons High Vendor jar package name common Highest Vendor jar package name io Highest Vendor jar package name micrometer Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name micrometer.commons Medium Vendor Manifest branch HEAD Low Vendor Manifest build-date 2025-01-13_11:33:29 Low Vendor Manifest build-date-utc 2025-01-13T11:33:29.662140033Z Low Vendor Manifest build-host b06699ca3995 Low Vendor Manifest build-job deploy Low Vendor Manifest build-number 41066 Low Vendor Manifest build-timezone Etc/UTC Low Vendor Manifest build-url Low Vendor Manifest built-os Linux Low Vendor Manifest built-status release Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname micrometer-commons Medium Vendor Manifest change 73e7928 Low Vendor Manifest full-change 73e792853555b21179d5db25643fb7bc845c6990 Low Vendor Manifest module-email Low Vendor Manifest module-origin micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git Low Vendor Manifest module-owner Low Vendor Manifest module-source /micrometer-commons Low Vendor pom artifactid micrometer-commons Highest Vendor pom artifactid micrometer-commons Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id shakuzen Medium Vendor pom developer name Tommy Ludwig Medium Vendor pom groupid io.micrometer Highest Vendor pom name micrometer-commons High Vendor pom url micrometer-metrics/micrometer Highest Product file name micrometer-commons High Product jar package name common Highest Product jar package name io Highest Product jar package name micrometer Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name micrometer.commons Medium Product Manifest branch HEAD Low Product Manifest build-date 2025-01-13_11:33:29 Low Product Manifest build-date-utc 2025-01-13T11:33:29.662140033Z Low Product Manifest build-host b06699ca3995 Low Product Manifest build-job deploy Low Product Manifest build-number 41066 Low Product Manifest build-timezone Etc/UTC Low Product Manifest build-url Low Product Manifest built-os Linux Low Product Manifest built-status release Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name micrometer-commons Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname micrometer-commons Medium Product Manifest change 73e7928 Low Product Manifest full-change 73e792853555b21179d5db25643fb7bc845c6990 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title io.micrometer#micrometer-commons;1.14.3 High Product Manifest module-email Low Product Manifest module-origin micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git Low Product Manifest module-owner Low Product Manifest module-source /micrometer-commons Low Product pom artifactid micrometer-commons Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id shakuzen Low Product pom developer name Tommy Ludwig Low Product pom groupid io.micrometer Highest Product pom name micrometer-commons High Product pom url micrometer-metrics/micrometer High Version file version 1.14.3 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.14.3 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 1.14.3 High Version pom version 1.14.3 Highest
Module containing Observation related code License:
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: b8dcb10fa3bdd5ca79dd8763102abdc4
SHA1: a9cad29cc04c0f7e30e3e58b454d4cd47ccc54bd
SHA256: 7c639c9a028327f362360c3246e50613f8e120031575ceb557b2ba5feac917aa
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile micrometer-observation-1.14.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.1 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.1 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.1 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name micrometer-observation High Vendor jar package name io Highest Vendor jar package name micrometer Highest Vendor jar package name observation Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name micrometer.observation Medium Vendor Manifest branch HEAD Low Vendor Manifest build-date 2024-12-10_10:18:34 Low Vendor Manifest build-date-utc 2024-12-10T10:18:34.344374015Z Low Vendor Manifest build-host 183180b9f3cd Low Vendor Manifest build-job deploy Low Vendor Manifest build-number 40141 Low Vendor Manifest build-timezone Etc/UTC Low Vendor Manifest build-url Low Vendor Manifest built-os Linux Low Vendor Manifest built-status release Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname micrometer-observation Medium Vendor Manifest change 4f534a7 Low Vendor Manifest full-change 4f534a77397d189e204a6a087fac3462d832dabf Low Vendor Manifest module-email Low Vendor Manifest module-origin micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git Low Vendor Manifest module-owner Low Vendor Manifest module-source /micrometer-observation Low Vendor pom artifactid micrometer-observation Highest Vendor pom artifactid micrometer-observation Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id shakuzen Medium Vendor pom developer name Tommy Ludwig Medium Vendor pom groupid io.micrometer Highest Vendor pom name micrometer-observation High Vendor pom url micrometer-metrics/micrometer Highest Product file name micrometer-observation High Product jar package name io Highest Product jar package name micrometer Highest Product jar package name observation Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name micrometer.observation Medium Product Manifest branch HEAD Low Product Manifest build-date 2024-12-10_10:18:34 Low Product Manifest build-date-utc 2024-12-10T10:18:34.344374015Z Low Product Manifest build-host 183180b9f3cd Low Product Manifest build-job deploy Low Product Manifest build-number 40141 Low Product Manifest build-timezone Etc/UTC Low Product Manifest build-url Low Product Manifest built-os Linux Low Product Manifest built-status release Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name micrometer-observation Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname micrometer-observation Medium Product Manifest change 4f534a7 Low Product Manifest full-change 4f534a77397d189e204a6a087fac3462d832dabf Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title io.micrometer#micrometer-observation;1.14.2 High Product Manifest module-email Low Product Manifest module-origin micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git Low Product Manifest module-owner Low Product Manifest module-source /micrometer-observation Low Product pom artifactid micrometer-observation Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id shakuzen Low Product pom developer name Tommy Ludwig Low Product pom groupid io.micrometer Highest Product pom name micrometer-observation High Product pom url micrometer-metrics/micrometer High Version file version 1.14.2 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.14.2 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 1.14.2 High Version pom version 1.14.2 Highest
