All Classes and Interfaces

This annotation marks methods in presentation assembler classes (see PresentationAssembler).
The role of an object that can change its value.
A Role for data that provides their own Node for rendering.
A simple DAO for the examples.
An implementation of PresentationModelFactory that creates instances of DefaultPresentationModel.
A default implementation of UserActionProvider which returns no actions.
The role of an object which can provide its own display name.
If a Main class is annotated with EnableMessageBus, the following things happen: a messagebus implementing MessageBus is instantiated and made available in the Spring application context (so it can be injected); a PowerOnEvent is fired when the application is ready to be initialised; a PowerOffEvent is fired when the application is going to be closed.
A class that models a file with its attributes and children.
The role of an object that can be rendered into a String as HTML markup.
The role of an object that can provide an icon for rendering.
The JavaFX specialisation for MenuBarControl.
A base class for JavaFX applications with use Spring annotation scanning.
The JavaFX specialisation for ToolBarControl.
A partial contract for a View that can be locked with a "Please wait..." notification.
This interface describes all the interactions with the presentation object.
If the presentation contains form fields, it's a good practice to group them together within a single class which exposes BoundProperty instances.
A model for the application menubar.
A class describing the standard sequence of typical main menu bar elements.
A role that describes the placement of a menu item.
A support implementation for MenuBarControl.
An interface that describes the capability of mutate status and of supporting listeners.
A specialized Displayable which is mutable (that is, its display name can be changed) and fires PropertyChangeEvents.
A specialized IconProvider which is mutable and fires PropertyChangeEvents.
A convenient support for implementing a MutableIconProvider.
A listener of a mutable property.
A listener of a mutable property.
A listener of a mutable property.
This facility class create a thread-safe proxy for the JavaFX delegate (controller).
This service looks up PanelGroupProviders that describe portions of the User Interface and places them in the desired region of the main window.
A bag of configuration settings for PanelGroupProvider.
Standard groups.
The group in the main window.
A support implementation of PanelGroupControl.
A service that provides a piece of he User Interface together with the definition of the group in the main window where it should be made visible (left, right, center or bottom).
A support class for PanelGroupProvider.
A message notifying that a panel has been hidden.
A message notifying that a panel has been shown.
A message requesting to show the given presentation.
The role of an object that can be rendered into a String as plain text.
A message that notifies that the system is going to be powered off.
A message that notifies that the system has been just powered on.
The role of an object that can be presented on a UI, thus is capable of creating a PresentationModel.
This annotation marks presentation delegate classes to designate them as "application assemblers", that is portions of code that takes previously build pieces of the user interface and assemble them together in a window.
TODO: As the NetBeans Node, it should allow children, have event listeners for children added/removed/changed.
A specialisation of Aggregate<PresentationModel> which offers a convenience method for aggregating its contained objects.
A Collector which collects a Stream of PresentationModels into a single PresentationModel with a Composite&lt;PresentationModel&gt; role containing them.
A factory that creates a default PresentationModel.
A role providing the capability of being selected.
An implementation of Presentable for datum instances having the SimpleComposite role.
A simple datum class with a DCI role: Displayable, which contains the entity display name,
A simple datum class without DCI roles.
A role which declares a set of styles for rendering.
A model for the application toolbar.
A support implementation for ToolBarControl.
A role that provides UserActions.
This class models a notification that will be presented to a user, without a feedback.
This class models a notification that will be presented to a user, and a feedback is expected (confirmation or cancellation).
This class provides a few callback methods to notify a choice from the user.
The role of an object that can be visible or not.
Changes the destination only at a certain condition in function of the target.