Creates an instance with the given name.
Creates an instance with the given name and type.
Returns all the keys registered in the system.
Returns the contents as a plain
Returns the contents as a plain
Returns a set of all the contained (key, value) pairs.
Returns a set of all the contained (key, value) pairs.
Returns a set of all the contained keys.
Returns a set of all the contained keys.
Checks whether a pair has been stored.
Checks whether a pair has been stored.
<T> T
TypeSafeMultiMap.get(Key<T> key)
Returns a value given its key.
Returns an optional value given its key.
<T> void
Sets a property, unless it has been already set.
<T> void
Sets a property, overriding the current value.
TypeSafeMap.with(Key<T> key,
T value)
Create a new instance with an additional pair (key, value=
TypeSafeMultiMap.with(Key<T> key,
T value)
Creates a new instance with an additional pair (key, value).
<T> void
Performs the given action on all the pairs (key, value) contained in this map.
<T> void
Performs the given action on all the pairs (key, value) contained in this map.
Creates an instance cloning the given map.
Creates an instance cloning the given map.