Table of contents
A Finder
is a factory for creating a query that extracts results from a data source: for instance a query on a registry
of persons to get some records according to certain criteria. The data source can be in-memory or a more sophisticated entity such a database. Finder
been designed with these main purposes:
- To provide a fluent and extensible API to declutter the exposed methods.
- To possibly cooperate with the data source and optimize the query, for speed and memory (minimizing the amount of data to bring in memory).
- To provide a design pattern in which the parameters that drive the search can be composed in different parts of the application; for instance, code in the presentation tier might rely upon a half-baked query provided in the business tier and specify additional criteria (sorting, filtering, pagination).
- To provide a decoupling abstraction from the implementation of the data source.
's methods can be either intermediate or termination:
- intermediate methods are presumed to work in a chained style, so they always return a
(even though not the same instance, since aFinder
must be immutable). They are used to set a number of parameter of the query before the query is executed. - termination methods are invoked when all parameters are set and they actually perform the query and retrieve results.
For instance the intermediate methods shown below can be used to specify which section of the results we are interested into (pagination):
public Finder<T> from (/* @Nonnegative */ int firstResult);
public Finder<T> max (/* @Nonnegative */ int maxResults);
The termination methods shown below, instead, perform the query, retrieve objects or provide a count of them:
public default Optional<T> optionalResult()
public default Optional<T> optionalFirstResult()
public List<T> results();
/* @Nonnegative */
public int count();
Note: at present time, there are some deprecated methods that were designed before Java 8
was available; their signature declares aNotFoundException
, which is a checked exception. They should not be used for new development as they will be removed in a future release.
For the following examples of Finder
usage we will make reference to a registry of Person
s that exposes a method to query the contained records:
public interface PersonRegistry
public Finder<Person> findPerson();
public void add (@Nonnull Person person);
Data can be queried as:"All: {}", registry.findPerson().results());"Two persons from the 3rd position: {}", registry.findPerson()
They can be sorted in some basic way:"All, sorted by first name: {}", registry.findPerson()
.results());"All, sorted by last name, descending: {}", registry.findPerson()
Intermediate methods can be freely mixed. This first example shows the utility of Finder
to offer a clean API that doesn't
inflate with lots of methods only to provide variants of the query (it's the typical advantage of a fluent interface). It will be shown that this API can
be extended with new methods without changing the general concepts.
In-memory Finder
s can operate both in memory and with more complex data sources. Their core scenario is the latter, otherwise they could be replaced by Java 8 Stream
(a more detailed comparison with Stream
s is at the end of this chapter); but to start with simpler code let's have first a look at the in-memory approach.
In-memory Finder
s can be useful in some real-world cases, for instance when a controller or a DAO has cached data, or to create mocks for testing classes
that use more complex Finder
In the simplest case you already have the results in a Collection
and just want to make them available through a Finder
; in this case the following method
is what you need:
public static <U> Finder<U> ofCloned (@Nonnull final Collection<? extends U> items)
It is used by a first example implementation of PersonRegistry
public class InMemoryPersonRegistry implements PersonRegistry
private final List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>();
public void add (@Nonnull final Person person)
@Override @Nonnull
public Finder<Person> findPerson()
return Finder.ofCloned(persons);
As the name of the method says, the collection is cloned (shallow clone) at construction time, so any change made after the Finder
creation won't be seen.
If data are not immediately available and you want to compute them only on demand, passing a Supplier
is more appropriate:
public static <U> Finder<U> ofSupplier (@Nonnull final Supplier<? extends Collection<? extends U>> supplier)
Function-based Finder
While the previously example referred to a in-memory implementation for the sake of simplicity, the Supplier
might retrieve the data from any kind of external
source: perhaps parsing an XML file, querying a database (a more complex example will be provided in the chapters belows) or calling a REST endpoint. If, by
specifying from()
and/or max()
, only a subset of data is required, a waste of computational power might be implied in the case there is a cost associated to
the retrieval: the Supplier
is supposed to provide the whole set of data.
