Dependency-Check is an open source tool performing a best effort analysis of 3rd party dependencies;
false positives and false negatives may exist in the analysis performed by the tool. Use of the tool and
the reporting provided constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition, and there are NO warranties,
implied or otherwise, with regard to the analysis or its use. Any use of the tool and the reporting provided
is at the user’s risk. In no event shall the copyright holder or OWASP be held liable for any damages whatsoever
arising out of or in connection with the use of this tool, the analysis performed, or the resulting report.
Scan Information (
show all):
- dependency-check version: 11.1.1
- Report Generated On: Fri, 14 Feb 2025 00:52:51 +0100
- Dependencies Scanned: 64 (53 unique)
- Vulnerable Dependencies: 0
- Vulnerabilities Found: 0
- Vulnerabilities Suppressed: 0
- ...
- NVD API Last Checked: 2025-02-14T00:37:06+01
- NVD API Last Modified: 2025-02-13T23:15:11Z
Showing Vulnerable Dependencies (click to show all) apiguardian-api-1.1.2.jar
@API Guardian
The Apache License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 8c7de3f82037fa4a2e8be2a2f13092af
SHA1: a231e0d844d2721b0fa1b238006d15c6ded6842a
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Core:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
- SteelBlue :: Test:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
- SteelBlue (modules):compile
- SteelBlue (examples):compile
apiguardian-api-1.1.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-test@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-core@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-modules@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-model@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-examples@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | apiguardian-api | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | api | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | apiguardian | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-date | 2021-06-27 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-revision | aa952a1b9d5b4e9cc0af853e2c140c2455b397be | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-time | 14:53:10.089+0200 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.apiguardian.api | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | apiguardian-api | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | apiguardian-api | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | apiguardian | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | @API Guardian Team | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.apiguardian | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api | High |
Vendor | pom | url | apiguardian-team/apiguardian | Highest |
Product | file | name | apiguardian-api | High |
Product | jar | package name | api | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | apiguardian | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-date | 2021-06-27 | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-revision | aa952a1b9d5b4e9cc0af853e2c140c2455b397be | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-time | 14:53:10.089+0200 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | apiguardian-api | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.apiguardian.api | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | apiguardian-api | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | apiguardian-api | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | apiguardian-api | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | apiguardian | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | @API Guardian Team | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.apiguardian | Highest |
Product | pom | name | org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api | High |
Product | pom | url | apiguardian-team/apiguardian | High |
Version | file | version | 1.1.2 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 1.1.2 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 1.1.2 | High |
Version | pom | version | 1.1.2 | Highest |
The AspectJ weaver applies aspects to Java classes. It can be used as a Java agent in order to apply load-time
weaving (LTW) during class-loading and also contains the AspectJ runtime classes.
Eclipse Public License - v 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: f2edbc088126174a11b68279bd26c6eb
SHA1: bca243d0af0db4758fbae45c5f4995cb5dabb612
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
aspectjweaver- is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@5.0-ALPHA-1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | aspectjweaver | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | agent | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | and | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | aspectj | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | aspects | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | ltw | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | org | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | runtime | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | weaver | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.aspectj.weaver | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Vendor | manifest: org/aspectj/weaver/ | Implementation-Vendor | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | aspectjweaver | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | aspectjweaver | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | aclement | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | kriegaex | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Alexander Kriegisch | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Andy Clement | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.aspectj | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | AspectJ Weaver | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | aspectjweaver | High |
Product | jar | package name | agent | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | and | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | aspectj | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | aspects | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | ltw | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | org | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | runtime | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | weaver | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.aspectj.weaver | Medium |
Product | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Product | manifest: org/aspectj/weaver/ | Implementation-Title | org.aspectj.weaver | Medium |
Product | manifest: org/aspectj/weaver/ | Specification-Title | AspectJ Weaver Classes | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | aspectjweaver | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | aclement | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | kriegaex | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Alexander Kriegisch | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Andy Clement | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.aspectj | Highest |
Product | pom | name | AspectJ Weaver | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | | High |
Version | manifest: org/aspectj/weaver/ | Implementation-Version | | Medium |
Version | pom | version | | Highest |
Rich and fluent assertions for testing in Java
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 558d69eb2645d350a8ed4eba546c3a84
SHA1: 31f5d58a202bd5df4993fb10fa2cffd610c20d6f
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Test:compile
assertj-core-3.27.3.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-test@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | assertj-core | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | assertions | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | assertj | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-developers | joel-costigliola;email="joel.costigliola at";name="Joel Costigliola";roles="Owner,Developer",scordio;name="Stefano Cordio";roles=Developer,PascalSchumacher;name="Pascal Schumacher";roles=Developer,epeee;name="Erhard Pointl";roles=Developer,croesch;name="Christian Rösch";roles=Developer,VanRoy;name="Julien Roy";roles=Developer,regis1512;name="Régis Pouiller";roles=Developer,fbiville;name="Florent Biville";roles=Developer,Patouche;name="Patrick Allain";roles=Developer | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | assertj-core | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | assertj-core | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | assertj-core | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | joel.costigliola at | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | croesch | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | epeee | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | fbiville | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | joel-costigliola | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | PascalSchumacher | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | Patouche | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | regis1512 | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | scordio | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | VanRoy | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Christian Rösch | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Erhard Pointl | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Florent Biville | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Joel Costigliola | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Julien Roy | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Pascal Schumacher | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Patrick Allain | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Régis Pouiller | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Stefano Cordio | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.assertj | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | AssertJ Core | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | assertj-core | High |
Product | jar | package name | assertions | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | assertj | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Product | Manifest | bundle-developers | joel-costigliola;email="joel.costigliola at";name="Joel Costigliola";roles="Owner,Developer",scordio;name="Stefano Cordio";roles=Developer,PascalSchumacher;name="Pascal Schumacher";roles=Developer,epeee;name="Erhard Pointl";roles=Developer,croesch;name="Christian Rösch";roles=Developer,VanRoy;name="Julien Roy";roles=Developer,regis1512;name="Régis Pouiller";roles=Developer,fbiville;name="Florent Biville";roles=Developer,Patouche;name="Patrick Allain";roles=Developer | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | AssertJ Core | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | assertj-core | Medium |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | assertj-core | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | joel.costigliola at | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | croesch | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | epeee | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | fbiville | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | joel-costigliola | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | PascalSchumacher | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | Patouche | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | regis1512 | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | scordio | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | VanRoy | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Christian Rösch | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Erhard Pointl | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Florent Biville | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Joel Costigliola | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Julien Roy | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Pascal Schumacher | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Patrick Allain | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Régis Pouiller | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Stefano Cordio | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.assertj | Highest |
Product | pom | name | AssertJ Core | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 3.27.3 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 3.27.3 | High |
Version | pom | version | 3.27.3 | Highest |
Byte Buddy is a Java library for creating Java classes at run time.
