 * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
 * SteelBlue: DCI User Interfaces
 * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2025 by Tidalwave s.a.s. (
 * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
 * git clone
 * git clone
 * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
package it.tidalwave.ui.javafx;

import jakarta.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.ButtonBase;
import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox;
import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem;
import javafx.scene.control.TableView;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.control.ToggleButton;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableView;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeView;
import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.stage.Window;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.BoundProperty;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.UserNotification;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.UserNotificationWithFeedback;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.PresentationModel;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.UserAction;
import it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Visibility;
import it.tidalwave.ui.javafx.role.CustomGraphicProvider;

 * @author  Fabrizio Giudici
public interface JavaFXBinder
     * Sets the main window. This operation must be performed before any other method is called. This operation is automatically performed by the SteelBlue
     * runtime.
     * @param   window      the main window
    public void setMainWindow (@Nonnull Window window);

     * Binds a button to a {@link UserAction}. The following roles o the action are used:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Displayable: to set the label of the button</li>
     * </ul>
     * The action is used as a callback when the button is pressed; invoked in a thread provided by the binder executor. The {@code enabled} property of the
     * {@code UserAction} is bound, negated, to the {@code disabled} property of the button.
     * @param   button      the button
     * @param   action      the action
    public void bind (@Nonnull ButtonBase button, @Nonnull UserAction action);

     * Binds a menu item to a {@link UserAction}. The following roles o the action are used:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Displayable: to set the label of the menu item</li>
     * </ul>
     * The action is used as a callback when the button is pressed; invoked in a thread provided by the binder executor. The {@code enabled} property of the
     * {@code UserAction} is bound, negated, to the {@code disabled} property of the menu item.
     * @param   menuItem    the menu item
     * @param   action      the action
    public void bind (@Nonnull MenuItem menuItem, @Nonnull UserAction action);

     * Binds a {@link TableView} to a {@link PresentationModel} and an optional callback. The {@code PresentationModel} is used to populate the table. The
     * following roles are used:
     * <ul>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.role.SimpleComposite} provides children {@code PresentationModel}s for each row.</li>
     * <li>In each row, an {@link it.tidalwave.role.Aggregate<PresentationModel>} is used to provide the {@code PresentationModel}s for
     *     each column.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Displayable} (optional) is used to provide the text to render for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link CustomGraphicProvider} (optional) is used to provide the graphics to render for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Styleable} (optional) is used to provide the rendering style for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.UserActionProvider} (optional) is used to provide the actions for creating a context menu;
     *     the default action is also bound to the double click or SPACE gesture.</li>
     * </ul>
     * The process of populating data is performed in background threads, so this method quickly returns also in case of large amount of data. The
     * initialization callback is called in the JavaFX thread when data population has been completed.
     * @param   tableView       the {@code TablewView}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @param   initCallback    the callback
     * @since   1.0-ALPHA-13
    public void bind (@Nonnull TableView<PresentationModel> tableView, @Nonnull PresentationModel pm, @Nonnull Optional<Runnable> initCallback);

     * Binds a {@link TableView} to a {@link PresentationModel} and a callback. See {@link #bind(javafx.scene.control.TableView,
     * it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.PresentationModel, java.util.Optional)}. The process of populating data is performed in background threads, so this method
     * quickly returns also in case of large amount of data. The initialization callback is called in the JavaFX thread when data population has been completed.
     * @param   tableView       the {@code TablewView}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @param   initCallback    the callback
    public default void bind (@Nonnull final TableView<PresentationModel> tableView, @Nonnull final PresentationModel pm, @Nonnull final Runnable initCallback)
        bind(tableView, pm, Optional.of(initCallback));

     * Binds a {@link TableView} to a {@link PresentationModel}. See {@link #bind(javafx.scene.control.TableView, it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.PresentationModel,
     * java.util.Optional)}.
     * @param   tableView       the {@code TablewView}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @since   1.0-ALPHA-13
    public default void bind (@Nonnull final TableView<PresentationModel> tableView, @Nonnull final PresentationModel pm)
        bind(tableView, pm, Optional.empty());

     * Binds a {@link TreeView} to a {@link PresentationModel} and a callback. The {@code PresentationModel} is used to populate the table. The following roles
     * are used:
     * <ul>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.role.SimpleComposite} provides children {@code PresentationModel}s for each row.</li>
     * <li>In each row, an {@link it.tidalwave.role.Aggregate<PresentationModel>} is used to provide the {@code PresentationModel}s for
     *     each column.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Displayable} (optional) is used to provide the text to render for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link CustomGraphicProvider} (optional) is used to provide the graphics to render for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Styleable} (optional) is used to provide the rendering style for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.UserActionProvider} (optional) is used to provide the actions for creating a context menu;
     *     the default action is also bound to the double click or SPACE gesture.</li>
     * <li>A {@link Visibility} (optional) is used to decide whether the root node should be visible or not.</li>
     * </ul>
     * The process of populating data is performed in background threads, so this method quickly returns also in case  of large amount of data. The
     * initialization callback is called in the JavaFX thread when data population has been completed.
     * @param   treeView        the {@code TreeView}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @param   initCallback    the callback
    public void bind (@Nonnull TreeView<PresentationModel> treeView, @Nonnull PresentationModel pm, @Nonnull Optional<Runnable> initCallback);

