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 * TheseFoolishThings: Miscellaneous utilities
 * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2021 by Tidalwave s.a.s. (
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 * git clone
 * git clone
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package it.tidalwave.util;

import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import it.tidalwave.util.impl.ArrayListFinder;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.ToString;

 * A factory for providing results of a search. {@code Finder} implementations must be <em>immutable</em>.
 * @author  Fabrizio Giudici
 * @it.tidalwave.javadoc.draft
public interface Finder<TYPE> extends Cloneable, Serializable
     * A tag interface to mark objects which are meaningful sort criteria that can be passed to
     * {@link Finder#sort(it.tidalwave.util.Finder.SortCriterion)}. In general, a {@code SortCriterion} is just a
     * behaviourless and methodless object, that should be specifically handled by concrete implementations of
     * {@link Finder}. The only exceptions are {@link InMemorySortCriterion} objects.
    public static interface SortCriterion
        public static final Class<SortCriterion> _SortCriterion_ = SortCriterion.class;

        /** A special {@link SortCriterion} which indicates that no sort has been performed. */
        public static final SortCriterion UNSORTED = (InMemorySortCriterion<Object>)(results, sortDirection) -> {};

        public static final SortCriterion DEFAULT = UNSORTED;

     * An interface that should be implemented by specific {@link SortCriterion} objects which are capable to implement
     * by themselves the sorting of objects, by post-processing an existing collection of objects. While this is often
     * convenient, it is possible for it to be inefficient in cases in which the original source of objects is capable
     * to perform the sort in an optimized way (e.g. a SQL database by means of {@code ORDER BY}}. The facility class
     * {@link it.tidalwave.util.spi.FinderSupport} supports {@code FilterSortCriterion} objects out of the box.
    public static interface InMemorySortCriterion<TYPE> extends SortCriterion
         * Performs the sort of results.
         * @param  results        the list of objects to be sorted in place
        public default void sort (@Nonnull final List<? extends TYPE> results)
            sort(results, SortDirection.ASCENDING);

         * Performs the sort of results.
         * @param  results        the list of objects to be sorted in place
         * @param  sortDirection  the sort direction
        // START SNIPPET: sort
        public void sort (@Nonnull List<? extends TYPE> results, @Nonnull SortDirection sortDirection);
        // END SNIPPET: sort

         * Creates a new in-memory {@code SortCriterion} based on a {@link Comparator}.
         * @param <T>           the type of the objects to compare
         * @param comparator    the {@code Comparator}
         * @return              the new {@code SortCriterion}
        public static <T> InMemorySortCriterion<T> of (@Nonnull final Comparator<? super T> comparator)
            return of(comparator, comparator.getClass().getSimpleName());

         * Creates a new in-memory {@code SortCriterion} based on a {@link Comparator}.
         * @param <T>           the type of the objects to compare
         * @param comparator    the {@code Comparator}
         * @param name          a name
         * @return              the new {@code SortCriterion}
        public static <T> InMemorySortCriterion of (@Nonnull final Comparator<? super T> comparator,
                                                    @Nonnull final String name)
            return new DefaultInMemorySortCriterion<>(comparator, name);

        @AllArgsConstructor @ToString @EqualsAndHashCode
        static class DefaultInMemorySortCriterion<T> implements Finder.InMemorySortCriterion<T>, Serializable
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 76093596048395982L;

            private final Comparator<? super T> comparator;

            private final String name;

            public void sort (@Nonnull final List<? extends T> results, @Nonnull final SortDirection sortDirection)
                results.sort((Comparator<T>)(o1, o2) ->, o2) * sortDirection.intValue());

     * An enumeration to define the direction of a sort (ascending or descending).
     * @it.tidalwave.javadoc.stable
    @RequiredArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
    public static enum SortDirection
        ASCENDING(+1), DESCENDING(-1);

        private final int intValue;

        /** @return  +1 for ascending direction, -1 for descending */
        public int intValue()
            return intValue;

     * Tells the {@code Finder} that only a subset of found items will be returned, starting from the given position.
     * @param   firstResult    the index of the first result to return
     * @return                 the {@code Finder}
    // START SNIPPET: from
    public Finder<TYPE> from (@Nonnegative int firstResult);
    // END SNIPPET: from

     * Tells the {@code Finder} that only a maximum number of found items will be returned.
     * @param   maxResults    the max number of results to return
     * @return                the {@code Finder}
    // START SNIPPET: max
    public Finder<TYPE> max (@Nonnegative int maxResults);
    // END SNIPPET: max

