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* SteelBlue: DCI User Interfaces
* Copyright (C) 2015 - 2025 by Tidalwave s.a.s. (
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* git clone
* git clone
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package it.tidalwave.ui.example.presentation.impl;
import jakarta.annotation.Nonnull;
import jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct;
import java.util.List;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.BoundProperty;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.MenuBarControl.MenuPlacement;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.message.PowerOnEvent;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Displayable;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.PresentationModel;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.PresentationModelAggregate;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Selectable;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.UserAction;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.UserActionProvider;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Visibility;
import it.tidalwave.ui.example.model.Dao;
import it.tidalwave.ui.example.model.SimpleDciEntity;
import it.tidalwave.ui.example.model.SimpleEntity;
import it.tidalwave.ui.example.presentation.MainPanelPresentation;
import it.tidalwave.ui.example.presentation.MainPanelPresentation.Bindings;
import it.tidalwave.ui.example.presentation.MainPanelPresentationControl;
import it.tidalwave.util.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import it.tidalwave.role.Aggregate;
import it.tidalwave.messagebus.annotation.ListensTo;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import static it.tidalwave.ui.core.UserNotificationWithFeedback.*;
import static it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Presentable._Presentable_;
import static it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.spi.PresentationModelCollectors.toCompositePresentationModel;
import static it.tidalwave.util.Parameters.r;
* @stereotype Control
* @author Fabrizio Giudici
@Component @RequiredArgsConstructor
// @SimpleMessageSubscriber
public class DefaultMainPanelPresentationControl implements MainPanelPresentationControl
private static final Path USER_HOME = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"));
// START SNIPPET: injections
private final Dao dao;
private final MainPanelPresentation presentation;
// END SNIPPET: injections
// For each button on the presentation that can do something, a UserAction is provided.
// START SNIPPET: userActions
private final UserAction actionButton = UserAction.of(this::onButtonPressed,
Displayable.of("Press me"));
private final UserAction actionDialogOk = UserAction.of(this::onButtonDialogOkPressed,
Displayable.of("Dialog with ok"));
private final UserAction actionDialogCancelOk = UserAction.of(this::onButtonDialogOkCancelPressed, List.of(
Displayable.of("Dialog with ok/cancel"),
private final UserAction actionPickFile = UserAction.of(this::onButtonPickFilePressed, List.of(
Displayable.of("Open file..."),
private final UserAction actionPickDirectory = UserAction.of(this::onButtonPickDirectoryPressed, List.of(
Displayable.of("Open directory..."),
// END SNIPPET: userActions
// START SNIPPET: bindings
private final Bindings bindings = Bindings.builder()
// END SNIPPET: bindings
// Then there can be a set of variables that represent the internal state of the control.
@VisibleForTesting int status = 1;
* At {@link PostConstruct} time the control just performs the binding to the presentation.
// START SNIPPET: initialization
@VisibleForTesting void initialize()
// END SNIPPET: initialization
* {@inheritDoc}
* This method demonstrates the typical idiom for populating model:
* 1. A dao is called to provide raw model - let's say in form of collections;
* 2. Objects in the collection are transformed into PresentationModels.
* 3. The PresentationModels are then passed to the presentation.
// START SNIPPET: populate
public void populate ()
final var entities1 = dao.getSimpleEntities();
final var entities2 = dao.getDciEntities();
final var files = dao.getFiles();
final var pmEnt1 =;
final var pmEnt2 =;
final var pmFiles =
.map(item ->
presentation.populate(pmEnt1, pmEnt2, pmFiles);
// END SNIPPET: populate
* Alternatively to expose methods to a public interface, a pubsub facility can be used. This method is called back at application initialisation.
* @param event the 'power on' event
@VisibleForTesting void onPowerOn (@ListensTo final PowerOnEvent event)
// END SNIPPET: onPowerOn
* Factory method for the PresentationModel of SimpleEntity instances.
* It aggregates a few extra roles into the PresentationModel that are used by the control, such as callbacks
* for action associated to the context menu. Also a Displayable role is usually injected to control the rendering
* of entities.