Module containing Observation related code License:
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 9f899dc589ce34ed5d22aa1e3ea74804
SHA1: cd66186a1fe8465dc732d9514bade1104044b56d
SHA256: cd4f7da00a458fe9bab944b2d184a92ee69783d69e9e17524929330ef32ba250
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:compile TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile micrometer-observation-1.14.3.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.2 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.2 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.2 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name micrometer-observation High Vendor jar package name io Highest Vendor jar package name micrometer Highest Vendor jar package name observation Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name micrometer.observation Medium Vendor Manifest branch HEAD Low Vendor Manifest build-date 2025-01-13_11:33:30 Low Vendor Manifest build-date-utc 2025-01-13T11:33:30.092004497Z Low Vendor Manifest build-host b06699ca3995 Low Vendor Manifest build-job deploy Low Vendor Manifest build-number 41066 Low Vendor Manifest build-timezone Etc/UTC Low Vendor Manifest build-url Low Vendor Manifest built-os Linux Low Vendor Manifest built-status release Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname micrometer-observation Medium Vendor Manifest change 73e7928 Low Vendor Manifest full-change 73e792853555b21179d5db25643fb7bc845c6990 Low Vendor Manifest module-email Low Vendor Manifest module-origin micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git Low Vendor Manifest module-owner Low Vendor Manifest module-source /micrometer-observation Low Vendor pom artifactid micrometer-observation Highest Vendor pom artifactid micrometer-observation Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id shakuzen Medium Vendor pom developer name Tommy Ludwig Medium Vendor pom groupid io.micrometer Highest Vendor pom name micrometer-observation High Vendor pom url micrometer-metrics/micrometer Highest Product file name micrometer-observation High Product jar package name io Highest Product jar package name micrometer Highest Product jar package name observation Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name micrometer.observation Medium Product Manifest branch HEAD Low Product Manifest build-date 2025-01-13_11:33:30 Low Product Manifest build-date-utc 2025-01-13T11:33:30.092004497Z Low Product Manifest build-host b06699ca3995 Low Product Manifest build-job deploy Low Product Manifest build-number 41066 Low Product Manifest build-timezone Etc/UTC Low Product Manifest build-url Low Product Manifest built-os Linux Low Product Manifest built-status release Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name micrometer-observation Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname micrometer-observation Medium Product Manifest change 73e7928 Low Product Manifest full-change 73e792853555b21179d5db25643fb7bc845c6990 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title io.micrometer#micrometer-observation;1.14.3 High Product Manifest module-email Low Product Manifest module-origin micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git Low Product Manifest module-owner Low Product Manifest module-source /micrometer-observation Low Product pom artifactid micrometer-observation Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id shakuzen Low Product pom developer name Tommy Ludwig Low Product pom groupid io.micrometer Highest Product pom name micrometer-observation High Product pom url micrometer-metrics/micrometer High Version file version 1.14.3 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.14.3 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 1.14.3 High Version pom version 1.14.3 Highest
Mockito mock objects library core API and implementation License:
MIT: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: c864b3580f411640982bbf7700f57889
SHA1: bb2ba38657ce6fa72a13d96009d0b3bb9d7ddc1e
SHA256: f8a6dad9511fbc809c493b1840414e42172335e414bdbabe643dd2d53dae9a7e
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile
mockito-core-5.13.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util-test@5.0-ALPHA-3
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name mockito-core High Vendor jar package name and Highest Vendor jar package name api Highest Vendor jar package name mockito Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name org.mockito Medium Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.mockito.mockito-core Medium Vendor pom artifactid mockito-core Highest Vendor pom artifactid mockito-core Low Vendor pom developer id bric3 Medium Vendor pom developer id mockitoguy Medium Vendor pom developer id raphw Medium Vendor pom developer id TimvdLippe Medium Vendor pom developer name Brice Dutheil Medium Vendor pom developer name Rafael Winterhalter Medium Vendor pom developer name Szczepan Faber Medium Vendor pom developer name Tim van der Lippe Medium Vendor pom groupid org.mockito Highest Vendor pom name mockito-core High Vendor pom url mockito/mockito Highest Product file name mockito-core High Product jar package name and Highest Product jar package name api Highest Product jar package name mockito Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name org.mockito Medium Product Manifest Bundle-Name Mockito Mock Library for Java. Core bundle requires Byte Buddy and Objenesis. Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.mockito.mockito-core Medium Product pom artifactid mockito-core Highest Product pom developer id bric3 Low Product pom developer id mockitoguy Low Product pom developer id raphw Low Product pom developer id TimvdLippe Low Product pom developer name Brice Dutheil Low Product pom developer name Rafael Winterhalter Low Product pom developer name Szczepan Faber Low Product pom developer name Tim van der Lippe Low Product pom groupid org.mockito Highest Product pom name mockito-core High Product pom url mockito/mockito High Version file version 5.13.0 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 5.13.0 High Version pom version 5.13.0 Highest
MXParser is a fork of xpp3_min 1.1.7 containing only the parser with merged changes of the Plexus fork.