This artifact is a build of Byte Buddy with all ASM dependencies repackaged into its own name space.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 603bc53c7a294f23765bfb7e1820ad44
SHA1: f61886478e0f9ee4c21d09574736f0ff45e0a46c
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Test:compile
byte-buddy-1.15.11.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.assertj/assertj-core@3.27.3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | byte-buddy | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | asm | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | build | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | bytebuddy | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | net | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 1.8 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | byte-buddy | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | byte-buddy | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | net.bytebuddy | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Byte Buddy (without dependencies) | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | byte-buddy-parent | Low |
Product | file | name | byte-buddy | High |
Product | jar | package name | asm | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | build | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | bytebuddy | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | net | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 1.8 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Byte Buddy (without dependencies) | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy | Medium |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | byte-buddy | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | net.bytebuddy | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Byte Buddy (without dependencies) | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | byte-buddy-parent | Medium |
Version | file | version | 1.15.11 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 1.15.11 | High |
Version | pom | version | 1.15.11 | Highest |
The Byte Buddy agent offers convenience for attaching an agent to the local or a remote VM.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: a207cc7dadc16dad523a33145669b9e2
SHA1: e32740c43acebaac9d55b86399ecf6a5df3c17fb
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Test:compile
byte-buddy-agent-1.15.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.mockito/mockito-core@5.13.0
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | byte-buddy-agent | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | agent | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | bytebuddy | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | net | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 1.8 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy-agent | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | can-retransform-classes | true | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | can-set-native-method-prefix | true | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | byte-buddy-agent | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | byte-buddy-agent | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | net.bytebuddy | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Byte Buddy agent | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | byte-buddy-parent | Low |
Product | file | name | byte-buddy-agent | High |
Product | jar | package name | agent | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | bytebuddy | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | net | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 1.8 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Byte Buddy agent | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy-agent | Medium |
Product | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Product | Manifest | can-retransform-classes | true | Low |
Product | Manifest | can-set-native-method-prefix | true | Low |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | byte-buddy-agent | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | net.bytebuddy | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Byte Buddy agent | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | byte-buddy-parent | Medium |
Version | file | version | 1.15.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 1.15.0 | High |
Version | pom | version | 1.15.0 | Highest |
High quality UI controls and other tools to complement the core JavaFX distribution
The 3-Clause BSD License:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 8476c5f2b8e53057ced89957b5800a41
SHA1: b6d091db1c3323eaa11d7c95b36f7830c4814689
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:runtime
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:runtime
controlsfx-11.0.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/org.jfxtras/jmetro@11.6.14
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | controlsfx | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | controlsfx | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | org | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tools | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.controlsfx | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | controlsfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | controlsfx | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Jonathan Giles | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.controlsfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | ControlsFX | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | controlsfx | High |
Product | jar | package name | controlsfx | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | org | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tools | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | version | Highest |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | ControlsFX | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.controlsfx | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | ControlsFX | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | Java Version 9 | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | controlsfx | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Jonathan Giles | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.controlsfx | Highest |
Product | pom | name | ControlsFX | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 11.0.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 11.0.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 11.0.0 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.0.0 | Highest |
An abstract description of a simple message bus to be used within an application.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: f165c739f140d68dc59395417b4947f5
SHA1: 774de890105c33cac6e75940e1dd45d94eb3f42d
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
- SteelBlue :: Core:provided
it-tidalwave-messagebus-5.0-ALPHA-1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-core@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-messagebus | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | messagebus | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-messagebus | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-messagebus | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-messagebus | High |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | messagebus | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-messagebus | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Product | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 5.0-ALPHA-1 | Highest |
A Spring implementation of a simple message bus to be used within an application.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 235ddf31c2db9ec56417f87e2561eab6
SHA1: 33221995c2dbfa7d9f4eb009017b773fbc39d055
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring-5.0-ALPHA-1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | messagebus | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring | High |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | messagebus | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Product | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 5.0-ALPHA-1 | Highest |
Roles are a powerful way for designing complex behaviours while keeping good practices such as Single Responsibility, Dependency Inversion and
Interface Segregation.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: baa3e03e5904d314137eae2255649dde
SHA1: 9d13728faf11c17c3a86d31abf1ae4f6ca30c085
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Core:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
- SteelBlue :: Test:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
it-tidalwave-role-5.0-ALPHA-1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-core@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-test@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-model@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-role | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | role | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-role | High |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | role | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Product | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 5.0-ALPHA-1 | Highest |
Specific Spring support for DCI roles.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 29d7a093762de3ed1dfca03029654fdd
SHA1: 3ed1a7fa82b41646370c582268adb58d5eda2e43
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
it-tidalwave-role-spring-5.0-ALPHA-1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-model@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-role-spring | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | role | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | spring | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role-spring | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role-spring | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-role-spring | High |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | role | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | spring | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role-spring | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Product | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 5.0-ALPHA-1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/LocalData/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: f96000e2fca4519f435fd62ae84a2fc4
SHA1: a012c2be7fa12ae5ff7fd5ea6866cce74016672b
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
- SteelBlue :: Test:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
it-tidalwave-ui-core-3.0-ALPHA-3.19069c9f1057.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-model@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-test@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-ui-core-3.0-ALPHA-3.19069c9f1057 | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | ui | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-core | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-core | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.steelblue | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | SteelBlue :: Core | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-modules | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-ui-core-3.0-ALPHA-3.19069c9f1057 | High |