In this case an alternate approach is offered, a Function
that makes available the from
and max
public static <U> Finder<U> ofProvider (@Nonnull final BiFunction<Integer, Integer, ? extends Collection<? extends U>> provider)
An example of implementation is given by this test:
// given
final BiFunction<Integer, Integer, List<String>> provider =
// This stands for a complex computation to make data available
(from, max) -> IntStream.range(from, Math.min(from + max, 10))
final var underTest = Finder.ofProvider(provider);
// when
final var actualResult1 = underTest.results();
final var actualResult2 = underTest.from(4).max(3).results();
// then
final var expectedResult1 = List.of("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9");
final var expectedResult2 = List.of("4", "5", "6");
In most cases this is what you need, without requiring to write a class implementing Finder
Sometimes you already have a working Finder
, but you want to provide transformed (perhaps decorated) data. In this case you have a method for the job,
which accepts a mapping Function
public static <U, V> Finder<U> mapping (@Nonnull final Finder<V> delegate, @Nonnull final Function<? super V, ? extends U> mapper)
In this example the mapping Finder
relies of a Finder<Integer>
, while the mapper multiplies by two original data and converts them to strings:
// given
final var list = List.of(9, 5, 7, 6, 3);
final var delegate = Finder.ofCloned(list);
final Function<Integer, String> multiplyAndStringify = n -> Integer.toString(n * 2);
final var underTest = Finder.mapping(delegate, multiplyAndStringify);
// when
final var actualResult1 = underTest.results();
final var actualResult2 = underTest.from(2).max(2).results();
// then
final var expectedResult1 = List.of("18", "10", "14", "12", "6");
final var expectedResult2 = List.of("14", "12");
Data source Finder
Now let's see how a Finder
can work with a complex data source that is not in memory. A classic example is the relational database, so we will use JPA
(Java Persistence API) as a reference. Of course similar examples could be made with other APIs for relational database as well as with other kinds of
data sources, such as NoSQL databases, semantic databases, etc.
The central class of JPA is EntityManager
: it's the facility that makes it possible to create and execute queries. What we want is make the
execute for us code such as:
final var query = em.createQuery(jpaql, resultType);
return query;
where jpaql
, firstResult
and maxResults
have been properly set by intermediate methods previously called. Basically JPAFinder
needs to
create a proper JPAQL query string in function of its parameters, as illustrated by the following tests:
public void testSimpleQuery()
// when
final var results = underTest.results();
// then
assertThat(jpaMock.getSql()).isEqualTo("SELECT p FROM PersonEntity p");
public void testQueryWithAscendingSortAndFirstMax()
// when
final var results = underTest.sort(BY_FIRST_NAME).from(2).max(4).results();
// then
assertThat(jpaMock.getSql()).isEqualTo("SELECT p FROM PersonEntity p ORDER BY p.firstName");
public void testQueryWithDescendingSortAndFirstMax()
// when
final var results = underTest.sort(BY_LAST_NAME, DESCENDING).from(3).max(7).results();
// then
assertThat(jpaMock.getSql()).isEqualTo("SELECT p FROM PersonEntity p ORDER BY p.lastName DESC");
public void testQueryWithDoubleSort()
// when
final var results = underTest.sort(BY_LAST_NAME, DESCENDING).sort(BY_FIRST_NAME, ASCENDING).results();
// then
assertThat(jpaMock.getSql()).isEqualTo("SELECT p FROM PersonEntity p ORDER BY p.lastName DESC, p.firstName");
public void testQueryWithCount()
// when
final var count = underTest.count();
// then
assertThat(jpaMock.getSql()).isEqualTo("SELECT COUNT(p) FROM PersonEntity p");
Before going on, let's consider that transactions are managed by JPA in a few ways that, while not particularly complex in the context of a real application, require excessive set up for a simple example like the one we're dealing with. So we introduce a simple helper that executes a task in the context of a transaction:
public <T> T computeInTx (@Nonnull Function<? super EntityManager, T> task);
public default void runInTx (@Nonnull final Consumer<? super EntityManager> task)
In a real case the EntityManager
would rather be injected.
The first thing we need is to define the state of the Finder
, which must both model the parameters set by intermediate methods and contain a reference
to the data source (which, in our case, is TxManager
private final Class<E> entityClass;
private final Function<E, T> fromEntity;
private final TxManager txManager;
private final int firstResult;
private final int maxResults;
private final List<Pair<JpaqlSortCriterion, SortDirection>> sortCriteria;
Let's now focus on the implementation of intermediate methods. They usually don't do anything smart, but just accumulate the required parameters for later
performing the query. Since a Finder
must be immutable, they can't change the internal state: they rather must create and return a cloned Finder
with the original state and only a single field changed. This is a typical approach for immutable objects.