Indiana University Extreme! Lab Software License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 9d7e42409dfdcee9bd17903015bdeae2
SHA1: 476fb3b3bb3716cad797cd054ce45f89445794e9
SHA256: aeeee23a3303d811bca8790ea7f25b534314861c03cff36dafdcc2180969eb97
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:compile mxparser-1.2.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/com.thoughtworks.xstream/xstream@1.4.21 pkg:maven/com.thoughtworks.xstream/xstream@1.4.21 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name mxparser High Vendor jar package name github Highest Vendor jar package name io Highest Vendor jar package name mxparser Highest Vendor jar package name xstream Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name io.github.xstream.mxparser Medium Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 1.8 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname mxparser Medium Vendor Manifest java_1_4_home /opt/blackdown-jdk- Low Vendor Manifest java_1_5_home /opt/sun-jdk- Low Vendor Manifest java_1_6_home /opt/sun-jdk- Low Vendor Manifest java_1_7_home /opt/oracle-jdk-bin- Low Vendor Manifest java_1_8_home /opt/oracle-jdk-bin- Low Vendor Manifest java_9_home /opt/oracle-jdk-bin-9.0.4 Low Vendor Manifest x-build-os Linux Low Vendor Manifest x-build-time 2021-08-18T22:35:34Z Low Vendor Manifest x-builder Maven 3.8.1 Low Vendor Manifest x-compile-source 1.4 Low Vendor Manifest x-compile-target 1.4 Low Vendor pom artifactid mxparser Highest Vendor pom artifactid mxparser Low Vendor pom developer id mxparser Medium Vendor pom developer name XStream Committers Medium Vendor pom groupid io.github.x-stream Highest Vendor pom name MXParser High Vendor pom url Highest Product file name mxparser High Product jar package name github Highest Product jar package name io Highest Product jar package name mxparser Highest Product jar package name xstream Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name io.github.xstream.mxparser Medium Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 1.8 Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name MXParser Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname mxparser Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title MXParser High Product Manifest java_1_4_home /opt/blackdown-jdk- Low Product Manifest java_1_5_home /opt/sun-jdk- Low Product Manifest java_1_6_home /opt/sun-jdk- Low Product Manifest java_1_7_home /opt/oracle-jdk-bin- Low Product Manifest java_1_8_home /opt/oracle-jdk-bin- Low Product Manifest java_9_home /opt/oracle-jdk-bin-9.0.4 Low Product Manifest specification-title MXParser Medium Product Manifest x-build-os Linux Low Product Manifest x-build-time 2021-08-18T22:35:34Z Low Product Manifest x-builder Maven 3.8.1 Low Product Manifest x-compile-source 1.4 Low Product Manifest x-compile-target 1.4 Low Product pom artifactid mxparser Highest Product pom developer id mxparser Low Product pom developer name XStream Committers Low Product pom groupid io.github.x-stream Highest Product pom name MXParser High Product pom url Medium Version file version 1.2.2 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.2.2 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 1.2.2 High Version pom version 1.2.2 Highest
A library for instantiating Java objects License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: ab0e0b2ab81affdd7f38bcc60fd85571
SHA1: 1049c09f1de4331e8193e579448d0916d75b7631
SHA256: 02dfd0b0439a5591e35b708ed2f5474eb0948f53abf74637e959b8e4ef69bfeb
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:runtime
objenesis-3.3.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.mockito/mockito-core@5.13.0
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name objenesis High Vendor jar package name objenesis Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name org.objenesis Medium Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 1.8 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.objenesis Medium Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Joe Walnes, Henri Tremblay, Leonardo Mesquita High Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Joe Walnes, Henri Tremblay, Leonardo Mesquita Low Vendor pom artifactid objenesis Highest Vendor pom artifactid objenesis Low Vendor pom groupid org.objenesis Highest Vendor pom name Objenesis High Vendor pom parent-artifactid objenesis-parent Low Product file name objenesis High Product jar package name objenesis Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name org.objenesis Medium Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 1.8 Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name Objenesis Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.objenesis Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title Objenesis High Product Manifest specification-title Objenesis Medium Product pom artifactid objenesis Highest Product pom groupid org.objenesis Highest Product pom name Objenesis High Product pom parent-artifactid objenesis-parent Medium Version file version 3.3 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 3.3 High Version pom version 3.3 Highest
The slf4j API License: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: c8de8f5d740584cb24b5652cfba8b3c4
SHA1: 0172931663a09a1fa515567af5fbef00897d3c04
SHA256: a12578dde1ba00bd9b816d388a0b879928d00bab3c83c240f7013bf4196c579a
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Roles:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Actors:compile TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring:compile TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Data:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: In-memory Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: Extended Finder:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples (master):runtime slf4j-api-2.0.16.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-persistence-jpa@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-actor@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-displayable@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-marshal-xstream@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/ch.qos.logback/logback-classic@1.5.16 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util-test@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name slf4j-api High Vendor jar package name slf4j Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname slf4j.api Medium Vendor Manifest multi-release true Low Vendor pom artifactid slf4j-api Highest Vendor pom artifactid slf4j-api Low Vendor pom groupid org.slf4j Highest Vendor pom name SLF4J API Module High Vendor pom parent-artifactid slf4j-parent Low Vendor pom url Highest Product file name slf4j-api High Product jar package name slf4j Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 21 Low Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name SLF4J API Module Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname slf4j.api Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title slf4j-api High Product Manifest multi-release true Low Product pom artifactid slf4j-api Highest Product pom groupid org.slf4j Highest Product pom name SLF4J API Module High Product pom parent-artifactid slf4j-parent Medium Product pom url Medium Version file version 2.0.16 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 2.0.16 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 2.0.16 High Version pom version 2.0.16 Highest
YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Java License:
Apache License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 2a1c2ee8923dcd6bd6d025751af5df37
SHA1: 936b36210e27320f920536f695cf1af210c44586
SHA256: 63a76fe66b652360bd4c2c107e6f0258daa7d4bb492008ba8c26fcd230ff9146
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile
snakeyaml-2.3.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter@3.4.1
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name snakeyaml High Vendor jar package name emitter Highest Vendor jar package name org Highest Vendor jar package name parser Highest Vendor jar package name snakeyaml Highest Vendor jar package name yaml Highest Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 11 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.yaml.snakeyaml Medium Vendor Manifest multi-release true Low Vendor pom artifactid snakeyaml Highest Vendor pom artifactid snakeyaml Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id asomov Medium Vendor pom developer id maslovalex Medium Vendor pom developer name Alexander Maslov Medium Vendor pom developer name Andrey Somov Medium Vendor pom groupid org.yaml Highest Vendor pom name SnakeYAML High Vendor pom url Highest Product file name snakeyaml High Product jar package name emitter Highest Product jar package name org Highest Product jar package name parser Highest Product jar package name snakeyaml Highest Product jar package name yaml Highest Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 11 Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name SnakeYAML Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.yaml.snakeyaml Medium Product Manifest multi-release true Low Product pom artifactid snakeyaml Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id asomov Low Product pom developer id maslovalex Low Product pom developer name Alexander Maslov Low Product pom developer name Andrey Somov Low Product pom groupid org.yaml Highest Product pom name SnakeYAML High Product pom url Medium Version file version 2.3 High Version pom version 2.3 Highest
Annotations the SpotBugs tool supports License:
GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2.1: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 5dd7671f82f5faa7e99f1e0208e6e15e
SHA1: fd6b834c4ab1486a61a4fa79ec49f3b6f3b695e4
SHA256: c13d24d43609a1418472f046d739bceda714ed7aa500e0589c872e0d684a47da
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Roles:provided TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:provided TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: Extended Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples (master):provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Data:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings (modules):provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: In-memory Finder:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Actors:provided TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:provided spotbugs-annotations-4.9.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/modules@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-persistence-jpa@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/thesefoolishthings-examples@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample1@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-displayable@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample2@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-finderexample3@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-actor@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util-test@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-marshal-xstream@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-data@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name spotbugs-annotations High Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name com.github.spotbugs.annotations Medium Vendor Manifest bundle-requiredexecutionenvironment J2SE-1.5 Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname spotbugs-annotations Medium Vendor pom artifactid spotbugs-annotations Highest Vendor pom artifactid spotbugs-annotations Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id henrik242 Medium Vendor pom developer id iloveeclipse Medium Vendor pom developer id jsotuyod Medium Vendor pom developer id KengoTODA Medium Vendor pom developer id mebigfatguy Medium Vendor pom developer id sewe Medium Vendor pom developer id ThrawnCA Medium Vendor pom developer name Andreas Sewe Medium Vendor pom developer name Andrey Loskutov Medium Vendor pom developer name Dave Brosius Medium Vendor pom developer name Juan Martín Sotuyo Dodero Medium Vendor pom developer name Kengo TODA Medium Vendor pom groupid com.github.spotbugs Highest Vendor pom name SpotBugs Annotations High Vendor pom url Highest Product file name spotbugs-annotations High Product Manifest automatic-module-name com.github.spotbugs.annotations Medium Product Manifest Bundle-Name spotbugs-annotations Medium Product Manifest bundle-requiredexecutionenvironment J2SE-1.5 Low Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname spotbugs-annotations Medium Product pom artifactid spotbugs-annotations Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id henrik242 Low Product pom developer id iloveeclipse Low Product pom developer id jsotuyod Low Product pom developer id KengoTODA Low Product pom developer id mebigfatguy Low Product pom developer id sewe Low Product pom developer id ThrawnCA Low Product pom developer name Andreas Sewe Low Product pom developer name Andrey Loskutov Low Product pom developer name Dave Brosius Low Product pom developer name Juan Martín Sotuyo Dodero Low Product pom developer name Kengo TODA Low Product pom groupid com.github.spotbugs Highest Product pom name SpotBugs Annotations High Product pom url Medium Version file version 4.9.0 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 4.9.0 High Version pom version 4.9.0 Highest