Product | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | ui | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | SteelBlue :: Core | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | SteelBlue :: Core | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-core | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.steelblue | Highest |
Product | pom | name | SteelBlue :: Core | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-modules | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 3.0-ALPHA-3 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/LocalData/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 6ebee069f19396ee72fbe0e092b24803
SHA1: 85c4775684790be442e1f97d4678fecfb3282a9d
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
it-tidalwave-ui-example-model-3.0-ALPHA-3.19069c9f1057.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-ui-example-model-3.0-ALPHA-3.19069c9f1057 | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | example | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | ui | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-example-model | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-example-model | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.steelblue | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-examples | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-ui-example-model-3.0-ALPHA-3.19069c9f1057 | High |
Product | jar | package name | example | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | ui | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-example-model | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.steelblue | Highest |
Product | pom | name | SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-examples | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 3.0-ALPHA-3 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/LocalData/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 76a657c07ec777ca444647cd70ae7505
SHA1: 30d4b248bec667e81cab2679080181957d5c01c9
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-3.0-ALPHA-3.19069c9f1057.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-3.0-ALPHA-3.19069c9f1057 | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | example | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | ui | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.steelblue | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-examples | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-3.0-ALPHA-3.19069c9f1057 | High |
Product | jar | package name | example | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | ui | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.steelblue | Highest |
Product | pom | name | SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-examples | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 3.0-ALPHA-3 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/LocalData/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 536f2153646e0c61bd4ca228edbf5731
SHA1: f6850f4f46f84636d2a740d1179d83d41e03ced3
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
it-tidalwave-ui-javafx-3.0-ALPHA-3.19069c9f1057.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-ui-javafx-3.0-ALPHA-3.19069c9f1057 | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | ui | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-javafx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-javafx | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.steelblue | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-modules | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-ui-javafx-3.0-ALPHA-3.19069c9f1057 | High |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | javafx | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | ui | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-javafx | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.steelblue | Highest |
Product | pom | name | SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | it-tidalwave-ui-modules | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 3.0-ALPHA-3 | Highest |
A collection of common utilities.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 214fd9085b363f50737f36707ca9f31f
SHA1: dceebeed9ab4c111c867f0d4473e56a911c3fdf9
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Core:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
- SteelBlue :: Test:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
it-tidalwave-util-5.0-ALPHA-1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-model@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-core@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-test@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-util | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | util | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-util | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-util | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-util | High |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | util | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-util | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Product | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 5.0-ALPHA-1 | Highest |
Jakarta Annotations API
EPL 2.0:
GPL2 w/ CPE:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 7faffaab962918da4cf5ddfd76609dd2
SHA1: 54f928fadec906a99d558536756d171917b9d936
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Core:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
- SteelBlue :: Test:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
- SteelBlue (modules):compile
- SteelBlue (examples):compile
jakarta.annotation-api-3.0.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-examples@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-core@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-test@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-modules@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-model@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | jakarta.annotation-api | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | annotation | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | jakarta | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 18 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | jakarta.annotation-api | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | extension-name | jakarta.annotation | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Eclipse Foundation | High |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor-Id | org.glassfish | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Eclipse Foundation | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jakarta.annotation-api | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jakarta.annotation-api | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Dmitry Kornilov | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Linda De Michiel | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | Oracle Corp. | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | jakarta.annotation | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Jakarta Annotations API | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | project | Low |
Vendor | pom | parent-groupid | org.eclipse.ee4j | Medium |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | jakarta.annotation-api | High |
Product | jar | package name | annotation | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | jakarta | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 18 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Jakarta Annotations API | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | jakarta.annotation-api | Medium |
Product | Manifest | extension-name | jakarta.annotation | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | jakarta.annotation-api | Highest |
Product | pom | developer name | Dmitry Kornilov | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Linda De Michiel | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | Oracle Corp. | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | jakarta.annotation | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Jakarta Annotations API | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | project | Medium |
Product | pom | parent-groupid | org.eclipse.ee4j | Medium |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 3.0.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 3.0.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 3.0.0 | High |
Version | pom | parent-version | 3.0.0 | Low |
Version | pom | version | 3.0.0 | Highest |
Jakarta Dependency Injection
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 72003bf6efcc8455d414bbd7da86c11c
SHA1: 4c28afe1991a941d7702fe1362c365f0a8641d1e
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
jakarta.inject-api-2.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-model@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-model@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-model@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | jakarta.inject-api | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | inject | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | jakarta | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 11 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | jakarta.inject.jakarta.inject-api | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jakarta.inject-api | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jakarta.inject-api | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | asd[at]redhat[dot]com | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | manovotn[at]redhat[dot]com | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | mkouba[at]redhat[dot]com | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | tremes[at]redhat[dot]com | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | asabotdu | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | manovotn | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | mkouba | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | tremes | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Antoine Sabot-Durand | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Martin Kouba | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Matej Novotny | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Tomas Remes | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | Red Hat Inc. | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | jakarta.inject | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Jakarta Dependency Injection | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | project | Low |
Vendor | pom | parent-groupid | org.eclipse.ee4j | Medium |
Vendor | pom | url | eclipse-ee4j/injection-api | Highest |
Product | file | name | jakarta.inject-api | High |