@Override @Nonnull
public Finder<T> from (@Nonnegative final int firstResult)
return new JpaFinder<>(entityClass, fromEntity, txManager, firstResult, maxResults, sortCriteria);
@Override @Nonnull
public Finder<T> max (@Nonnegative final int maxResults)
return new JpaFinder<>(entityClass, fromEntity, txManager, firstResult, maxResults, sortCriteria);
Now let's deal with sorting. Sorting works in a different way in function of the Finder
being “in memory” or associated to a data source:
- in-memory happens by means of the sorting features of the Java Collection API, so there's nothing special about it; but it is to be pointed out
that it is performed before pagination, so it's quite different calling
» sorting andsort()
- in the data source, which allows to optimize the query (if the data source cooperates).
In both cases sorting criteria are defined by means of the interfaces SortCriterion
and InMemorySortCriterion
, which extends the former.
declares a method which will be called by the Finder
to perform the sort:
public void sort (@Nonnull List<? extends U> results, @Nonnull SortDirection sortDirection);
A convenience method of()
makes it possible to easily create a working SortCriterion
by wrapping a Comparator
public static final SortCriterion BY_FIRST_NAME = InMemorySortCriterion.of(comparing(Person::getFirstName));
public static final SortCriterion BY_LAST_NAME = InMemorySortCriterion.of(comparing(Person::getLastName));
The intermediate method Finder.sort()
behaves as other intermediate methods and just collects data for a later use:
@Override @Nonnull
public Finder<T> sort (@Nonnull final SortCriterion criterion, @Nonnull final SortDirection direction)
if (!(criterion instanceof JpaqlSortCriterion))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't sort by " + criterion);
return new JpaFinder<>(entityClass,
concat(sortCriteria, Pair.of((JpaqlSortCriterion)criterion, direction)));
Note that it usually rejects implementations of SortCriterion
that it doesn't know.
While the implementation of SortCriterion
could be a simple enum
that is later evaluated in a switch
, in a good design it provides its
own behaviour (which is disclosed only to the Finder
implementation). In case of JPA is to assemble the ORDER BY
section of the query:
static final class JpaqlSortCriterion implements SortCriterion
private final String field;
public String processSql (@Nonnull final String jpaql, @Nonnull final SortDirection sortDirection)
final var orderBy = jpaql.contains("ORDER BY") ? ", " : " ORDER BY ";
return jpaql + orderBy + field + ((sortDirection == SortDirection.DESCENDING) ? " DESC" : "");
public static final SortCriterion BY_FIRST_NAME = new JpaqlSortCriterion("p.firstName");
public static final SortCriterion BY_LAST_NAME = new JpaqlSortCriterion("p.lastName");
The core part of the Finder
is where it finalises and executes the query. It creates the JPAQL query and then it callsEntityManager
to execute it.
private <R> TypedQuery<R> createQuery (@Nonnull final EntityManager em,
@Nonnull final Class<R> resultType,
@Nonnull final String jpaqlPrefix)
final var buffer = new AtomicReference<>(jpaqlPrefix + " FROM " + entityClass.getSimpleName() + " p");
sortCriteria.forEach(p -> buffer.updateAndGet(prev -> p.a.processSql(prev, p.b)));
final var jpaql = buffer.get();">>>> {}", jpaql);
// START SNIPPET: createQuery
final var query = em.createQuery(jpaql, resultType);
return query;
// END SNIPPET: createQuery
At last we can implement termination methods: they run the query, extract the part of the results they need and convert them from a JPA entity to the
desired class (this task may be needed or not in function of the architecture of the application: a Finder
might expose JPA entities if desired).