Spring Boot License:
Apache License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 4f7d4f6624312c1ae78bb8a1dd208c80
SHA1: 5fb9890a5eb7c4e86c8f5c0f6960b79240daf3d5
SHA256: 3dffc999ac8eee6b51e8eb9a73c9f29f2a28b7f0f359d45b89aea486268190fa
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile
spring-boot-3.4.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter@3.4.1
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name spring-boot High Vendor hint analyzer vendor pivotal software Highest Vendor hint analyzer vendor SpringSource Highest Vendor hint analyzer vendor vmware Highest Vendor jar package name boot Highest Vendor jar package name springframework Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name spring.boot Medium Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 17 Low Vendor pom artifactid spring-boot Highest Vendor pom artifactid spring-boot Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer name Spring Medium Vendor pom developer org VMware, Inc. Medium Vendor pom developer org URL Medium Vendor pom groupid org.springframework.boot Highest Vendor pom name spring-boot High Vendor pom organization name VMware, Inc. High Vendor pom organization url Medium Vendor pom url Highest Product file name spring-boot High Product jar package name boot Highest Product jar package name springframework Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name spring.boot Medium Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 17 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title Spring Boot High Product pom artifactid spring-boot Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer name Spring Low Product pom developer org VMware, Inc. Low Product pom developer org URL Low Product pom groupid org.springframework.boot Highest Product pom name spring-boot High Product pom organization name VMware, Inc. Low Product pom organization url Low Product pom url Medium Version file version 3.4.1 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 3.4.1 High Version pom version 3.4.1 Highest
Related Dependencies spring-boot-autoconfigure-3.4.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 6e083185619b2dd1fe6dd0b60147f599 SHA1: f17b54cc5816ec8f06d0aca9df11c330ead97f2a SHA256: dc68c9d977455fb23232cf0771a9079b9e44e246acdc62d872d8acd45edf4783 pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-autoconfigure@3.4.1 spring-boot-starter-3.4.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 56b53e331476cb78cd719666f96dbf4b SHA1: 2c97b6fdc451ea69cd04dcfa54980439b7c7cb34 SHA256: e095d43127dbc507f49119d43b7cecb0977257855d5eed989f3905acc897d9cb pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter@3.4.1 spring-boot-starter-data-jpa-3.4.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 5163f7a7d1167a743a44249c907df9d2 SHA1: f06be4354c339f3f880a5c66a6913cd2366eb225 SHA256: 55e82010f871daea924a9f17a98d784147bd14b7dbb999207f30633a4d4fed0c pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 spring-boot-starter-jdbc-3.4.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: c747052392652b508301a9ad3a1d7a57 SHA1: 307db83ee5f33fe810565cf980f73747b8f8f43b SHA256: 5d10a74f37da0cb07c0c737af84e53e1cda06e40666e9d3e70bd7568b690b676 pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-jdbc@3.4.1 spring-boot-starter-logging-3.4.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: aff6dc47456162415ad41396be9904bf SHA1: 5cd01e208b15113c7f88b3ea40e843ea9989f38a SHA256: 3a2b5aa454fa876e08273c8437d340aa24518f774e1c2f2bf8b5970259f2e604 pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-logging@3.4.1 spring-core-6.2.1.jarDescription:
Spring Core License:
Apache License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 394df39af63d06af987c5629c15c3154
SHA1: f42e6b51d9c0c2fcf95df9e5848470d173adc9af
SHA256: 67f0e17811dc8d5d6c3aed5540afaee02c83e3a8b3f9abbc510d4d95db5cc226
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Swing:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compile spring-core-6.2.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter@3.4.1 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.1 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.1 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.1 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name spring-core High Vendor hint analyzer vendor pivotal software Highest Vendor hint analyzer vendor SpringSource Highest Vendor hint analyzer vendor vmware Highest Vendor jar package name core Highest Vendor jar package name io Highest Vendor jar package name org Highest Vendor jar package name springframework Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name spring.core Medium Vendor Manifest multi-release true Low Vendor pom artifactid spring-core Highest Vendor pom artifactid spring-core Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id jhoeller Medium Vendor pom developer name Juergen Hoeller Medium Vendor pom groupid org.springframework Highest Vendor pom name Spring Core High Vendor pom organization name Spring IO High Vendor pom organization url Medium Vendor pom url spring-projects/spring-framework Highest Product file name spring-core High Product hint analyzer product springsource_spring_framework Highest Product jar package name core Highest Product jar package name io Highest Product jar package name org Highest Product jar package name springframework Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name spring.core Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title spring-core High Product Manifest multi-release true Low Product pom artifactid spring-core Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id jhoeller Low Product pom developer name Juergen Hoeller Low Product pom groupid org.springframework Highest Product pom name Spring Core High Product pom organization name Spring IO Low Product pom organization url Low Product pom url spring-projects/spring-framework High Version file version 6.2.1 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 6.2.1 High Version pom version 6.2.1 Highest
