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aggregate - Variable in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AggregateAssert
The Aggregate under inspection.
AggregateAssert<T> - Class in it.tidalwave.ui.test
Assertions for the Aggregate role.
AggregateAssert() - Constructor for class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AggregateAssert
aggregateType - Variable in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AggregateAssert
The type of the aggregate.
AsAssert<T> - Class in it.tidalwave.ui.test
Assertions for UI core.
AsAssert() - Constructor for class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
assertThat(BoundProperty<T>) - Static method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
Starts a sequence of assertions on the given property.
assertThat(As) - Static method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
Starts a sequence of assertions on the given object.
assertThat(ArgumentCaptor<? extends As>) - Static method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
Starts a sequence of assertions on the given object.


composite - Variable in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.CompositeAssert
The Composite under inspection.
CompositeAssert<T> - Class in it.tidalwave.ui.test
Assertions for the Composite role.
CompositeAssert() - Constructor for class it.tidalwave.ui.test.CompositeAssert
compositeType - Variable in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.CompositeAssert
The type of the composite.


displayable - Variable in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.DisplayableAssert
The Displayable under inspection.
DisplayableAssert - Class in it.tidalwave.ui.test
Assertions for the Displayable role.
DisplayableAssert() - Constructor for class it.tidalwave.ui.test.DisplayableAssert


findRoles(Object, Class<? extends R>) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.MockSystemRoleFactory


hasAggregateOf(Class<C>) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
Asserts that the object under inspection has a Aggregate role of the given type
hasCompositeOf(Class<C>) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
Asserts that the object under inspection has a SimpleComposite role of the given type
hasDisplayable() - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
Asserts that the object under inspection has a Displayable role.
hasDisplayName(String) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
Asserts that the object under inspection has the given display name.
hasDisplayName(ThrowingSupplier<String>) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
Asserts that the object under inspection has the given display name.
hasRole(As.Type<R>) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
Asserts that the object under inspection has the given role.
hasRole(Class<R>) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
Asserts that the object under inspection has the given role.
hasStyleable() - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
Asserts that the object under inspection has a Styleable role.
hasUserActionProvider() - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
Asserts that the object under inspection has a UserActionProvider role.


it.tidalwave.ui.test - module it.tidalwave.ui.test
it.tidalwave.ui.test - package it.tidalwave.ui.test
items - Variable in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.ItemsAssert
The items.
ItemsAssert<T> - Class in it.tidalwave.ui.test
Assertions for items of Composite and Aggregate.
ItemsAssert() - Constructor for class it.tidalwave.ui.test.ItemsAssert
itemType - Variable in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.ItemsAssert
The type of items.


MockSystemRoleFactory - Class in it.tidalwave.ui.test
A mock implementation of SystemRoleFactory for tests.
MockSystemRoleFactory() - Constructor for class it.tidalwave.ui.test.MockSystemRoleFactory


newInstance() - Static method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.MockSystemRoleFactory
Returns a new instance of the factory.
nextItemSatisfyingCalled - Variable in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.ItemsAssert
Whether ItemsAssert.withNextItemSatisfying(ThrowingConsumer) has been already called in the current chain.


object - Variable in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AsAssert
The object under inspection.
of(Class<U>, List<U>) - Static method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.ItemsAssert


styleable - Variable in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.StyleableAssert
The Styleable under inspection.
StyleableAssert - Class in it.tidalwave.ui.test
Assertions for the Styleable role.
StyleableAssert() - Constructor for class it.tidalwave.ui.test.StyleableAssert


userActionProvider - Variable in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.UserActionProviderAssert
The UserActionProvider under inspection.
UserActionProviderAssert - Class in it.tidalwave.ui.test
Assertions for the UserActionProvider role.
UserActionProviderAssert() - Constructor for class it.tidalwave.ui.test.UserActionProviderAssert


with(Class<T>, Class<R>, Function<T, List<R>>) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.MockSystemRoleFactory
Returns a new factory that supports the given owner and role type.
withActionCount(int) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.UserActionProviderAssert
Asserts that the object under inspection has the given number of actions.
withAll(Consumer<T[]>) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.ItemsAssert
Provides all children of the current object so assertions can be enforced on them.
withDisplayName(String) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.DisplayableAssert
Asserts that the object under inspection has the given display name.
withDisplayName(ThrowingSupplier<String>) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.DisplayableAssert
Asserts that the object under inspection has the given display name.
withEachItem(ThrowingConsumer<T>) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.ItemsAssert
Enumerates all children of the current object so assertions can be enforced on them.
withEachItemSatisfying(ThrowingConsumer<AsAssert<?>>) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.ItemsAssert
Enumerates all children of the current object so assertions can be enforced on them.
withExactItemNames(String...) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.AggregateAssert
Asserts that the Aggregate under test contains all the items whose names are provided.
withExactStyles(String...) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.StyleableAssert
Assert that the object under inspection contains all the given styles.
withItemCount(int) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.CompositeAssert
Asserts that the object under inspection has the given number of items.
withNextItemSatisfying(ThrowingConsumer<AsAssert<?>>) - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.test.ItemsAssert
Provides the next child of this object so assertions can be enforced on them.
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