@Override @Nonnull
public Optional<T> optionalResult()
final var results = results();
if (results.size() > 1)
throw new RuntimeException("More than a single result");
@Override @Nonnull
public Optional<T> optionalFirstResult()
// Warning: the stream must be consumed *within* runInTx2()
return txManager.computeInTx(em -> createQuery(em, entityClass, "SELECT p")
@Override @Nonnull
public List<T> results()
// Warning: the stream must be consumed *within* runInTx2()
return txManager.computeInTx(em -> createQuery(em, entityClass, "SELECT p")
@Override @Nonnegative
public int count()
return txManager.computeInTx(em -> createQuery(em, Long.class, "SELECT COUNT(p)").getSingleResult()).intValue();
A point that is worth mentioning is about how transactions are handled: it largely depends on the used technology, as one needs to respect the best or
mandatory practices that come with it. In the case of JPA, it is required that the Stream
of results produced by a query is consumed before the
transaction is committed; in our case this means within the call to TxManager
Extended Finder
An extended Finder
is a subclass of Finder
that exposes additional methods for filtering the results. For instance we could write a
for the previous PersonRegistry
that extends Finder<Person>
and offers two new methods that filter by first or last name with a
regular expression:
public PersonFinder withFirstName (@Nonnull String regex);
public PersonFinder withLastName (@Nonnull String regex);
The registry now would return a PersonFinder
instead of the general Finder<Person>
, like this:
public interface PersonRegistry2 extends PersonRegistry
@Override @Nonnull
public PersonFinder findPerson();
There is a first problem to address: to make it possible to freely mix all the intermediate methods, both the new ones and those defined in the base
. This cannot be achieved by merely extending the Finder
interface (i. e. interface PersonFinder extends Finder<Person>
), as the
methods declared in Finder
return a value which is statically typed as Finder
; so the compiler would not allow to call the new methods. In other
words this would be possible:
List<Person> persons = findPerson().withLastName("B.*").max(5).results();
but this wouldn't compile:
List<Person> persons = findPerson().max(5).withLastName("B.*").results();
Free mixing of methods is mandatory to fulfill the flexibility target that allows a portion of the application to refine a query that has been partially constructed in another part of the application.
To address this problem a specific interface named ExtendedFinderSupport
is provided. It just re-declares the methods provided by Finder
overriding their return value type (in our example to PersonFinder
in place of Finder<Person>
). This is possible thanks to the fact that Java features
covariant return type.
takes two generics: the type of the managed object (Person
) and type of the new Finder
). To better
understand this, have a look at theExtendedFinderSupport
public interface ExtendedFinderSupport<T, F extends Finder<T>> extends Finder<T>
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override @Nonnull
public F from (/* @Nonnegative */ int firstResult);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override @Nonnull
public F max (/* @Nonnegative */ int maxResults);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override @Nonnull
public F sort (@Nonnull SortCriterion criterion);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override @Nonnull
public F sort (@Nonnull SortCriterion criterion, @Nonnull SortDirection direction);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override @Nonnull
public F withContext (@Nonnull Object context);
So a properly designed PersonFinder
must extend ExtendedFinderSupport<Person, PersonFinder>
in place of Finder<Person>
public interface PersonFinder extends ExtendedFinderSupport<Person, PersonFinder>
// START SNIPPET: new-methods
public PersonFinder withFirstName (@Nonnull String regex);
public PersonFinder withLastName (@Nonnull String regex);
// END SNIPPET: new-methods
In this way the new methods can be freely mixed with the ones inherited by the super interface:"Whose first name starts with B: {}",
.results());"Whose first name starts with B, sorted by first name: {}",
Hierarchic Finder
In a complex application it might be convenient to write a number of different Finder
s in form of a hierarchy, for instance because there is some common behaviour that
can be effectively captured by means of the generalisation-specialisation relationship (even though composition often is a better approach). The Finder
API doesn't mandate anything in addition of respecting the contract declared in its interface and have an immutable implementation, so one can proceed with
his favourite design strategy. Anyway the API provides a support class
which offers the capability of having a completely encapsulated status: that is with all fields private
(rather than
) and each level of the hierarchy doesn't know anything of the internal status of the others.
This is a way to mitigate the tight coupling caused by inheritance, so one can make changes to the internal status to a Finder in an intermediate level of
the hierarchy without forcing the subclasses to be adjusted.
To explain how this works by examples, we are going to show how an implementation of the extended Finder
we introduced in the previous section might be
done (in-memory, to keep things simpler).