Product | jar | package name | inject | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | jakarta | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 11 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Jakarta Dependency Injection | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | jakarta.inject.jakarta.inject-api | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | jakarta.inject-api | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | asd[at]redhat[dot]com | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | manovotn[at]redhat[dot]com | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | mkouba[at]redhat[dot]com | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | tremes[at]redhat[dot]com | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | asabotdu | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | manovotn | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | mkouba | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | tremes | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Antoine Sabot-Durand | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Martin Kouba | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Matej Novotny | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Tomas Remes | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | Red Hat Inc. | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | jakarta.inject | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Jakarta Dependency Injection | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | project | Medium |
Product | pom | parent-groupid | org.eclipse.ee4j | Medium |
Product | pom | url | eclipse-ee4j/injection-api | High |
Version | file | version | 2.0.1 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 2.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | parent-version | 2.0.1 | Low |
Version | pom | version | 2.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 94933060e439fba99478e14fcf2d1b02
SHA1: 2b9ca67aea06b0ea7aa0e740498fc97c822b307e
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
javafx-base-11.0.1-mac.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-base@11.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-base | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | beans | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Highest |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | file | name | javafx-base | High |
Product | jar | package name | beans | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Highest |
Version | file | version | 11.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: b85ce0631dae83fe643fbd32ccd08e4c
SHA1: f1354a284f4151d20358e776f6ff68ee35bbb96d
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
javafx-base-11.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-base | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.baseEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-base | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.baseEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 11.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: c0c8c99fc219318ef418d0099065a14e
SHA1: a2fdc6292a7727a389dc41d42dd1a86040ee7625
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
javafx-base-21.0.1-mac.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-base@21.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-base | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | beans | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Highest |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | file | name | javafx-base | High |
Product | jar | package name | beans | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Highest |
Version | file | version | 21.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 21.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 4e8c9069843f432956f1662521874af3
SHA1: e67ab9d748aac4c3ec2bd6f9714de31b603601f5
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
javafx-base-21.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-base | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.baseEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-base | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.baseEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 21.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 21.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: f321c782b9bf158a630cb0a7bea73644
SHA1: 0538fd08a4ecd76788766a69c19e90b4cc0179f8
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
javafx-controls-11.0.1-mac.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-controls@11.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-controls | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | control | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | scene | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Highest |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | file | name | javafx-controls | High |
Product | jar | package name | control | Low |
Product | jar | package name | scene | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Highest |
Version | file | version | 11.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 2e18fc95e4aa7ce325cefa67b9f61f3d
SHA1: 61cf91bf3494d0616216f49c9e1d183d170adf0a
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
javafx-controls-11.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-controls | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.controlsEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-controls | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.controlsEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 11.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 4e6e99f62cb17d3d0078de26ef547ad2
SHA1: f59d8d37aeffa5226bad1bf31793c69df545b82a
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
javafx-controls-21.0.1-mac.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-controls@21.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-controls | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | control | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | scene | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Highest |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | file | name | javafx-controls | High |
Product | jar | package name | control | Low |
Product | jar | package name | scene | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Highest |
Version | file | version | 21.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 21.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 3f8ab5fdba3fafa0099469bf2eae28de
SHA1: 8374bb693cd7d0dec7dc09b9f7098c0e51894860
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
javafx-controls-21.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-controls | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.controlsEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-controls | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.controlsEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 21.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 21.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: a835057792b4fc1aa7d6c4bea9547add
SHA1: 352a51a0f0cb13cf83a081b5dd5526acd4fbab30
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
javafx-fxml-11.0.1-mac.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-fxml@11.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-fxml | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | fxml | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Highest |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | file | name | javafx-fxml | High |
Product | jar | package name | fxml | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Highest |
Version | file | version | 11.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 6e4c64769d877a47edbdd0023d89a074
SHA1: f290c13d7e984d880c9f114f38c2da949ef18d54
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
javafx-fxml-11.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-fxml | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.fxmlEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-fxml | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.fxmlEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 11.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 6a4369f11f71b849e4334b72bcf30d2b
SHA1: 6502731fd82f7f987f6b7b8f081c28a5dee2b7dd
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
javafx-fxml-21.0.1-mac.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-fxml@21.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-fxml | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | fxml | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Highest |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | file | name | javafx-fxml | High |
Product | jar | package name | fxml | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Highest |
Version | file | version | 21.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 21.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: afc9de9fd4acca1c3b587ce3671e02a8
SHA1: 6400d769b28ee09de82bdfd60d0a05eb235ac76d
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
javafx-fxml-21.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-fxml | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.fxmlEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-fxml | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.fxmlEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 21.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 21.0.1 | Highest |
javafx-graphics-11.0.1-mac.jar: javafx-swt.jar
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: ee1545edcd485b34080e9389f2f86b5e
SHA1: c12e9a9d5ad723c3e2b60651659b0290d68d9e48
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-swt | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | embed | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | swt | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-swt | High |
Product | jar | package name | embed | Low |
Product | jar | package name | swt | Low |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: ff0579b2b89bfc26f6eb73f812076a1b
SHA1: e062cb01783effc6413abbd94d1838f6b0add209
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
javafx-graphics-11.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-controls@11.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-graphics | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.graphicsEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-graphics | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-graphics | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-graphics | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.graphicsEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-graphics | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 11.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.0.1 | Highest |
javafx-graphics-21.0.1-mac.jar: javafx-swt.jar
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 59423c2a4f1dd8b6f2deace5586b002b
SHA1: 2938dfd75372d0882edc7da23d21299b548d7307
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-swt | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | embed | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | swt | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-swt | High |