Related Dependencies spring-aop-6.2.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: ebfcdfe96624e5a3de3d0d6522c8593a SHA1: a9384de38fc00751084446ba014a0c4962240244 SHA256: a9cb0dddec1312c1cc6bc6a1762ad880f0e8b2a82ea2243b91abf2ac9debb86b pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aop@6.2.1 spring-aspects-6.2.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 3a64339e5d196b661f4e31277a742a1b SHA1: 50350218608abf215ae40ef00c87cc666737e199 SHA256: c9af641603205859dbf8b1dcea3267170408883f6215693fa19ce2523d7a3f44 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aspects@6.2.1 spring-beans-6.2.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 8478f819bdba583b002b45fcfc44c7fb SHA1: ab57ec03ba6900075bf28e3cd70ccce173205b8d SHA256: 3afc928c036bc557b650df75ae33ccdd440bc48f9184d19b463df0d2ea74c509 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.1 spring-context-6.2.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 6c650372cd5aef72f5cd4eea1194ef60 SHA1: f56c7431b03860bfdb016e68f484c5c35531ef2e SHA256: 226617237451b420f5742517d1aaa27fb20bb3dbe23db6fb5ea1570bf97ce162 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.1 spring-expression-6.2.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: cba4fb289daba10c26882d49062e3e6d SHA1: 91fcf6b9501705c31c8337e2713fe823bb512b24 SHA256: e4efd330d907a506a4ebc558f5ab2f2320a399527474c95316c16d510c9e222e pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-expression@6.2.1 spring-jcl-6.2.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 0580c8806b325bd0fcc984ae7a5e8b45 SHA1: a5d662d64470aff0ae51d210147bb6ede31a8ea3 SHA256: 83604b743df124b064836bc930d7e7c8e81832144b9e4292e7b816fca0cd42cd pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-jcl@6.2.1 spring-jdbc-6.2.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 6538b728de3d1fd5c19a80bb40dc7c83 SHA1: def8d3d9bebafc36c19f8407645eddde32454c8a SHA256: 054e86d4ee067f927a7430cb377fd8373761b0d4f449158181008dda9386b153 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-jdbc@6.2.1 spring-orm-6.2.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 26fac59f2d6f1574a83299e6f518f906 SHA1: 7fd75b4984d92c3c5e46ee94365cfc79d2daa821 SHA256: a670847a88dac904c698340c9497a1b860924e4135282ba9bd7b6e42100496f7 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-orm@6.2.1 spring-tx-6.2.1.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: d38c8016465af5167f9c1a250889a179 SHA1: 5ffde4fee85ff021ad613b9e86a9be893fb52572 SHA256: 388ca8b88a8a8e252973a1491e5de5b85b909cc16e5ac6aa426174f161c23b93 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-tx@6.2.1 spring-core-6.2.2.jarDescription:
Spring Core License:
Apache License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 8926dce67195ca4d4a0ce8fc9d293fb7
SHA1: 94269e888dc979e75a1a1b9600d7153d72e6a7f1
SHA256: bdb5370f08156ca32be8ed1aa9b879b66d7125a55bc8659c1a60193037b700a3
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring:compile TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile spring-core-6.2.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.2 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.2 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name spring-core High Vendor hint analyzer vendor pivotal software Highest Vendor hint analyzer vendor SpringSource Highest Vendor hint analyzer vendor vmware Highest Vendor jar package name core Highest Vendor jar package name io Highest Vendor jar package name org Highest Vendor jar package name springframework Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name spring.core Medium Vendor Manifest multi-release true Low Vendor pom artifactid spring-core Highest Vendor pom artifactid spring-core Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id jhoeller Medium Vendor pom developer name Juergen Hoeller Medium Vendor pom groupid org.springframework Highest Vendor pom name Spring Core High Vendor pom organization name Spring IO High Vendor pom organization url Medium Vendor pom url spring-projects/spring-framework Highest Product file name spring-core High Product hint analyzer product springsource_spring_framework Highest Product jar package name core Highest Product jar package name io Highest Product jar package name org Highest Product jar package name springframework Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name spring.core Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title spring-core High Product Manifest multi-release true Low Product pom artifactid spring-core Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id jhoeller Low Product pom developer name Juergen Hoeller Low Product pom groupid org.springframework Highest Product pom name Spring Core High Product pom organization name Spring IO Low Product pom organization url Low Product pom url spring-projects/spring-framework High Version file version 6.2.2 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 6.2.2 High Version pom version 6.2.2 Highest
Related Dependencies spring-aop-6.2.2.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: a447a6be848dc8f05bfdd44cb54d4951 SHA1: 2a1a445d4cd8e5fe2311df04fc25c0bc54bd2ce4 SHA256: 359c8ada456a181bbd87be42c53b381feba1f3f2b5820eb6ca713e5dc793a3e2 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aop@6.2.2 spring-aspects-6.2.2.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 1c879cb9c77027c9df1e514d639f460d SHA1: e9e0379bc353e43ab1cb326f413bb293d8a52e78 SHA256: 6be2ec31d4a871efbc909aadcf027863b99eb4bbb01db6bea495b94b2a720b6b pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aspects@6.2.2 spring-beans-6.2.2.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 2469f21099214aa92367ef651f74549a SHA1: ec8ee520ff7b147de8ac04d330848d468253f84d SHA256: be9ecf9b0dc6b88a869c9079b9076121e4d658d7e12856cc60598f1fe2d70d8a pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.2 spring-context-6.2.2.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 75aaa828965d032da7999a4a1ad95ca1 SHA1: aa01a7faa3694983339ca7e45619860ef34052d6 SHA256: 50ca16d01f939abe26496161585756dac0f61b18f0b9fb706d869a47fdb28a9c pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.2 spring-expression-6.2.2.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 7bdd6c44976873b76cbed2c2e333c17e SHA1: 20164dd3a70d0048185cf02bb1b097b22e73d820 SHA256: 27d5db562dc47196699819ae9b970b90ea47829a6b4216500eb4844f24fbc4b4 pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-expression@6.2.2 spring-jcl-6.2.2.jarFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ MD5: 5b056ec52b3a3259a9a5bbb5f8858a8c SHA1: 1fbbb0b2e85c6eac7c366c5eed5b124785f05ac8 SHA256: 36b4666730c80e6599359ca8c81adead8b52b15fefe8cc25e061717fe87d93ed pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-jcl@6.2.2 spring-data-commons-3.4.1.jarDescription:
Core Spring concepts underpinning every Spring Data module. File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ be67d44ddf59628bc5bc66d00fdfaf65SHA1: 3ae5f19bc2b1b30de85b0610ae25818c2e7c295aSHA256: 8497fdf6952394836e714f00898f429a3a5159fcc9d319636eff987b5c22c662Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compilespring-data-commons-3.4.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name spring-data-commons High Vendor hint analyzer vendor pivotal software Highest Vendor hint analyzer vendor SpringSource Highest Vendor hint analyzer vendor vmware Highest Vendor jar package name core Highest Vendor jar package name data Highest Vendor jar package name springframework Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name Medium Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 17 Low Vendor pom artifactid spring-data-commons Highest Vendor pom artifactid spring-data-commons Low Vendor pom groupid Highest Vendor pom name Spring Data Core High Vendor pom parent-artifactid spring-data-parent Low Vendor pom parent-groupid Medium Vendor pom url Highest Product file name spring-data-commons High Product jar package name core Highest Product jar package name data Highest Product jar package name springframework Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name Medium Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 17 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title Spring Data Core High Product pom artifactid spring-data-commons Highest Product pom groupid Highest Product pom name Spring Data Core High Product pom parent-artifactid spring-data-parent Medium Product pom parent-groupid Medium Product pom url Medium Version file version 3.4.1 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 3.4.1 High Version pom version 3.4.1 Highest
Spring Data module for JPA repositories. File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ cbdfeab56665effb87fd187ff721fc23SHA1: 1c704fa9169ea3745775568e733fddd0132070b2SHA256: 3e83dd3982269446dff646b5f9b84691e361cdd144151a9e1451c50db75268bcReferenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:compilespring-data-jpa-3.4.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name spring-data-jpa High Vendor hint analyzer vendor pivotal software Highest Vendor hint analyzer vendor SpringSource Highest Vendor hint analyzer vendor vmware Highest Vendor jar package name data Highest Vendor jar package name jpa Highest Vendor jar package name springframework Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name Medium Vendor Manifest build-jdk-spec 17 Low Vendor pom artifactid spring-data-jpa Highest Vendor pom artifactid spring-data-jpa Low Vendor pom groupid Highest Vendor pom name Spring Data JPA High Vendor pom parent-artifactid spring-data-jpa-parent Low Vendor pom url Highest Product file name spring-data-jpa High Product jar package name data Highest Product jar package name jpa Highest Product jar package name springframework Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name Medium Product Manifest build-jdk-spec 17 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title Spring Data JPA High Product pom artifactid spring-data-jpa Highest Product pom groupid Highest Product pom name Spring Data JPA High Product pom parent-artifactid spring-data-jpa-parent Medium Product pom url Medium Version file version 3.4.1 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 3.4.1 High Version pom version 3.4.1 Highest
Testing framework for Java License:
Apache License, Version 2.0: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 166d606c04bdf9f4f2c0f4cc42ab362e
SHA1: 30742acada21960d4333a4204039fbdc6a92083a
SHA256: 225fd56447f2e5e439db3b483a79cd9f294fad9f357f8352b12ee6a3411ebb15
Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile
testng-7.10.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util-test@5.0-ALPHA-3
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name testng High Vendor jar package name testng Highest Vendor Manifest automatic-module-name org.testng Medium Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.testng Medium Vendor Manifest implementation-url Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor TestNG High Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor-Id org.testng Medium Vendor Manifest specification-vendor TestNG Low Vendor pom artifactid testng Highest Vendor pom artifactid testng Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer email Low Vendor pom developer id cbeust Medium Vendor pom developer id juherr Medium Vendor pom developer id krmahadevan Medium Vendor pom developer name Cedric Beust Medium Vendor pom developer name Julien Herr Medium Vendor pom developer name Krishnan Mahadevan Medium Vendor pom groupid org.testng Highest Vendor pom name testng High Vendor pom url Highest Product file name testng High Product jar package name testng Highest Product Manifest automatic-module-name org.testng Medium Product Manifest Bundle-Name TestNG Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname org.testng Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title TestNG High Product Manifest implementation-url Low Product Manifest specification-title TestNG Medium Product pom artifactid testng Highest Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer email Low Product pom developer id cbeust Low Product pom developer id juherr Low Product pom developer id krmahadevan Low Product pom developer name Cedric Beust Low Product pom developer name Julien Herr Low Product pom developer name Krishnan Mahadevan Low Product pom groupid org.testng Highest Product pom name testng High Product pom url Medium Version file version 7.10.2 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 7.10.2 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 7.10.2 High Version pom version 7.10.2 Highest
testng-7.10.2.jar: jquery-3.6.0.min.jsFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ 8fb8fee4fcc3cc86ff6c724154c49c42SHA1: b82d238d4e31fdf618bae8ac11a6c812c03dd0d4SHA256: ff1523fb7389539c84c65aba19260648793bb4f5e29329d2ee8804bc37a3fe6eReferenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence
testng-7.10.2.jar: testng-reports.jsFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ e18bdeef11d95e4802ca1e74ce8f4813SHA1: 8e530ffd7c6528b0a47b4405b241181c09ed3534SHA256: 88d2a0988765ed96e51e5b0c5c63d6b9d25169a12d3c49003c2e87d98d0bdee2Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence
testng-7.10.2.jar: testng-reports2.jsFile Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ b45815e612fdfbeeffd1909e6551c84dSHA1: 99dc7548ca6d9add4cc8d1022f392ccac385583bSHA256: 0cd0609bd983faf69e9eec6091de6a6e45400292a4f182fb9aa35a12acb7e852Referenced In Project/Scope: TheseFoolishThings :: Test Utilities:compile
Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence
TXW is a library that allows you to write XML documents.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/ 2f5aa7dbd5e326562cff6ce720a1485aSHA1: f36a4ef12120a9bb06d766d6a0e54b144fd7ed98SHA256: 917355bc451481f30d043b24d123110517966af34383901773882810dca480e5Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: Finder :: JPA Finder:runtime TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Persistence JPA:runtime txw2-4.0.5.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa@3.4.1 pkg:maven/org.hibernate.orm/hibernate-core@6.6.7.Final Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name txw2 High Vendor jar package name sun Highest Vendor jar package name txw Highest Vendor jar package name txw2 Highest Vendor jar package name xml Highest Vendor jar (hint) package name oracle Highest Vendor Manifest git-revision cb19596 Low Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor Eclipse Foundation High Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor-Id org.eclipse Medium Vendor Manifest specification-vendor Eclipse Foundation Low Vendor pom artifactid txw2 Highest Vendor pom artifactid txw2 Low Vendor pom groupid org.glassfish.jaxb Highest Vendor pom name TXW2 Runtime High Vendor pom parent-artifactid jaxb-txw-parent Low Vendor pom parent-groupid com.sun.xml.bind.mvn Medium Vendor pom url Highest Product file name txw2 High Product jar package name sun Highest Product jar package name txw Highest Product jar package name txw2 Highest Product jar package name xml Highest Product Manifest git-revision cb19596 Low Product Manifest Implementation-Title Eclipse Implementation of JAXB High Product Manifest specification-title Jakarta XML Binding Medium Product pom artifactid txw2 Highest Product pom groupid org.glassfish.jaxb Highest Product pom name TXW2 Runtime High Product pom parent-artifactid jaxb-txw-parent Medium Product pom parent-groupid com.sun.xml.bind.mvn Medium Product pom url Medium Version file version 4.0.5 High Version Manifest build-version 4.0.5 Medium Version pom version 4.0.5 Highest
Public Domain: File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: cc57dacc720eca721a50e78934b822d2
SHA1: 2b8e230d2ab644e4ecaa94db7cdedbc40c805dfa
SHA256: 34e08ee62116071cbb69c0ed70d15a7a5b208d62798c59f2120bb8929324cb63
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:compile xmlpull- is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/com.thoughtworks.xstream/xstream@1.4.21 pkg:maven/com.thoughtworks.xstream/xstream@1.4.21 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name xmlpull High Vendor jar package name v1 Low Vendor jar package name xmlpull Highest Vendor jar package name xmlpull Low Vendor pom artifactid xmlpull Highest Vendor pom artifactid xmlpull Low Vendor pom groupid xmlpull Highest Vendor pom name XML Pull Parsing API High Vendor pom url Highest Product file name xmlpull High Product jar package name v1 Low Product jar package name xmlpull Highest Product pom artifactid xmlpull Highest Product pom groupid xmlpull Highest Product pom name XML Pull Parsing API High Product pom url Medium Version file version High Version pom version Highest
XStream is a serialization library from Java objects to XML and back. License:
BSD-3-Clause File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 767be88fc6ec4bb96e2906a17aab8e5b
SHA1: 65cb3e7f809b18b9aab43f2338ee5b320f72d7bd
SHA256: f56586f3de59ae2a49430acbc9f27942b8c5cebec9245c869fae7136733333ec
Referenced In Projects/Scopes: TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Marshal XStream:compile TheseFoolishThings :: Examples :: DCI :: Displayable:compile xstream-1.4.21.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items. Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-marshal-xstream@5.0-ALPHA-3 pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-displayable@5.0-ALPHA-3 Evidence Type Source Name Value Confidence Vendor file name xstream High Vendor jar package name core Highest Vendor jar package name thoughtworks Highest Vendor jar package name xstream Highest Vendor Manifest bundle-docurl Low Vendor Manifest bundle-symbolicname xstream Medium Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor XStream High Vendor Manifest Implementation-Vendor-Id com.thoughtworks.xstream Medium Vendor Manifest java_1_4_home /opt/blackdown-jdk- Low Vendor Manifest java_1_5_home /opt/sun-jdk- Low Vendor Manifest java_1_6_home /opt/sun-jdk- Low Vendor Manifest java_1_7_home /opt/oracle-jdk-bin- Low Vendor Manifest java_1_8_home /opt/oracle-jdk-bin- Low Vendor Manifest java_9_home /opt/oracle-jdk-bin-9.0.4 Low Vendor Manifest specification-vendor XStream Low Vendor Manifest x-build-os Linux Low Vendor Manifest x-build-time 2024-11-07T19:13:18Z Low Vendor Manifest x-builder Maven 3.9.9 Low Vendor Manifest x-compile-source 1.4 Low Vendor Manifest x-compile-target 1.4 Low Vendor pom artifactid xstream Highest Vendor pom artifactid xstream Low Vendor pom groupid com.thoughtworks.xstream Highest Vendor pom name XStream Core High Vendor pom parent-artifactid xstream-parent Low Product file name xstream High Product jar package name core Highest Product jar package name io Highest Product jar package name thoughtworks Highest Product jar package name xml Highest Product jar package name xstream Highest Product Manifest bundle-docurl Low Product Manifest Bundle-Name XStream Core Medium Product Manifest bundle-symbolicname xstream Medium Product Manifest Implementation-Title XStream Core High Product Manifest java_1_4_home /opt/blackdown-jdk- Low Product Manifest java_1_5_home /opt/sun-jdk- Low Product Manifest java_1_6_home /opt/sun-jdk- Low Product Manifest java_1_7_home /opt/oracle-jdk-bin- Low Product Manifest java_1_8_home /opt/oracle-jdk-bin- Low Product Manifest java_9_home /opt/oracle-jdk-bin-9.0.4 Low Product Manifest specification-title XStream Core Medium Product Manifest x-build-os Linux Low Product Manifest x-build-time 2024-11-07T19:13:18Z Low Product Manifest x-builder Maven 3.9.9 Low Product Manifest x-compile-source 1.4 Low Product Manifest x-compile-target 1.4 Low Product pom artifactid xstream Highest Product pom groupid com.thoughtworks.xstream Highest Product pom name XStream Core High Product pom parent-artifactid xstream-parent Medium Version file version 1.4.21 High Version Manifest Bundle-Version 1.4.21 High Version Manifest Implementation-Version 1.4.21 High Version pom version 1.4.21 Highest