Table of contents
Pair and Triple
and Triple
are immutable heterogeneous tuples (for n=2,3) that can be simply used to hold values together:
final var p = Pair.of("foo bar", 7);
final var fooBar = p.a;
final var seven = p.b;
final var t = Triple.of("foo bar", 7, false);
final var fooBar = t.a;
final var seven = t.b;
final var bool = t.c;
Both Pair
and Triple
offer methods to generate special Stream
s. For instance, this code:
final var stream1 = Pair.pairRangeClosed("foo bar", 1, 3);
generates pairs ["foo bar", 1], ["foo bar", 2], ["foo bar", 3]
. The following code:
final var stream2 = Pair.indexedPairStream(List.of("foo", "bar"));
generates pairs [0, "foo"], [1, "bar"]
. Variants allow to start from custom Stream
s, Collection
s and Iterable
s, or
to pick a different value for the starting index.
can be used to easily implement a two-level nested loop with Stream
s. For instance, the following code:
final var actual = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, limit)
.flatMap(a -> Pair.pairRangeClosed(a, a + 1, limit))
is equivalent to this two-levels nested loop:
final List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> expected = new ArrayList<>();
for (var a = 1; a <= limit; a++)
for (var b = a + 1; b <= limit; b++)
expected.add(Pair.of(a, b));
In a similar way, this code with Triple
final var actual = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, limit)
.flatMap(a -> Pair.pairRangeClosed(a, a + 1, limit))
.flatMap(p -> Triple.tripleRangeClosed(p, p.b + 1, limit))
is equivalent to this three-levels nested loop:
final List<Triple<Integer, Integer, Integer>> expected = new ArrayList<>();
for (var a = 1; a <= limit; a++)
for (var b = a + 1; b <= limit; b++)
for (var c = b + 1; c <= limit; c++)
expected.add(Triple.of(a, b, c));
It is also possible to “zip” two streams into a Stream<Pair>
// given
final var intStream = IntStream.range(0, 5).boxed();
final var stringStream = IntStream.range(0, 5).mapToObj(n -> "string-" + (char)('a' + n));
// when
final var underTest =, stringStream);
// then
assertThat(underTest.collect(toList())).containsExactly(Pair.of(0, "string-a"),
Pair.of(1, "string-b"),
Pair.of(2, "string-c"),
Pair.of(3, "string-d"),
Pair.of(4, "string-e"));