Product | jar | package name | embed | Low |
Product | jar | package name | swt | Low |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 43f51bf9badbc7e43d81ae4a101b19ac
SHA1: bfa5ef778ea467b8b985ae46941f661e0d39fae9
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
javafx-graphics-21.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-controls@21.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-graphics | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.graphicsEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-graphics | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-graphics | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-graphics | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.graphicsEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-graphics | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 21.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 21.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 0fe8c8a554463368c7534af091814066
SHA1: bc699ffbb3f3b7862ad4399e8696809eda796d60
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
javafx-media-11.0.1-mac.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-web@11.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-media | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | media | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | sun | Low |
Vendor | jar (hint) | package name | oracle | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-media | Highest |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | file | name | javafx-media | High |
Product | jar | package name | media | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-media | Highest |
Version | file | version | 11.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.0.1 | Highest |
Related Dependencies
- javafx-graphics-11.0.1-mac.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: 64a05ff45e2ff0e9695817816284daf5
- SHA1: 3c5014c500e6d308eca4ac9f952d4f7e7e8dfc7e
- SHA256: e0bcd295cae13c636f92911474acbab6bee836e6950d1696a02d79a041d61df2
- pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-graphics@11.0.1
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 3c64d2f98b177ba5e63df8f92eeac962
SHA1: fd095047b7d06f6c7b16afe8cf9dffccab5d4494
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
javafx-media-11.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-web@11.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-media | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.mediaEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-media | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-media | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-media | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.mediaEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-media | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 11.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 436140c90be2048c75fd8e26a3493700
SHA1: 5460de07c5ec04f3f0d2d74a81148aa303068a2c
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
javafx-media-21.0.1-mac.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-web@21.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-media | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | media | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | sun | Low |
Vendor | jar (hint) | package name | oracle | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-media | Highest |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | file | name | javafx-media | High |
Product | jar | package name | media | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-media | Highest |
Version | file | version | 21.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 21.0.1 | Highest |
Related Dependencies
- javafx-graphics-21.0.1-mac.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: b5d0230d8d83fb8da13c23739e298023
- SHA1: 258d136765a04d6d5541e60fa9a571ebb43e0ba4
- SHA256: 7b3577673fabe8f8e28abf4cbd073cb2b8237443769572f508a1bd50ff86975b
- pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-graphics@21.0.1
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 1cc598ac3379dbec2f771b6568534afc
SHA1: 3482ff54529ca79ecb36242ff08625cea19d2536
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
javafx-media-21.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-web@21.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-media | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.mediaEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-media | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-media | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-media | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.mediaEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-media | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 21.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 21.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: c7c3e3d5ae36020e1d98eeb176a972a0
SHA1: f9da5b47b8b4ba38933ce31af2089d9f92976785
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
javafx-web-11.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-web | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.webEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-web | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-web | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-web | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.webEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-web | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 11.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.0.1 | Highest |
Related Dependencies
- javafx-web-11.0.1-mac.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: 4f30c090ab80fc20fcc3c79bb638e14c
- SHA1: 467ccc809a90d3a4f838fd7acd375a45793d617d
- SHA256: 6558fa96bc079758990df6102ab83652d1f197419da2a4383690df84a403ba11
- pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-web@11.0.1
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 38359c04a6196782efc8367c5895520d
SHA1: 61bd7aeff46b6b780f26098fdc643e3dc3cef6fa
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
javafx-web-21.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-web | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.webEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-web | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-web | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-web | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.webEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-web | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 21.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 21.0.1 | Highest |
Related Dependencies
- javafx-web-21.0.1-mac.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: 1dede5654947d6d49ab098039e585e5e
- SHA1: d044f4f3dd31cad44850c35e969a90b43d1c4951
- SHA256: b03b8bf9bfc262b1e52038feb4f4b0090bf2e1bd6bf543bec4209a501f556362
- pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-web@21.0.1
JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J
Apache License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: c077b88c43f9d63f64f9880fdb457efb
SHA1: 9d08badad22f1ac07deac9188ade596472a2bfd9
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:runtime
jcl-over-slf4j-2.0.16.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | jcl-over-slf4j | High |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | jcl.over.slf4j | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | originally-created-by | Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 5.1.9 | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jcl-over-slf4j | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jcl-over-slf4j | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.slf4j | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | slf4j-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | jcl-over-slf4j | High |
Product | jar | package name | 9 | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | apache | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | jcl.over.slf4j | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | jcl-over-slf4j | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | Manifest | originally-created-by | Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 5.1.9 | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | jcl-over-slf4j | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.slf4j | Highest |
Product | pom | name | JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | slf4j-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | pom | version | 2.0.16 | Highest |
A theme / look and feel for JavaFX inspired by Microsoft's Fluent Design (previously named Metro)
BSD New:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 2dbdab0d96cf0b0d9d886a5f618b2d21
SHA1: e7a760f00799966e257a4fae37ab13563f461af9
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
jmetro-11.6.14.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | jmetro | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | jfxtras | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | jmetro | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jmetro | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jmetro | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | dukke | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Pedro Duque Vieira | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.jfxtras | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | jmetro | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | jmetro | High |
Product | jar | package name | jfxtras | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | jmetro | Highest |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | jmetro | High |
Product | pom | artifactid | jmetro | Highest |
Product | pom | developer id | dukke | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Pedro Duque Vieira | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.jfxtras | Highest |
Product | pom | name | jmetro | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 11.6.14 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 11.6.14 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.6.14 | Highest |
JSR305 Annotations for Findbugs
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: dd83accb899363c32b07d7a1b2e4ce40
SHA1: 25ea2e8b0c338a877313bd4672d3fe056ea78f0d
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Core:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Test:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:provided
- SteelBlue (modules):compile
- SteelBlue (examples):compile
jsr305-3.0.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/com.github.spotbugs/spotbugs-annotations@4.9.0
- pkg:maven/com.github.spotbugs/spotbugs-annotations@4.9.0
- pkg:maven/com.github.spotbugs/spotbugs-annotations@4.9.0
- pkg:maven/com.github.spotbugs/spotbugs-annotations@4.9.0
- pkg:maven/com.github.spotbugs/spotbugs-annotations@4.9.0
- pkg:maven/com.github.spotbugs/spotbugs-annotations@4.9.0
- pkg:maven/com.github.spotbugs/spotbugs-annotations@4.9.0
- pkg:maven/com.github.spotbugs/spotbugs-annotations@4.9.0