     * Binds a {@link TableView} to a {@link PresentationModel} and a callback. See {@link #bind(javafx.scene.control.TreeView,
     * it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.PresentationModel, java.util.Optional)}.
     * @param   treeView        the {@code TreeView}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @param   initCallback    the callback
     * @since   1.0-ALPHA-13
    public default void bind (@Nonnull final TreeView<PresentationModel> treeView, @Nonnull final PresentationModel pm, @Nonnull final Runnable initCallback)
        bind(treeView, pm, Optional.of(initCallback));

     * Binds a {@link TableView} to a {@link PresentationModel}. See {@link #bind(javafx.scene.control.TableView, it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.PresentationModel,
     * java.util.Optional)}
     * @param   treeView        the {@code TreeView}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @since   1.0-ALPHA-13
    public default void bind (@Nonnull final TreeView<PresentationModel> treeView, @Nonnull final PresentationModel pm)
        bind(treeView, pm, Optional.empty());

     * Binds a {@link TreeTableView} to a {@link PresentationModel} and a callback. The {@code PresentationModel} is used to populate the table. The following
     * roles are used:
     * <ul>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.role.SimpleComposite} provides children {@code PresentationModel}s for each row.</li>
     * <li>In each row, an {@link it.tidalwave.role.Aggregate<PresentationModel>} is used to provide the {@code PresentationModel}s for
     *     each column.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Displayable} (optional) is used to provide the text to render for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link CustomGraphicProvider} (optional) is used to provide the graphics to render for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Styleable} (optional) is used to provide the rendering style for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.UserActionProvider} (optional) is used to provide the actions for creating a context menu;
     *     the default action is also bound to the double click or SPACE gesture.</li>
     * <li>A {@link Visibility} (optional) is used to decide whether the root node should be visible or not.</li>
     * </ul>
     * The process of populating data is performed in background threads, so this method quickly returns also in case of large amount of data. The
     * initialization callback is called in the JavaFX thread when data population has been completed.
     * @param   treeTableView   the {@code TreeTableView}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @param   initCallback    the callback
    public void bind (@Nonnull TreeTableView<PresentationModel> treeTableView, @Nonnull PresentationModel pm, @Nonnull Optional<Runnable> initCallback);

     * Binds a {@link TreeTableView} to a {@link PresentationModel} and a callback. See {@link #bind(javafx.scene.control.TreeTableView,
     * it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.PresentationModel, java.util.Optional)}.
     * @param   treeTableView   the {@code TreeTableView}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @param   initCallback    the callback
     * @since   1.0-ALPHA-13
    public default void bind (@Nonnull final TreeTableView<PresentationModel> treeTableView,
                              @Nonnull final PresentationModel pm,
                              @Nonnull final Runnable initCallback)
        bind(treeTableView, pm, Optional.of(initCallback));

     * Binds a {@link TreeTableView} to a {@link PresentationModel}. See {@link #bind(javafx.scene.control.TreeTableView,
     * it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.PresentationModel, java.util.Optional)}.
     * @param   treeTableView   the {@code TreeTableView}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @since   1.0-ALPHA-13
    public default void bind (@Nonnull final TreeTableView<PresentationModel> treeTableView, @Nonnull final PresentationModel pm)
        bind(treeTableView, pm, Optional.empty());

     * Binds a {@link ListView} to a {@link PresentationModel} and an optional callback. The {@code PresentationModel} is used to populate the table. The
     * following roles are used:
     * <ul>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.role.SimpleComposite} provides children {@code PresentationModel}s for each row.</li>
     * <li>In each row, an {@link it.tidalwave.role.Aggregate<PresentationModel>} is used to provide the {@code PresentationModel}s for
     *     each column.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Displayable} (optional) is used to provide the text to render for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link CustomGraphicProvider} (optional) is used to provide the graphics to render for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Styleable} (optional) is used to provide the rendering style for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.UserActionProvider} (optional) is used to provide the actions for creating a context menu;
     *     the default action is also bound to the double click or SPACE gesture.</li>
     * </ul>
     * The process of populating data is performed in background threads, so this method quickly returns also in case of large amount of data. The
     * initialization callback is called in the JavaFX thread when data population has been completed.
     * @param   listView        the {@code ListView}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @param   initCallback    the callback
    public void bind (@Nonnull ListView<PresentationModel> listView, @Nonnull PresentationModel pm, @Nonnull Optional<Runnable> initCallback);

