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* SteelBlue: DCI User Interfaces
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package it.tidalwave.ui.core.role;
import jakarta.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.impl.AsDisplayableComparator;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.impl.DefaultDisplayable;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.impl.DisplayableComparator;
import it.tidalwave.util.As;
import static it.tidalwave.util.BundleUtilities.getMessage;
* The role of an object which can provide its own display name.
* @stereotype Role
* @since 2.0-ALPHA-1
* @author Fabrizio Giudici
* @it.tidalwave.javadoc.stable
public interface Displayable
/** Shortcut for {@link it.tidalwave.util.As}. */
public static final Class<Displayable> _Displayable_ = Displayable.class;
* A default {@code Displayable} with an empty display name.
public static final Displayable DEFAULT = new DefaultDisplayable("", "DEFAULT");
* Returns the display name in the current {@link java.util.Locale}.
* @return the display name
public String getDisplayName();
* Returns the display name in the given {@link Locale}.
* @param locale the {@code Locale}
* @since 2.0-ALPHA-2
* @return the display name
public default String getDisplayName (@Nonnull final Locale locale)
return getDisplayName();
* Returns all the display names in {@link Map} where they are indexed by {@code Locale}.
* @since 2.0-ALPHA-2
* @return the display names
public default Map<Locale, String> getDisplayNames()
return Map.of();
* Returns the supported {@code Locale}s.
* @since 2.0-ALPHA-2
* @return the available {@code Locale}s
public default SortedSet<Locale> getLocales()
return new TreeSet<>();
* Sends the display name in the current {@link java.util.Locale} to a given customer.
* @param consumer the {@code Consumer}
* @since 3.2-ALPHA-15
public default void display (@Nonnull final Consumer<String> consumer)
* Creates an instance with a given display name.
* @param displayName the display name
* @return the new instance
* @since 3.2-ALPHA-1 (was {@code DefaultDisplayable}
public static Displayable of (@Nonnull final String displayName)
return of(displayName, "???");
* Creates an instance with a given display name iand an explicit label for {@code toString()}.
* @param displayName the display name
* @param toStringName the name to be rendered when {@code toString()} is called
* @return the new instance
* @since 3.2-ALPHA-1 (was {@code DefaultDisplayable}
public static Displayable of (@Nonnull final String displayName, @Nonnull final String toStringName)
return new DefaultDisplayable(displayName, toStringName);
* Creates an instance from a {@link Supplier}{@code <String>}. The supplier is invoked each time
* {@link #getDisplayName()} is called.
* @param supplier the {@code Supplier}
* @return the new instance
* @since 3.2-ALPHA-3
* @it.tidalwave.javadoc.experimental
public static Displayable of (@Nonnull final Supplier<String> supplier)
return supplier::get;
* Creates an instance from a {@link Function}{@code <T, String>} and a generic object that the function is applied
* to. The function is invoked each time {@link #getDisplayName()} is called.
* @param <T> the type of the object
* @param function the {@code Function}
* @param object the object
* @return the new instance
* @since 3.2-ALPHA-3
* @it.tidalwave.javadoc.experimental
public static <T> Displayable of (@Nonnull final Function<T, String> function, @Nonnull final T object)
return () -> function.apply(object);
* Creates a {@link Displayable} from a resource bundle. The bundle resource file is named {@code Bundle.properties} and it should be placed in the same
* package as the owner class.
* @param ownerClass the class that owns the bundle
* @param key the resource key
* @since 2.0-ALPHA-2
* @return the new instance
public static Displayable fromBundle (@Nonnull final Class<?> ownerClass, @Nonnull final String key)
return new DefaultDisplayable(getMessage(ownerClass, key));
* Returns a {@link Comparator} for comparing two instances of {@code Displayable}.
* @return the {@code Comparator}
* @since 3.2-ALPHA-6
public static Comparator<Displayable> comparing()
return DisplayableComparator.getInstance();
* Returns a {@link Comparator} for comparing two instances of objects implementing {@code As} that contain the
* {@code Displayable} role.
* @return the {@code Comparator}
* @since 3.2-ALPHA-6
public static Comparator<As> asComparing()
return AsDisplayableComparator.getInstance();
* Renders the attached object into a {@link String}. The method accepts optional parameters that can be used to control the format of the rendering; they
* are usually specific of the object attached to this role.
* @param args optional rendering parameters
* @return the string
public default String render (@Nonnull final Object ... args)
return getDisplayName();
* Renders the attached object providing the string tu a {@link Consumer}. The method accepts optional parameters that can be used to control the format of
* the rendering; they are usually specific of the object attached to this role.
* @param consumer the {@code Consumer} to append to
* @param args optional rendering parameters
public default void renderTo (@Nonnull final Consumer<? super String> consumer, @Nonnull final Object ... args)