     * Tells the {@code Finder} that results should be created with the given context. This method can be called 
     * multiple times; contexts are accumulated.
     * @param  context    the context
     * @return            the {@code Finder}
    public default Finder<TYPE> withContext (@Nonnull final Object context)
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet.");

     * Tells the {@code Finder} that the specified type of results is expected.
     * @param <ANOTHER_TYPE>  the static type
     * @param   type          the dynamic type
     * @return                the {@code Finder}
    public default <ANOTHER_TYPE> Finder<ANOTHER_TYPE> ofType (@Nonnull final Class<ANOTHER_TYPE> type)
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet.");

     * Tells the {@code Finder} that results will be sorted according to the given criterion, in ascending direction.
     * @param  criterion  the sort criterion
     * @return            the {@code Finder}
    public default Finder<TYPE> sort (@Nonnull final SortCriterion criterion)
        return sort(criterion, SortDirection.ASCENDING);

     * Tells the {@code Finder} that results will be sorted according to the given criterion and direction.
     * @param  criterion  the sort criterion
     * @param  direction  the sort direction
     * @return            the {@code Finder}
    public Finder<TYPE> sort (@Nonnull SortCriterion criterion, @Nonnull SortDirection direction);

     * Performs the search and returns the found items.
     * @return            the searched items
    // START SNIPPET: results
    public List<? extends TYPE> results();
    // END SNIPPET: results

     * Performs the search and returns the count of found items.
     * @return            the count of found items
    // START SNIPPET: count
    public int count();
    // END SNIPPET: count

     * Performs the search assuming that it will return a single item and returns it. This method fails if the search
     * returns more than one single item.
     * @return            the optional result
     * @throws RuntimeException   if the search returned more than one single item
     * @since 3.2-ALPHA-1 (previously in Finder8)
    // START SNIPPET: optionalResult
    public default Optional<TYPE> optionalResult()
    // END SNIPPET: optionalResult
        final List<TYPE> results = (List<TYPE>)results();

        if (results.size() > 1)
            throw new RuntimeException("" + results.size() + " results, expected only one");


     * Performs the search and returns only the first found item.
     * @return            the first result
     * @since 3.2-ALPHA-1 (previously in Finder8)
    // START SNIPPET: optionalFirstResult
    public default Optional<TYPE> optionalFirstResult()
    // END SNIPPET: optionalFirstResult
        return stream().findFirst();

     * Returns a stream of results.
     * @return    the stream
     * @since 3.2-ALPHA-1 (previously in Finder8)
    public default Stream<TYPE> stream()
        return ((List<TYPE>)results()).stream();

     * Returns am iterator of results.
     * @return    the iterator
     * @since 3.2-ALPHA-1 (previously in Finder8)
    public default Iterator<TYPE> iterator()
        return ((List<TYPE>)results()).iterator();

     * Performs the search assuming that it will return a single item and returns it. This method fails if the search
     * returns more than one single item.
     * @return                    the found item
     * @throws NotFoundException  if the search didn't find anything
     * @throws RuntimeException   if the search returned more than one single item
     * @deprecated                Use {@link #optionalResult()} instead
    @Nonnull @Deprecated
    public default TYPE result()
            throws NotFoundException, RuntimeException
        return optionalResult().orElseThrow(NotFoundException::new);

     * Performs the search and returns only the first found item.
     * @return                    the first found item
     * @throws NotFoundException  if the search didn't find anything
     * @deprecated                Use {@link #optionalFirstResult()} ()} instead
    @Nonnull @Deprecated
    public default TYPE firstResult()
            throws NotFoundException
        return optionalFirstResult().orElseThrow(NotFoundException::new);

     * Returns an empty {@code Finder}.
     * @param   <T>     the type of the {@code Finder}
     * @return          the empty {@code Finder}
     * @since 3.2-ALPHA-1 (previously in FinderSupport.emptyFinder())
    public static <T> Finder<T> empty()
        return ofCloned(Collections.emptyList());

     * Returns a wrapped {@code Finder} on a given collection of elements. The collection is cloned and will be
     * immutable
     * @param   <T>     the type of the {@code Finder}
     * @param   items   the objects to wrap
     * @return          the wrapped {@code Finder}
     * @since 3.2-ALPHA-1
    public static <T> Finder<T> ofCloned (@Nonnull final Collection<T> items)
        return new ArrayListFinder<>(items);