     * Binds a {@link ListView} to a {@link PresentationModel} and a callback. See {@link #bind(javafx.scene.control.ListView,
     * it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.PresentationModel, java.util.Optional)}.
     * @param   listView        the {@code ListView}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @param   initCallback    the callback
     * @since   1.0-ALPHA-13
    public default void bind (@Nonnull final ListView<PresentationModel> listView, @Nonnull final PresentationModel pm, @Nonnull final Runnable initCallback)
        bind(listView, pm, Optional.of(initCallback));

     * Binds a {@link ComboBox} to a {@link PresentationModel}. See {@link #bind(javafx.scene.control.ListView, it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.PresentationModel,
     * java.util.Optional)}.
     * @param   listView        the {@code ListView}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @since   1.0-ALPHA-13
    public default void bind (@Nonnull final ListView<PresentationModel> listView, @Nonnull final PresentationModel pm)
        bind(listView, pm, Optional.empty());

     * Binds a {@link ComboBox} to a {@link PresentationModel} and an optional callback. The {@code PresentationModel} is used to populate the table. The
     * following roles are used:
     * <ul>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.role.SimpleComposite} provides children {@code PresentationModel}s for each row.</li>
     * <li>In each row, an {@link it.tidalwave.role.Aggregate<PresentationModel>} is used to provide the {@code PresentationModel}s for
     *     each column.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Displayable} (optional) is used to provide the text to render for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link CustomGraphicProvider} (optional) is used to provide the graphics to render for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Styleable} (optional) is used to provide the rendering style for each item.</li>
     * <li>A {@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.UserActionProvider} (optional) is used to provide the actions for creating a context menu;
     *     the default action is also bound to the double click or SPACE gesture.</li>
     * </ul>
     * The process of populating data is performed in background threads, so this method quickly returns also in case of large amount of data. The
     * initialization callback is called in the JavaFX thread when data population has been completed.
     * @param   comboBox        the {@code ComboBox}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @param   initCallback    the callback
    public void bind (@Nonnull ComboBox<PresentationModel> comboBox, @Nonnull PresentationModel pm, @Nonnull Optional<Runnable> initCallback);

     * Binds a {@link ComboBox} to a {@link PresentationModel} and a callback. See {@link #bind(javafx.scene.control.ComboBox,
     * it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.PresentationModel, java.util.Optional)}.
     * @param   comboBox        the {@code ComboBox}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @param   initCallback    the callback
     * @since   1.0-ALPHA-13
    public default void bind (@Nonnull final ComboBox<PresentationModel> comboBox, @Nonnull final PresentationModel pm, @Nonnull final Runnable initCallback)
        bind(comboBox, pm, Optional.of(initCallback));

     * Binds a {@link ComboBox} to a {@link PresentationModel}. See {@link #bind(javafx.scene.control.ComboBox, it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.PresentationModel,
     * java.util.Optional)}.
     * @param   comboBox        the {@code ComboBox}
     * @param   pm              the {@code PresentationModel}
     * @since   1.0-ALPHA-13
    public default void bind (@Nonnull final ComboBox<PresentationModel> comboBox, @Nonnull final PresentationModel pm)
        bind(comboBox, pm, Optional.empty());

     * Given a {@link PresentationModel} that contains a {@link it.tidalwave.role.Composite}, populate the pane with {@link ToggleButton}s associated to the
     * elements of the {@link it.tidalwave.role.Composite}. Each element is searched for the following roles:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.UserActionProvider} (mandatory) to provide a callback for the button</li>
     * <li>{@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Displayable} to provide a text for the button</li>
     * <li>{@link it.tidalwave.ui.core.role.Styleable} to provide a CSS style for the button</li>
     * </ul>
     * The pane must be pre-populated with at least one button, which will be queried for the CSS style.
     * @param   pane        the {@code Pane}
     * @param   pm          the {@code PresentationModel}
    public void bindToggleButtons (@Nonnull Pane pane, @Nonnull PresentationModel pm);

     * Deprecated. Merge to bindToggleButtons, passing some arguments for choosing toggle or normal buttons.
     * @deprecated
    public void bindButtonsInPane (@Nonnull GridPane gridPane, @Nonnull Collection<UserAction> actions);

     * Binds two properties of different types.
     * @param   <T>             the target property type
     * @param   <S>             the source property type
     * @param   target          the target property
     * @param   source          the source property
     * @param   adapter         an adapter from one source to the target
     * @since   2.0-ALPHA-1
    public <T, S> void bind (@Nonnull final BoundProperty<? super T> target, @Nonnull final Property<? extends S> source, @Nonnull final Function<S, T> adapter);