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | jsr305 | High |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.jsr-305 | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jsr305 | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jsr305 | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | FindBugs-jsr305 | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | jsr305 | High |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | FindBugs-jsr305 | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.jsr-305 | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | jsr305 | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | | Highest |
Product | pom | name | FindBugs-jsr305 | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 3.0.2 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 3.0.2 | High |
Version | pom | version | 3.0.2 | Highest |
JUL to SLF4J bridge
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 410ad2f2230e0150216d86e12a4af995
SHA1: 6d57da3e961daac65bcca0dd3def6cd11e48a24a
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:runtime
jul-to-slf4j-2.0.16.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | jul-to-slf4j | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | bridge | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | slf4j | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jul-to-slf4j | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jul-to-slf4j | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.slf4j | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | JUL to SLF4J bridge | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | slf4j-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | jul-to-slf4j | High |
Product | jar | package name | bridge | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | slf4j | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | JUL to SLF4J bridge | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | jul-to-slf4j | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | jul-to-slf4j | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.slf4j | Highest |
Product | pom | name | JUL to SLF4J bridge | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | slf4j-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | pom | version | 2.0.16 | Highest |
logback-core module
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: e850016bab60c8adb79242bcc4bb50e4
SHA1: 4f17700f046900aea2fadf115e2d67fec921f7fd
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:runtime
logback-core-1.5.16.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | logback-core | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | ch | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | logback | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | qos | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | ch.qos.logback.core | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | | High |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | originally-created-by | Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 5.1.9 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | logback-core | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | logback-core | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | ch.qos.logback | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Logback Core Module | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | logback-parent | Low |
Product | file | name | logback-core | High |
Product | jar | package name | 21 | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | ch | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | logback | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | qos | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Logback Core Module | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | ch.qos.logback.core | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | Logback Core Module | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | Manifest | originally-created-by | Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 5.1.9 | Low |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | Logback Core Module | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | logback-core | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | ch.qos.logback | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Logback Core Module | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | logback-parent | Medium |
Version | file | version | 1.5.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 1.5.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 1.5.16 | High |
Version | pom | version | 1.5.16 | Highest |
Related Dependencies
- logback-classic-1.5.16.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: c373c81ef7ae3884b18b5beacb7f2f49
- SHA1: 113979db51dfad6dc895b34460d7b7ff64ffe7d2
- SHA256: f985a33a68d900badec5b0c3c613ab9db66415d2cf378987357ded9da5370e32
- pkg:maven/ch.qos.logback/logback-classic@1.5.16
Spice up your java: Automatic Resource Management, automatic generation of getters, setters, equals, hashCode and toString, and more!
The MIT License:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 92c08153ae16c161c8cc2cc8185d2724
SHA1: 5a30490a6e14977d97d9c73c924c1f1b5311ea95
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:provided
- SteelBlue (modules):provided
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:provided
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:provided
- SteelBlue (examples):provided
- SteelBlue :: Core:provided
- SteelBlue :: Test:provided
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:provided
lombok-1.18.36.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-modules@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-test@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-examples@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-model@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-core@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | lombok | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | java | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | lombok | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tostring | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | lombok | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | lombok | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | lombok | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | rspilker | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | rzwitserloot | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Reinier Zwitserloot | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Roel Spilker | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.projectlombok | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Project Lombok | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | lombok | High |
Product | jar | package name | java | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | lombok | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tostring | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | lombok | Medium |
Product | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | lombok | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | rspilker | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | rzwitserloot | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Reinier Zwitserloot | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Roel Spilker | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.projectlombok | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Project Lombok | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 1.18.36 | High |
Version | Manifest | lombok-version | 1.18.36 | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 1.18.36 | Highest |
lombok-1.18.36.jar: mavenEcjBootstrapAgent.jar
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 27467519bf9615b24cad3b003c4353a9
SHA1: 37d92e0a726a67883ab94bee27c6f292e6318dcd
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:provided
- SteelBlue (modules):provided
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:provided
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:provided
- SteelBlue (examples):provided
- SteelBlue :: Core:provided
- SteelBlue :: Test:provided
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:provided
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | mavenEcjBootstrapAgent | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | launch | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | lombok | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Product | file | name | mavenEcjBootstrapAgent | High |
Product | jar | package name | launch | Low |
Product | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Module containing common code
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: f6015f3594322034a155fdc3b442aa55
SHA1: bf17f05dd6343d36ecc31076197a962cfdf46131
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
micrometer-commons-1.14.3.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.2
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | micrometer-commons | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | common | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | micrometer | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | micrometer.commons | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | branch | HEAD | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-date | 2025-01-13_11:33:29 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-date-utc | 2025-01-13T11:33:29.662140033Z | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-host | b06699ca3995 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-job | deploy | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-number | 41066 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-timezone | Etc/UTC | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-url | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | built-os | Linux | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | built-status | release | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | micrometer-commons | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | change | 73e7928 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | full-change | 73e792853555b21179d5db25643fb7bc845c6990 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-email | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-origin | micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-owner | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-source | /micrometer-commons | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | micrometer-commons | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | micrometer-commons | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | shakuzen | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Tommy Ludwig | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | io.micrometer | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | micrometer-commons | High |
Vendor | pom | url | micrometer-metrics/micrometer | Highest |
Product | file | name | micrometer-commons | High |
