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 * TheseFoolishThings: Miscellaneous utilities
 * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2025 by Tidalwave s.a.s. (
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package it.tidalwave.util;

// import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
// import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
import jakarta.annotation.Nonnull;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.ToString;

 * A value object that contains a triple of values.
 * @author  Fabrizio Giudici
 * @since   3.2-ALPHA-12
 * @it.tidalwave.javadoc.draft
@Getter /* @Immutable */ @RequiredArgsConstructor(staticName = "of") @ToString @EqualsAndHashCode
public class Triple<A, B, C>
    public final A a;

    public final B b;

    public final C c;

     * Creates a {@code Triple} from a {@code Pair} and another value.
     * @param   <T>     the former type of the {@code Pair}
     * @param   <U>     the latter type of the {@code Pair}
     * @param   <V>     the type of the value
     * @param   pair    the {@code Pair}
     * @param   value   the value
     * @return          the {@code Stream} of {@code Triple}s
    public static <T, U, V> Triple<T, U, V> of (@Nonnull final Pair<T, U> pair, @Nonnull final V value)
        return of(pair.a, pair.b, value);

     * Creates a {@link Stream} of {@code Triple}s composed of a given {@code Pair} and another element taken from
     * {@link Stream}.
     * @param   <T>     the former type of the {@code Pair}
     * @param   <U>     the latter type of the {@code Pair}
     * @param   <V>     the type of the {@code Stream}
     * @param   pair    the {@code Pair}
     * @param   stream  the {@code Stream}
     * @return          the {@code Stream} of {@code Triple}s
    public static <T, U, V> Stream<Triple<T, U, V>> tripleStream (@Nonnull final Pair<T, U> pair,
                                                                  @Nonnull final Stream<? extends V> stream)
        return -> of(pair, value));

     * Creates a {@link Stream} of {@code Triple}s composed of a given fixed {@code Pair} and an integer in the given
     * range.
     * @param   <T>     the former type of the {@code Pair}
     * @param   <U>     the latter type of the {@code Pair}
     * @param   pair    the {@code Pair}
     * @param   from    the first value of the integer {@code Stream} (included)
     * @param   to      the last value of the integer {@code Stream} (excluded)
     * @return          the {@code Stream} of {@code Triple}s
    public static <T, U> Stream<Triple<T, U, Integer>> tripleRange (@Nonnull final Pair<T, U> pair,
                                                                    /* @Nonnegative */ final int from,
                                                                    /* @Nonnegative */ final int to)
        return tripleStream(pair, IntStream.range(from, to).boxed());

     * Creates a {@link Stream} of {@code Triple}s composed of a given fixed {@code Pair} and an integer in the given
     * range.
     * @param   <T>     the former type of the {@code Pair}
     * @param   <U>     the latter type of the {@code Pair}
     * @param   pair    the {@code Pair}
     * @param   from    the first value of the integer {@code Stream} (included)
     * @param   to      the last value of the integer {@code Stream} (included)
     * @return          the {@code Stream} of {@code Triple}s
    public static <T, U> Stream<Triple<T, U, Integer>> tripleRangeClosed (@Nonnull final Pair<T, U> pair,
                                                                          /* @Nonnegative */ final int from,
                                                                          /* @Nonnegative */ final int to)
        return tripleStream(pair, IntStream.rangeClosed(from, to).boxed());