     * Binds two properties of the same type.
     * @param   <T>             the property type
     * @param   target          the target property
     * @param   source          the source property
     * @since   2.0-ALPHA-1
    public default <T> void bind (@Nonnull final BoundProperty<? super T> target, @Nonnull final Property<T> source)
        bind(target, source, Function.identity());

     * Bidirectionally binds two properties of different types.
     * @param   <T>             the former property type
     * @param   <S>             the latter property type
     * @param   property1       the former property
     * @param   property2       the latter property
     * @param   adapter         an adapter from one type to the other
     * @param   reverseAdapter  the reverse adapter
     * @since   2.0-ALPHA-1
    public <T, S> void bindBidirectionally (@Nonnull final BoundProperty<? super T> property1,
                                            @Nonnull final Property<S> property2,
                                            @Nonnull final Function<? super S, T> adapter,
                                            @Nonnull final Function<? super T, ? extends S> reverseAdapter);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public default <T> void bindBidirectionally (@Nonnull final BoundProperty<? super T> property1, @Nonnull final Property<T> property2)
        bindBidirectionally(property1, property2, Function.identity(), Function.identity());

     * Bidirectionally binds two properties.
     * @param   property1   the former property
     * @param   property2   the latter property
    public default void bindBidirectionally (@Nonnull final BoundProperty<? super Boolean> property1, @Nonnull final BooleanProperty property2)
        bindBidirectionally(property1, property2, a -> a, a -> a);

     * Bidirectionally binds two properties.
     * @param   property1   the former property
     * @param   property2   the latter property
    public default void bindBidirectionally (@Nonnull final BoundProperty<? super Integer> property1, @Nonnull final IntegerProperty property2)
        bindBidirectionally(property1, property2, Number::intValue, a -> a);

     * Bidirectionally binds two properties.
     * @param   property1   the former property
     * @param   property2   the latter property
    public default void bindBidirectionally (@Nonnull final BoundProperty<? super Long> property1, @Nonnull final LongProperty property2)
        bindBidirectionally(property1, property2, Number::longValue, a -> a);

     * Bidirectionally binds two properties.
     * @param   property1   the former property
     * @param   property2   the latter property
    public default void bindBidirectionally (@Nonnull final BoundProperty<? super Double> property1, @Nonnull final DoubleProperty property2)
        bindBidirectionally(property1, property2, Number::doubleValue, a -> a);

    public void bindBidirectionally (@Nonnull TextField textField, @Nonnull BoundProperty<String> textProperty,  @Nonnull BoundProperty<Boolean> validProperty);

     * Shows a modal dialog with the given content and provides feedback by means of the given notification.
     * @param   notification  the object notifying whether the operation is confirmed or cancelled
     * @since   1.1-ALPHA-6
    public default void showInModalDialog (@Nonnull final UserNotification notification)

     * Shows a modal dialog with the given content and provides feedback by means of the given notification.
     * @param  node          the dialog content
     * @param  notification  the object notifying whether the operation is confirmed or cancelled
    public void showInModalDialog (@Nonnull UserNotificationWithFeedback notification, @Nonnull Optional<Node> node);

    // FIXME: use a Builder, merge with the above
    public default void showInModalDialog (@Nonnull final Node node,
                                           @Nonnull final UserNotificationWithFeedback notification,
                                           @Nonnull final BoundProperty<Boolean> valid)
        showInModalDialog(notification, Optional.of(node));

    public default void showInModalDialog (@Nonnull final Node node, @Nonnull final UserNotificationWithFeedback notification)
        showInModalDialog(notification, Optional.of(node));

    public default void showInModalDialog (@Nonnull final UserNotificationWithFeedback notification)
        showInModalDialog(notification, Optional.empty());

     * Opens the FileChooser for selecting a file. The outcome of the operation (confirmed or cancelled) will be notified to the given notification object. The
     * selected file will be set to the given bound property, which can be also used to set the default value rendered on the FileChooser.
     * @param  notification  the object notifying whether the operation is confirmed or cancelled
     * @param  selectedFile  the property containing the selected file
    public void openFileChooserFor (@Nonnull UserNotificationWithFeedback notification, @Nonnull BoundProperty<Path> selectedFile);

     * Opens the FileChooser for selecting a folder. The outcome of the operation (confirmed or cancelled) will be notified to the given notification object.
     * The selected folder will be set to the given bound property, which can be also used to set the default value rendered on the FileChooser.
     * @param  notification    the object notifying whether the operation is confirmed or cancelled
     * @param  selectedFolder  the property containing the selected folder
    public void openDirectoryChooserFor (@Nonnull UserNotificationWithFeedback notification, @Nonnull BoundProperty<Path> selectedFolder);