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bind(BoundProperty<? super T>, Property<? extends S>, Function<S, T>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds two properties of different types.
bind(BoundProperty<? super T>, Property<T>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds two properties of the same type.
bind(ButtonBase, UserAction) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a button to a UserAction.
bind(ComboBox<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a ComboBox to a PresentationModel.
bind(ComboBox<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel, Runnable) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a ComboBox to a PresentationModel and a callback.
bind(ComboBox<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel, Optional<Runnable>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a ComboBox to a PresentationModel and an optional callback.
bind(ListView<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a ComboBox to a PresentationModel.
bind(ListView<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel, Runnable) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a ListView to a PresentationModel and a callback.
bind(ListView<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel, Optional<Runnable>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a ListView to a PresentationModel and an optional callback.
bind(MenuItem, UserAction) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a menu item to a UserAction.
bind(TableView<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a TableView to a PresentationModel.
bind(TableView<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel, Runnable) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a TableView to a PresentationModel and a callback.
bind(TableView<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel, Optional<Runnable>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a TableView to a PresentationModel and an optional callback.
bind(TreeTableView<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a TreeTableView to a PresentationModel.
bind(TreeTableView<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel, Runnable) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a TreeTableView to a PresentationModel and a callback.
bind(TreeTableView<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel, Optional<Runnable>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a TreeTableView to a PresentationModel and a callback.
bind(TreeView<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a TableView to a PresentationModel.
bind(TreeView<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel, Runnable) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a TableView to a PresentationModel and a callback.
bind(TreeView<PresentationModel>, PresentationModel, Optional<Runnable>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Binds a TreeView to a PresentationModel and a callback.
bindBidirectionally(BoundProperty<? super Boolean>, BooleanProperty) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Bidirectionally binds two properties.
bindBidirectionally(BoundProperty<? super Double>, DoubleProperty) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Bidirectionally binds two properties.
bindBidirectionally(BoundProperty<? super Integer>, IntegerProperty) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Bidirectionally binds two properties.
bindBidirectionally(BoundProperty<? super Long>, LongProperty) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Bidirectionally binds two properties.
bindBidirectionally(BoundProperty<? super T>, Property<S>, Function<? super S, T>, Function<? super T, ? extends S>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Bidirectionally binds two properties of different types.
bindBidirectionally(BoundProperty<? super T>, Property<T>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
bindBidirectionally(TextField, BoundProperty<String>, BoundProperty<Boolean>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
bindButtonsInPane(GridPane, Collection<UserAction>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
bindToggleButtons(Pane, PresentationModel) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Given a PresentationModel that contains a Composite, populate the pane with ToggleButtons associated to the elements of the Composite.


createApplicationContext() - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXSpringAnnotationApplication
Returns a created application context..
createApplicationContext() - Method in class it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXSpringApplication
Creates the application context.
CustomGraphicProvider - Interface in it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.role
A Role for data that provides their own Node for rendering.


getDelegate() - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.NodeAndDelegate
getGraphic() - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.role.CustomGraphicProvider
getNode() - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.NodeAndDelegate


it.tidalwave.ui.javafx - module it.tidalwave.ui.javafx
it.tidalwave.ui.javafx - package it.tidalwave.ui.javafx
it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.role - package it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.role


JavaFXBinder - Interface in it.tidalwave.ui.javafx
JavaFXMenuBarControl - Interface in it.tidalwave.ui.javafx
The JavaFX specialisation for MenuBarControl.
JavaFXPanelGroupControl - Interface in it.tidalwave.ui.javafx
JavaFXSpringAnnotationApplication - Class in it.tidalwave.ui.javafx
A base class for JavaFX applications with use Spring annotation scanning.
JavaFXSpringAnnotationApplication() - Constructor for class it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXSpringAnnotationApplication
JavaFXSpringApplication - Class in it.tidalwave.ui.javafx
JavaFXSpringApplication() - Constructor for class it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXSpringApplication
JavaFXToolBarControl - Interface in it.tidalwave.ui.javafx
The JavaFX specialisation for ToolBarControl.


MESSAGE_BUS_EXECUTOR_BEAN_NAME - Static variable in class it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXSpringAnnotationApplication


NodeAndDelegate<T> - Interface in it.tidalwave.ui.javafx
This facility class create a thread-safe proxy for the JavaFX delegate (controller).


of(Class<T>) - Static method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.NodeAndDelegate
Creates a NodeAndDelegate for the given presentation class.
of(Class<T>, String) - Static method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.NodeAndDelegate
Creates a NodeAndDelegate for the given presentation class.
openDirectoryChooserFor(UserNotificationWithFeedback, BoundProperty<Path>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Opens the FileChooser for selecting a folder.
openFileChooserFor(UserNotificationWithFeedback, BoundProperty<Path>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Opens the FileChooser for selecting a file.


setMainWindow(Window) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Sets the main window.
showInModalDialog(UserNotification) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Shows a modal dialog with the given content and provides feedback by means of the given notification.
showInModalDialog(UserNotificationWithFeedback) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
showInModalDialog(UserNotificationWithFeedback, Optional<Node>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
Shows a modal dialog with the given content and provides feedback by means of the given notification.
showInModalDialog(Node, UserNotificationWithFeedback) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder
showInModalDialog(Node, UserNotificationWithFeedback, BoundProperty<Boolean>) - Method in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.JavaFXBinder


_CustomGraphicProvider_ - Static variable in interface it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.role.CustomGraphicProvider
Shortcut for As.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values