Interface Mutable

All Known Subinterfaces:
BoundFunction<DOMAIN_TYPE,CODOMAIN_TYPE>, ChangingSource<T>, MutableDisplayable, MutableIconProvider, PresentationModel
All Known Implementing Classes:
AndFunction, BooleanBoundFunctionSupport, BoundFunctionSupport, BoundProperty, CopyIfEmptyOrConform, MutableIconProviderSupport, NonEmptyFunction, OrFunction, UnaryBoundFunctionSupport, WeakCopyFunctionSupport

@API(status=EXPERIMENTAL) public interface Mutable
An interface that describes the capability of mutate status and of supporting listeners. Both old-style PropertyChangeListener and a new experimental MutableListeners are supported. The three different methods addListener1(MutableListener1), addListener2(MutableListener2) and addListener(MutableListener) allow shorter syntaxes when only one or two parameters of the callback are needed, that is:
 mutable.addMutableListener1(newValue -> consumer1.accept(newValue));
 mutable.addMutableListener2((oldValue, newValue) -> consumer2.accept(oldValue, newValue));
 mutable.addMutableListener((source, oldValue, newValue) -> consumer3.accept(source, oldValue, newValue));
Fabrizio Giudici
See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • addPropertyChangeListener Link icon

      void addPropertyChangeListener(@Nonnull PropertyChangeListener listener)
      listener - the listener
    • addPropertyChangeListener Link icon

      void addPropertyChangeListener(@Nonnull String propertyName, @Nonnull PropertyChangeListener listener)
      Registers a PropertyChangeListener for the given property.
      propertyName - the name of the property
      listener - the listener
    • removePropertyChangeListener Link icon

      void removePropertyChangeListener(@Nonnull PropertyChangeListener listener)
      Unregisters a PropertyChangeListener.
      listener - the listener
    • removePropertyChangeListener Link icon

      void removePropertyChangeListener(@Nonnull String propertyName, @Nonnull PropertyChangeListener listener)
      Removes a PropertyChangeListener for the given property.
      propertyName - the name of the property
      listener - the listener
    • getPropertyChangeListeners Link icon

      @Nonnull PropertyChangeListener[] getPropertyChangeListeners()
      Returns all the bound PropertyChangeListeners.
      the listeners
    • getPropertyChangeListeners Link icon

      @Nonnull PropertyChangeListener[] getPropertyChangeListeners(@Nonnull String propertyName)
      Returns the bound PropertyChangeListeners for the given property.
      propertyName - the name of the property
      the listeners
    • hasListeners Link icon

      boolean hasListeners(@Nonnull String propertyName)
      Checks whether the given property has been bound to listeners.
      propertyName - the name of the property
      true if the property is bound
    • addListener Link icon

      <T> void addListener(@Nonnull MutableListener<T> listener)
      Registers a MutableListener.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the listener
      listener - the listener
    • addListener1 Link icon

      default <T> void addListener1(@Nonnull MutableListener1<T> listener)
      Registers a MutableListener. This method is needed to allow the compiler to infer the correct type of lambdas.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the listener
      listener - the listener
    • addListener2 Link icon

      default <T> void addListener2(@Nonnull MutableListener2<T> listener)
      Registers a MutableListener. This method is needed to allow the compiler to infer the correct type of lambdas.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the listener
      listener - the listener
    • removeListener Link icon

      <T> void removeListener(@Nonnull MutableListener<T> listener)
      Unregisters a MutableListener.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the listener
      listener - the listener