First we have to declare fields for the internal state and a public constructor to initialize the object with reasonable defaults:
private final List<Person> persons;
private final Pattern firstNamePattern;
private final Pattern lastNamePattern;
// This is for public use
public PersonFinderImpl2a (@Nonnull final List<Person> persons)
this(persons, Pattern.compile(".*"), Pattern.compile(".*"));
A private constructor to initialize everything to arbitrary values is also needed:
// This could be generated by Lombok @RequiredArgsConstructor
private PersonFinderImpl2a (@Nonnull final List<Person> persons,
@Nonnull final Pattern firstNamePattern,
@Nonnull final Pattern lastNamePattern)
this.persons = persons;
this.firstNamePattern = firstNamePattern;
this.lastNamePattern = lastNamePattern;
As it was explained above, intermediate methods must create copies of the Finder
to comply with the immutability constraint. In a normal class this would be
performed by a copy constructor that takes all the fields, including those of the superclass(es); but since we decided to make them private
they can't
be accessed. So all we can do is to call the constructor shown in the above code snippet that only deals with the fields of the current class. Since it calls
the super
default constructor, this means that the state of the super class(es) will be reset to a default: i.e. any change applied by intermediate
methods implemented in the super class(es) will be lost. Obviously this is not how things are supposed to work: that's why HierarchicFinderSupport
offers a
method that fixes everything.
@Override @Nonnull
public PersonFinder withFirstName (@Nonnull final String regex)
return clonedWith(new PersonFinderImpl2a(persons, Pattern.compile(regex), lastNamePattern));
@Override @Nonnull
public PersonFinder withLastName (@Nonnull final String regex)
return clonedWith(new PersonFinderImpl2a(persons, firstNamePattern, Pattern.compile(regex)));
How does it work? It relies on the the presence of a special copy constructor that looks like this:
public PersonFinderImpl2a (@Nonnull final PersonFinderImpl2a other, @Nonnull final Object override)
super(other, override);
final var source = getSource(PersonFinderImpl2a.class, other, override);
this.persons = source.persons;
this.firstNamePattern = source.firstNamePattern;
this.lastNamePattern = source.lastNamePattern;
Note: having this special copy constructor is a requirement of any subclass of
. TheHierarchicFinderSupport
constructor makes a runtime check by introspection and throws an exception if the proper copy constructor is not found.
It takes two parameters:
is the usual parameter used in a clone constructor and references the instance being cloned.override
is the incomplete finder we instantiated in our custom intermediate methods. It holds the variations to apply to the state of the newFinder
We need to initialize all the fields of our pertinence (that is, the ones declared in the current class) choosing from where to get their values. Aren't they
in the override
object? No, they aren't always there. If we are in a hierarchy of Finder
s all copy constructors will be called wherever a change
is made; in other words, we aren't sure that our portion of state is the one that needs to be partially changed. We can tell by looking at the dynamic type of
the override
object: if it is our same type, it's the incomplete Finder
with the new values, and we must initialize from it. Otherwise we must
initialize as in a regular clone constructor, from the other
object. A convenience method getSource()
performs the decision for us. Of course we
need to call the super()
constructor to make sure everything is fine (but no details of the super class are exposed by it).
Is it a bit clumsy? Admittedly it is, even though the code is simple and clean: once the concept is clear, it's easy to write a copy constructor for a new
extended Finder
. Part of the clumsiness derives from the complexity of inheritance, that we are trying to work around. If you don't like this approach,
just forget HierarchicFinderSupport
Alternate take
If you really don't like the concept of “incomplete” Finder
(which is a curious thing indeed, a short-lived object “degraded“ to a value object)
you can use a simpler value object just holding the required values. Since
is a generic Object
, it will work. Again, this approach requires some more code to write; but here
annotation from Lombok or
Java 16 records might be useful.