Product | jar | package name | common | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | micrometer | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | micrometer.commons | Medium |
Product | Manifest | branch | HEAD | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-date | 2025-01-13_11:33:29 | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-date-utc | 2025-01-13T11:33:29.662140033Z | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-host | b06699ca3995 | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-job | deploy | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-number | 41066 | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-timezone | Etc/UTC | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-url | | Low |
Product | Manifest | built-os | Linux | Low |
Product | Manifest | built-status | release | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | micrometer-commons | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | micrometer-commons | Medium |
Product | Manifest | change | 73e7928 | Low |
Product | Manifest | full-change | 73e792853555b21179d5db25643fb7bc845c6990 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | io.micrometer#micrometer-commons;1.14.3 | High |
Product | Manifest | module-email | | Low |
Product | Manifest | module-origin | micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git | Low |
Product | Manifest | module-owner | | Low |
Product | Manifest | module-source | /micrometer-commons | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | micrometer-commons | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | shakuzen | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Tommy Ludwig | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | io.micrometer | Highest |
Product | pom | name | micrometer-commons | High |
Product | pom | url | micrometer-metrics/micrometer | High |
Version | file | version | 1.14.3 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 1.14.3 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 1.14.3 | High |
Version | pom | version | 1.14.3 | Highest |
Module containing Observation related code
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 9f899dc589ce34ed5d22aa1e3ea74804
SHA1: cd66186a1fe8465dc732d9514bade1104044b56d
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
micrometer-observation-1.14.3.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role-spring@5.0-ALPHA-1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.2
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | micrometer-observation | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | micrometer | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | observation | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | micrometer.observation | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | branch | HEAD | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-date | 2025-01-13_11:33:30 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-date-utc | 2025-01-13T11:33:30.092004497Z | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-host | b06699ca3995 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-job | deploy | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-number | 41066 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-timezone | Etc/UTC | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-url | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | built-os | Linux | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | built-status | release | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | micrometer-observation | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | change | 73e7928 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | full-change | 73e792853555b21179d5db25643fb7bc845c6990 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-email | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-origin | micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-owner | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-source | /micrometer-observation | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | micrometer-observation | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | micrometer-observation | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | shakuzen | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Tommy Ludwig | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | io.micrometer | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | micrometer-observation | High |
Vendor | pom | url | micrometer-metrics/micrometer | Highest |
Product | file | name | micrometer-observation | High |
Product | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | micrometer | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | observation | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | micrometer.observation | Medium |
Product | Manifest | branch | HEAD | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-date | 2025-01-13_11:33:30 | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-date-utc | 2025-01-13T11:33:30.092004497Z | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-host | b06699ca3995 | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-job | deploy | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-number | 41066 | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-timezone | Etc/UTC | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-url | | Low |
Product | Manifest | built-os | Linux | Low |
Product | Manifest | built-status | release | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | micrometer-observation | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | micrometer-observation | Medium |
Product | Manifest | change | 73e7928 | Low |
Product | Manifest | full-change | 73e792853555b21179d5db25643fb7bc845c6990 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | io.micrometer#micrometer-observation;1.14.3 | High |
Product | Manifest | module-email | | Low |
Product | Manifest | module-origin | micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git | Low |
Product | Manifest | module-owner | | Low |
Product | Manifest | module-source | /micrometer-observation | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | micrometer-observation | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | shakuzen | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Tommy Ludwig | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | io.micrometer | Highest |
Product | pom | name | micrometer-observation | High |
Product | pom | url | micrometer-metrics/micrometer | High |
Version | file | version | 1.14.3 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 1.14.3 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 1.14.3 | High |
Version | pom | version | 1.14.3 | Highest |
Mockito mock objects library core API and implementation
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: c864b3580f411640982bbf7700f57889
SHA1: bb2ba38657ce6fa72a13d96009d0b3bb9d7ddc1e
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Test:compile
mockito-core-5.13.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-test@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | mockito-core | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | and | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | api | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | mockito | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.mockito | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.mockito.mockito-core | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | mockito-core | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | mockito-core | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | bric3 | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | mockitoguy | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | raphw | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | TimvdLippe | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Brice Dutheil | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Rafael Winterhalter | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Szczepan Faber | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Tim van der Lippe | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.mockito | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | mockito-core | High |
Vendor | pom | url | mockito/mockito | Highest |
Product | file | name | mockito-core | High |
Product | jar | package name | and | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | api | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | mockito | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.mockito | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Mockito Mock Library for Java. Core bundle requires Byte Buddy and Objenesis. | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.mockito.mockito-core | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | mockito-core | Highest |
Product | pom | developer id | bric3 | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | mockitoguy | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | raphw | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | TimvdLippe | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Brice Dutheil | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Rafael Winterhalter | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Szczepan Faber | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Tim van der Lippe | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.mockito | Highest |
Product | pom | name | mockito-core | High |
Product | pom | url | mockito/mockito | High |
Version | file | version | 5.13.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 5.13.0 | High |
Version | pom | version | 5.13.0 | Highest |
A library for instantiating Java objects
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: ab0e0b2ab81affdd7f38bcc60fd85571
SHA1: 1049c09f1de4331e8193e579448d0916d75b7631
Referenced In Project/Scope: SteelBlue :: Test:runtime
objenesis-3.3.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.mockito/mockito-core@5.13.0
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | objenesis | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | objenesis | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.objenesis | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 1.8 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.objenesis | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Joe Walnes, Henri Tremblay, Leonardo Mesquita | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Joe Walnes, Henri Tremblay, Leonardo Mesquita | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | objenesis | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | objenesis | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.objenesis | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Objenesis | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | objenesis-parent | Low |
Product | file | name | objenesis | High |
