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1   /*
2    * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
3    *
4    * blueHour: open source accounting
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7    * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2024 by Tidalwave s.a.s. (
8    *
9    * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
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11   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
12   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
13   *
14   *
15   *
16   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
17   * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
18   *
19   * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
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21   * git clone
22   * git clone
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24   * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
25   */
26  package it.tidalwave.accounting.model.impl;
28  import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
29  import java.time.Duration;
30  import java.util.ArrayList;
31  import java.util.List;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.HourlyReport;
36  import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.HourlyReportGenerator;
37  import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.JobEvent;
38  import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.JobEventGroup;
39  import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.spi.JobEventSpi;
40  import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.spi.ProjectSpi;
41  import it.tidalwave.dci.annotation.DciRole;
42  import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
43  import static it.tidalwave.accounting.model.spi.util.Formatters.*;
44  import static java.util.Comparator.*;
46  /***************************************************************************************************************************************************************
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48   * @author  Fabrizio Giudici
49   *
50   **************************************************************************************************************************************************************/
51  @DciRole(datumType = ProjectSpi.class) @RequiredArgsConstructor
52  public class DefaultHourlyReportGenerator implements HourlyReportGenerator
53    {
54      private static final String SEPARATOR = "===========================================================================";
56      private static final String PATTERN = "| %-12s | %-30s | %-8s | %-12s |%n";
57      private static final String PATTERN2 = "| %12s | %-30s | %8s | %12s |%n";
58      private static final String PATTERN3 = "  %12s   %-30s   %8s   %12s  %n";
60      @Nonnull
61      private final ProjectSpi project;
63      @Override @Nonnull
64      public HourlyReport createReport()
65        {
66          final var sw = new StringWriter();
67          makeReport(sw);
68          return new HourlyReport(sw.toString());
69        }
71      private void makeReport (@Nonnull final Writer w)
72        {
73          final var pw = new PrintWriter(w);
74          System.err.println("CREATE REPORT " + project);
76          pw.print(SEPARATOR + "\n");
77          pw.printf(PATTERN, "Date", "Description", "Time", "Cost");
78          pw.print(SEPARATOR + "\n");
80          // TODO: quick and dirty - refactor with visitor, lambdas
81          final List<JobEventSpi> jobEvents = new ArrayList<>();
82          addAll(jobEvents, project.findChildren().results());
84                            .forEach(event -> pw.printf(PATTERN2, DATE_FORMATTER.format(event.getDateTime()),
85                                                                  event.getName(),
86                                                                  DURATION_FORMATTER.format(event.getDuration()),
87                                                                  MONEY_FORMATTER.format(event.getEarnings())));
88          pw.print(SEPARATOR + "\n");
89          pw.printf(PATTERN3, "", "", DURATION_FORMATTER.format(project.getDuration()),
90                                      MONEY_FORMATTER.format(project.getEarnings()));
92          // FIXME: rename getAmount() -> getBudget()
93          // FIXME: introduce getBudgetDuration()
94          final var duration = Duration.ofHours((long)project.getBudget().divided(project.getHourlyRate()));
95          pw.printf("BUDGET:           %s%n", MONEY_FORMATTER.format(project.getBudget()));
96          pw.printf("HOURLY RATE:      %s%n", MONEY_FORMATTER.format(project.getHourlyRate()));
97          pw.printf("DURATION:         %s%n", DURATION_FORMATTER.format(duration));
98          pw.printf("REMAINING BUDGET: %s%n",
99                    MONEY_FORMATTER.format(project.getBudget().subtract(project.getEarnings())));
100         pw.printf("REMAINING TIME:   %s%n", DURATION_FORMATTER.format(duration.minus(project.getDuration())));
101         pw.flush();
102       }
104     private void addAll (@Nonnull final List<? super JobEventSpi> results,
105                          @Nonnull final List<? extends JobEvent> jobEvents)
106       {
107         for (final var jobEvent : jobEvents)
108           {
109             if (jobEvent instanceof JobEventGroup)
110               {
111                 addAll(results, ((JobEventGroup)jobEvent).findChildren().results());
112               }
113             else
114               {
115                 results.add((JobEventSpi)jobEvent);
116               }
117           }
118       }
119   }