1 /*
2 * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
3 *
4 * TheseFoolishThings: Miscellaneous utilities
5 * http://tidalwave.it/projects/thesefoolishthings
6 *
7 * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2025 by Tidalwave s.a.s. (http://tidalwave.it)
8 *
9 * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
10 *
11 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
12 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
13 *
14 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
15 *
16 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
17 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
18 *
19 * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
20 *
21 * git clone https://bitbucket.org/tidalwave/thesefoolishthings-src
22 * git clone https://github.com/tidalwave-it/thesefoolishthings-src
23 *
24 * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
25 */
26 package it.tidalwave.util;
28 import jakarta.annotation.Nonnull;
29 import java.util.Collection;
30 import java.util.Optional;
31 import it.tidalwave.util.impl.AsDelegate;
32 import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
33 import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
34 import lombok.ToString;
36 /***************************************************************************************************************************************************************
37 *
38 * Objects implementing this interface can provide am adapter of the required type. The adapter can be found with a
39 * variety of approaches that depend on the implementation. This capability can be used to implement a design based
40 * on the Data, Context and Interaction pattern (DCI). For further details, please look at the
41 * <a href="http://tidalwave.it/projects/thesefoolishthings">project website</a>, where a tutorial is available.
42 *
43 * @author Fabrizio Giudici
44 * @it.tidalwave.javadoc.stable
45 *
46 **************************************************************************************************************************************************************/
47 public interface As
48 {
49 /***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
50 * A type reference for roles that can be used in place of a class literal, especially when roles with generics are
51 * used. Example of usage:
52 * <pre>
53 *
54 * interface DataRetriever<T>
55 * {
56 * public List<T> retrieve();
57 * }
58 *
59 * class CodeSample
60 * {
61 * private static final As.Type<DataRetriever<String>> _StringRetriever_ = As.type(DataRetriever.class);
62 *
63 * public void method (As object)
64 * {
65 * List<String> f3 = object.as(_StringRetriever_).retrieve();
66 * }
67 * }
68 * </pre>
69 *
70 * @since 3.2-ALPHA-12
71 **********************************************************************************************************************************************************/
72 @RequiredArgsConstructor @EqualsAndHashCode @ToString
73 public static final class Type<T>
74 {
75 @Nonnull
76 private final Class<?> type;
79 @Nonnull @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
80 /* package */ Class<T> getType()
81 {
82 return (Class<T>)type;
83 }
84 }
86 /***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
87 * Creates an {@code As} implementation delegate for the given object (or returns the object itself if it is the
88 * default implementation of {@code As}).
89 *
90 * @param object the object
91 * @return the implementation
92 * @since 3.2-ALPHA-12
93 **********************************************************************************************************************************************************/
94 @Nonnull
95 public static As forObject (@Nonnull final Object object)
96 {
97 return (object instanceof AsDelegate) ? (As)object : new AsDelegate(object);
98 }
100 /***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
101 * Creates an {@code As} implementation delegate for the given object. It accepts a single pre-instantiated role,
102 * or a {@link RoleFactory} that will be invoked to create additional roles.
103 *
104 * @param object the object
105 * @param role the role or {@link it.tidalwave.util.RoleFactory}
106 * @return the implementation
107 * @since 3.2-ALPHA-13
108 **********************************************************************************************************************************************************/
109 @Nonnull
110 public static As forObject (@Nonnull final Object object, @Nonnull final Object role)
111 {
112 return new AsDelegate(object, role);
113 }
115 /***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
116 * Creates an {@code As} implementation delegate for the given object. It accepts a collection of pre-instantiated
117 * roles, or instances of {@link RoleFactory} that will be invoked to create additional roles.
118 *
119 * @param object the object
120 * @param roles roles or {@link it.tidalwave.util.RoleFactory} instances
121 * @return the implementation
122 * @since 3.2-ALPHA-13
123 **********************************************************************************************************************************************************/
124 @Nonnull
125 public static As forObject (@Nonnull final Object object, @Nonnull final Collection<Object> roles)
126 {
127 return new AsDelegate(object, roles);
128 }
130 /***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
131 * Returns an adapter to this object of the specified type. If the implementation can find multiple compliant
132 * adapters, only one will be returned.
133 *
134 * @param <T> the static type
135 * @param type the dynamic type
136 * @return the adapter
137 * @throws AsException if no adapter is found
138 **********************************************************************************************************************************************************/
139 @Nonnull
140 public default <T> T as (@Nonnull final Class<? extends T> type)
141 {
142 return maybeAs(type).orElseThrow(() -> new AsException(type));
143 }
145 /***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
146 * Returns the requested role or an empty {@link Optional}.
147 *
148 * @param <T> the static type
149 * @param type the dynamic type
150 * @return the optional role
151 * @since 3.2-ALPHA-3
152 **********************************************************************************************************************************************************/
153 @Nonnull
154 public <T> Optional<T> maybeAs (@Nonnull Class<? extends T> type);
156 /***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
157 * Searches for multiple adapters of the given type and returns them.
158 *
159 * @param <T> the static type
160 * @param type the dynamic type
161 * @return a collection of adapters, possibly empty
162 **********************************************************************************************************************************************************/
163 @Nonnull
164 public <T> Collection<T> asMany (@Nonnull Class<? extends T> type);
166 /***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
167 * Creates a role type reference.
168 *
169 * @param <T> the static type
170 * @param type the dynamic type
171 * @return the type reference
172 * @since 3.2-ALPHA-12
173 **********************************************************************************************************************************************************/
174 @Nonnull
175 public static <T> Type<T> type (@Nonnull final Class<?> type) // FIXME: there's no static check of the argument
176 {
177 return new Type<>(type);
178 }
180 /***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
181 * Returns a role for this object of the specified type. If the implementation can find multiple compliant
182 * roles, only one will be returned.
183 *
184 * @param <T> the static type
185 * @param type the type reference
186 * @return the role
187 * @since 3.2-ALPHA-12
188 **********************************************************************************************************************************************************/
189 @Nonnull
190 public default <T> T as (@Nonnull final Type<? extends T> type)
191 {
192 return as(type.getType());
193 }
195 /***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
196 * Returns the requested role or an empty {@link Optional}.
197 *
198 * @param <T> the static type
199 * @param type the type reference
200 * @return the optional role
201 * @since 3.2-ALPHA-12
202 **********************************************************************************************************************************************************/
203 @Nonnull
204 public default <T> Optional<T> maybeAs (@Nonnull final Type<? extends T> type)
205 {
206 return maybeAs(type.getType());
207 }
209 /***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
210 * Returns the requested role or an empty {@link Optional}.
211 *
212 * @param <T> the static type
213 * @param type the type reference
214 * @return the roles
215 * @since 3.2-ALPHA-12
216 **********************************************************************************************************************************************************/
217 @Nonnull
218 public default <T> Collection<T> asMany (@Nonnull final Type<? extends T> type)
219 {
220 return asMany(type.getType());
221 }
222 }