// START SNIPPET: pmSimpleEntity
private PresentationModel pmFor (@Nonnull final SimpleEntity entity)
final Selectable selectable = () -> onSelected(entity);
final var action1 = UserAction.of(() -> action1(entity), Displayable.of("Action 1"));
final var action2 = UserAction.of(() -> action2(entity), Displayable.of("Action 2"));
final var action3 = UserAction.of(() -> action3(entity), Displayable.of("Action 3"));
return PresentationModel.of(entity, r(Displayable.of("Item #" + entity.getName()),
UserActionProvider.of(action1, action2, action3)));
// END SNIPPET: pmSimpleEntity
* Factory method for the PresentationModel of SimpleDciEntity instances.
// START SNIPPET: pmSimpleDciEntity
private PresentationModel pmFor (@Nonnull final SimpleDciEntity entity)
// FIXME: column names
final Aggregate<PresentationModel> aggregate = PresentationModelAggregate.newInstance()
.withPmOf("C1", r(Displayable.of(entity.getName())))
.withPmOf("C2", r(Displayable.of("" + entity.getAttribute1())))
.withPmOf("C3", r(Displayable.of("" + entity.getAttribute2())));
final Selectable selectable = () -> onSelected(entity);
final var action1 = UserAction.of(() -> action1(entity), Displayable.of("Action 1"));
final var action2 = UserAction.of(() -> action2(entity), Displayable.of("Action 2"));
final var action3 = UserAction.of(() -> action3(entity), Displayable.of("Action 3"));
// No explicit Displayable here, as the one inside SimpleDciEntity is used.
return PresentationModel.of(entity, r(aggregate, selectable, UserActionProvider.of(action1, action2, action3)));
// END SNIPPET: pmSimpleDciEntity
// Below simple business methods, as per usual business.
// START SNIPPET: onButtonPressed
private void onButtonPressed()
presentation.notify("Button pressed");
// END SNIPPET: onButtonPressed
// START SNIPPET: onButtonDialogOkPressed
private void onButtonDialogOkPressed()
.withText("Now press the button")
.withFeedback(feedback().withOnConfirm(() -> presentation.notify("Pressed ok"))));
// END SNIPPET: onButtonDialogOkPressed
// START SNIPPET: onButtonDialogOkCancelPressed
private void onButtonDialogOkCancelPressed()
.withText("Now press the button")
.withFeedback(feedback().withOnConfirm(() -> presentation.notify("Pressed ok"))
.withOnCancel(() -> presentation.notify("Pressed cancel"))));
// END SNIPPET: onButtonDialogOkCancelPressed
* This method demonstrates how to pick a file name by using the proper UI dialog.
// START SNIPPET: onButtonPickFilePressed
private void onButtonPickFilePressed()
final var selectedFile = new BoundProperty<>(USER_HOME);
.withCaption("Pick a file")
.withFeedback(feedback().withOnConfirm(() -> presentation.notify("Selected file: " + selectedFile.get()))
.withOnCancel(() -> presentation.notify("Selection cancelled"))));
// END SNIPPET: onButtonPickFilePressed
* This method demonstrates how to pick a directory name by using the proper UI dialog.
// START SNIPPET: onButtonPickDirectoryPressed
private void onButtonPickDirectoryPressed()
final var selectedFolder = new BoundProperty<>(USER_HOME);
.withCaption("Pick a directory")
.withFeedback(feedback().withOnConfirm(() -> presentation.notify("Selected directory: " + selectedFolder.get()))
.withOnCancel(() -> presentation.notify("Selection cancelled"))));
// END SNIPPET: onButtonPickDirectoryPressed
// START SNIPPET: onSelected
private void onSelected (@Nonnull final Object object)
presentation.notify("Selected " + object);
// END SNIPPET: onSelected
// START SNIPPET: action1
private void action1 (@Nonnull final Object object)
presentation.notify("Action 1 on " + object);
// END SNIPPET: action1
private void action2 (@Nonnull final Object object)
presentation.notify("Action 2 on " + object);
private void action3 (@Nonnull final Object object)
presentation.notify("Action 3 on " + object);