Product | jar | package name | objenesis | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.objenesis | Medium |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 1.8 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Objenesis | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.objenesis | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | Objenesis | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | Objenesis | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | objenesis | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.objenesis | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Objenesis | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | objenesis-parent | Medium |
Version | file | version | 3.3 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 3.3 | High |
Version | pom | version | 3.3 | Highest |
The slf4j API
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: c8de8f5d740584cb24b5652cfba8b3c4
SHA1: 0172931663a09a1fa515567af5fbef00897d3c04
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Core:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
- SteelBlue :: Test:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
slf4j-api-2.0.16.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@5.0-ALPHA-1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@5.0-ALPHA-1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus@5.0-ALPHA-1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@5.0-ALPHA-1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus@5.0-ALPHA-1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus@5.0-ALPHA-1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | slf4j-api | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | slf4j | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | slf4j.api | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | slf4j-api | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | slf4j-api | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.slf4j | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | SLF4J API Module | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | slf4j-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | slf4j-api | High |
Product | jar | package name | slf4j | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | SLF4J API Module | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | slf4j.api | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | slf4j-api | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | slf4j-api | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.slf4j | Highest |
Product | pom | name | SLF4J API Module | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | slf4j-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | pom | version | 2.0.16 | Highest |
Annotations the SpotBugs tool supports
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 5dd7671f82f5faa7e99f1e0208e6e15e
SHA1: fd6b834c4ab1486a61a4fa79ec49f3b6f3b695e4
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Core:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Test:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:provided
- SteelBlue (modules):compile
- SteelBlue (examples):compile
spotbugs-annotations-4.9.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-core@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-model@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-example-presentation@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-examples@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-test@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-modules@3.0-ALPHA-3
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-javafx@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | spotbugs-annotations | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | com.github.spotbugs.annotations | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-requiredexecutionenvironment | J2SE-1.5 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | spotbugs-annotations | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | spotbugs-annotations | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | spotbugs-annotations | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | henrik242 | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | iloveeclipse | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | jsotuyod | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | KengoTODA | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | mebigfatguy | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | sewe | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | ThrawnCA | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Andreas Sewe | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Andrey Loskutov | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Dave Brosius | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Juan Martín Sotuyo Dodero | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Kengo TODA | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | com.github.spotbugs | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | SpotBugs Annotations | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | spotbugs-annotations | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | com.github.spotbugs.annotations | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | spotbugs-annotations | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-requiredexecutionenvironment | J2SE-1.5 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | spotbugs-annotations | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | spotbugs-annotations | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | henrik242 | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | iloveeclipse | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | jsotuyod | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | KengoTODA | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | mebigfatguy | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | sewe | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | ThrawnCA | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Andreas Sewe | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Andrey Loskutov | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Dave Brosius | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Juan Martín Sotuyo Dodero | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Kengo TODA | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | com.github.spotbugs | Highest |
Product | pom | name | SpotBugs Annotations | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 4.9.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 4.9.0 | High |
Version | pom | version | 4.9.0 | Highest |
Spring Core
Apache License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 8926dce67195ca4d4a0ce8fc9d293fb7
SHA1: 94269e888dc979e75a1a1b9600d7153d72e6a7f1
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- SteelBlue :: Examples :: JavaFX presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: Core:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Presentation:compile
- SteelBlue :: JavaFX Bindings:compile
- SteelBlue :: Test:compile
- SteelBlue :: Examples :: Model:compile
spring-core-6.2.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.2
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@5.0-ALPHA-1
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.2
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.2
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.2
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-ui-core@3.0-ALPHA-3
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | spring-core | High |
Vendor | hint analyzer | vendor | pivotal software | Highest |
Vendor | hint analyzer | vendor | SpringSource | Highest |
Vendor | hint analyzer | vendor | vmware | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | org | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | springframework | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | spring.core | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | spring-core | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | spring-core | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | jhoeller | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Juergen Hoeller | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.springframework | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Spring Core | High |
Vendor | pom | organization name | Spring IO | High |
Vendor | pom | organization url | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | url | spring-projects/spring-framework | Highest |
Product | file | name | spring-core | High |
Product | hint analyzer | product | springsource_spring_framework | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | org | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | springframework | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | spring.core | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | spring-core | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | spring-core | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | jhoeller | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Juergen Hoeller | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.springframework | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Spring Core | High |
Product | pom | organization name | Spring IO | Low |
Product | pom | organization url | | Low |
Product | pom | url | spring-projects/spring-framework | High |
Version | file | version | 6.2.2 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 6.2.2 | High |
Version | pom | version | 6.2.2 | Highest |
Related Dependencies
- spring-aop-6.2.2.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: a447a6be848dc8f05bfdd44cb54d4951
- SHA1: 2a1a445d4cd8e5fe2311df04fc25c0bc54bd2ce4
- SHA256: 359c8ada456a181bbd87be42c53b381feba1f3f2b5820eb6ca713e5dc793a3e2
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aop@6.2.2
- spring-aspects-6.2.2.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: 1c879cb9c77027c9df1e514d639f460d
- SHA1: e9e0379bc353e43ab1cb326f413bb293d8a52e78
- SHA256: 6be2ec31d4a871efbc909aadcf027863b99eb4bbb01db6bea495b94b2a720b6b
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aspects@6.2.2
- spring-beans-6.2.2.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: 2469f21099214aa92367ef651f74549a
- SHA1: ec8ee520ff7b147de8ac04d330848d468253f84d
- SHA256: be9ecf9b0dc6b88a869c9079b9076121e4d658d7e12856cc60598f1fe2d70d8a
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.2
- spring-context-6.2.2.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: 75aaa828965d032da7999a4a1ad95ca1
- SHA1: aa01a7faa3694983339ca7e45619860ef34052d6
- SHA256: 50ca16d01f939abe26496161585756dac0f61b18f0b9fb706d869a47fdb28a9c
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.2
- spring-expression-6.2.2.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: 7bdd6c44976873b76cbed2c2e333c17e
- SHA1: 20164dd3a70d0048185cf02bb1b097b22e73d820
- SHA256: 27d5db562dc47196699819ae9b970b90ea47829a6b4216500eb4844f24fbc4b4
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-expression@6.2.2
- spring-jcl-6.2.2.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: 5b056ec52b3a3259a9a5bbb5f8858a8c
- SHA1: 1fbbb0b2e85c6eac7c366c5eed5b124785f05ac8
- SHA256: 36b4666730c80e6599359ca8c81adead8b52b15fefe8cc25e061717fe87d93ed
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-jcl@6.2.2