- /*
- * *********************************************************************************************************************
- *
- * TheseFoolishThings: Miscellaneous utilities
- * http://tidalwave.it/projects/thesefoolishthings
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2023 by Tidalwave s.a.s. (http://tidalwave.it)
- *
- * *********************************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
- * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- *
- * *********************************************************************************************************************
- *
- * git clone https://bitbucket.org/tidalwave/thesefoolishthings-src
- * git clone https://github.com/tidalwave-it/thesefoolishthings-src
- *
- * *********************************************************************************************************************
- */
- package it.tidalwave.role.spi;
- import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import it.tidalwave.util.LazySupplier;
- import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
- import static it.tidalwave.role.impl.ServiceLoaderLocator.lazySupplierOf;
- /***********************************************************************************************************************
- *
- * The provider of the singleton {@link OwnerRoleFactory}.
- *
- * @author Fabrizio Giudici
- *
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
- @FunctionalInterface
- public interface OwnerRoleFactoryProvider
- {
- static class Inner // TODO: will go away with Java 17
- {
- private static final LazySupplier<OwnerRoleFactoryProvider> PROVIDER_REF =
- lazySupplierOf(OwnerRoleFactoryProvider.class);
- private static final LazySupplier<EmptyOwnerRoleFactory> EMPTY_REF =
- LazySupplier.of(EmptyOwnerRoleFactory::new);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Returns the singleton instance of {@link OwnerRoleFactoryProvider}
- *
- * @return the singleton instance
- *
- ******************************************************************************************************************/
- @Nonnull
- public static OwnerRoleFactoryProvider getInstance ()
- {
- return Inner.PROVIDER_REF.get();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Creates an {@link OwnerRoleFactory} for the given object
- *
- * @param owner the object
- * @return {@code AsDelegate}
- *
- ******************************************************************************************************************/
- @Nonnull
- public OwnerRoleFactory createRoleFactory (@Nonnull Object owner);
- /*******************************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Installs a {@link OwnerRoleFactory}. <b>This method is for testing only (used to set up a testing context).</b>
- *
- * @param ownerRoleFactory the {@link OwnerRoleFactory}
- * @see #reset()
- *
- ******************************************************************************************************************/
- public static void set (@Nonnull final OwnerRoleFactory ownerRoleFactory)
- {
- Inner.PROVIDER_REF.set(new SimpleOwnerRoleFactoryProvider(ownerRoleFactory));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Removes a previously installed {@link OwnerRoleFactory}. <b>This method is for testing only (used to clean up a
- * testing context).</b>
- *
- * @see #set(OwnerRoleFactory)
- *
- ******************************************************************************************************************/
- public static void reset()
- {
- Inner.PROVIDER_REF.clear();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Returns an empty implementation of factory. Useful for setting up a test environment.
- *
- * @return the empty implementation
- * @since 3.2-ALPHA-1
- *
- ******************************************************************************************************************/
- @Nonnull
- public static OwnerRoleFactory emptyRoleFactory()
- {
- return Inner.EMPTY_REF.get();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************************************************
- *
- ******************************************************************************************************************/
- @RequiredArgsConstructor
- static class SimpleOwnerRoleFactoryProvider implements OwnerRoleFactoryProvider
- {
- @Nonnull
- private final OwnerRoleFactory ownerRoleFactory;
- @Override @Nonnull
- public OwnerRoleFactory createRoleFactory (@Nonnull final Object owner)
- {
- return ownerRoleFactory;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************************************************
- *
- ******************************************************************************************************************/
- static class EmptyOwnerRoleFactory implements OwnerRoleFactory
- {
- @Override @Nonnull
- public <T> Collection<T> findRoles (@Nonnull final Class<? extends T> type)
- {
- return new ArrayList<>(); // must be mutable
- }
- }
- }