For instance, an alternate implementation can encapsulate its parameters in a special inner class:
record Status (@Nonnull List<Person> persons, @Nonnull Pattern firstNamePattern, @Nonnull Pattern lastNamePattern)
// implements Serializable
private final Status status;
// This is for public use
public PersonFinderImpl2b (@Nonnull final List<Person> persons)
this(new Status(persons, Pattern.compile(".*"), Pattern.compile(".*")));
so the private constructor becomes:
private PersonFinderImpl2b (@Nonnull final Status status)
this.status = status;
The new copy constructor now is:
public PersonFinderImpl2b (@Nonnull final PersonFinderImpl2b other, @Nonnull final Object override)
super(other, override);
final var source = getSource(Status.class, other.status, override);
this.status = new Status(source.persons, source.firstNamePattern, source.lastNamePattern);
And the methods to specify parameters are:
@Override @Nonnull
public PersonFinder withFirstName (@Nonnull final String regex)
return clonedWith(new Status(status.persons, Pattern.compile(regex), status.lastNamePattern));
@Override @Nonnull
public PersonFinder withLastName (@Nonnull final String regex)
return clonedWith(new Status(status.persons, status.firstNamePattern, Pattern.compile(regex)));
Marginal note to HierarchicFinderSupport
Note: this part of the API might go away in future: mention that after TFT-262 a Finder implementation only requires results().
If you decide to implement a Finder
by subclassing HierarchicFinderSupport
there is an alternative way to implement the termination methods, as they have
default implementations. You can rather implement either of these two methods:
protected List<T> computeNeededResults()
This method is responsible to produce the final results as they will be returned to the caller. That is it must respect parameters concerning pagination
or max()
), sorting and such. For instance, if the source is a relational database this method should prepare and execute a SQL query with
all the relevant clauses (WHERE
, etc.). If this method is not overridden, it will call the method shown below and then
apply pagination and sorting by itself (in memory).
protected List<T> computeResults()
This method would return all the objects of pertinence, without filtering or sorting them; the default implementation of computeNeededResults()
take care of that. Since this implies to work in memory after having loaded/created all the objects, this approach is easier to write but less efficient. It's
ok for mocks or simple cases. The implementation of our example is:
@Override @Nonnull
protected List<Person> computeResults()
.filter(p -> firstNamePattern.matcher(p.getFirstName()).matches()
&& lastNamePattern.matcher(p.getLastName()).matches())
Comparison with Java 8 Stream
A first look at Finder
, in particular the presence of intermediate and termination methods, sure recalls a similarity with Java 8
. Finder
was designed before Java 8 existed
and at that time it partly covered functions that were later made available with Stream
; but it has been conceived with a different scope:
is a library facility that focuses on a functional and efficient way to navigate through an abstract sequence of objects; it can be customised viaSpliterator
for integrating to unusual data sources, but it can't interact with them. In other words, aSpliterator
can't receive from theStream
information about filtering or sorting: first data are extracted from the data source, then they are manipulated in memory. Last but not least, the API has a predefined set of exposed methods that can't be extended.Finder
, instead, is a business facility that can interact with the data source and is well aware of the business model; so it can be extended with new methods that are related to the specific structure of model classes (in the previous example, by knowing that aPerson
Furthermore it has been designed to integrate with another member of this library, which is named As
and allows to use a particular implementation
of the DCI architectural pattern.
A Stream
can filter results by means of function composition: for instance filter(p -> Pattern.matches("B.*", p.getFirstName()))
; but in this
case filtering happens only after the objects have been loaded in memory because the data source has no way to know what is happening and cannot optimise its
behaviour. For instance, if the data source is a DAO to a database, it can't create an ad-hoc SQL statement; Finder
instead can cooperate with
the data source and prepare an optimised query.
s can be effectively be used in synergy with Stream
by chaining the appropriated methods: this allows to choose which part of the processing
must be performed by the data source and which part in memory, after data have been retrieved.
// Here both filtering and sorting are performed by the Finder, which could make them happen in the data source."Whose first name starts with B, sorted by first name: {}",
// Here filtering is performed as above, but sorting is done in memory after all data have been retrieved."Whose first name starts with B, sorted by first name: {}",
// Here both filtering and sorting are performed in memory."Whose first name starts with B, sorted by first name: {}",
.filter(p -> Pattern.matches("B.*", p.getFirstName()))
This explains why Finder
doesn't offer methods such as filter(Predicate<T>)
: because in no way from a compiled Java function it could understand
how to prepare a query for a generic data source. Such a method would be only useful to post-process data once they have been loaded in memory, but it's more
effective to pass the results to a Stream
and use the standard Java API.
Available examples
InMemoryFinderExample | A simple in-memory Finder example. |
ExtendedFinderExample | An extended finder with two custom methods and some examples of interaction with Stream s |
JPAFinderExample | A data source Finder that runs with JPA (Hibernate). This example also uses As (see below). |