Project Summary

Project Information

Field Value
Name SolidBlue III
Description A tool for data backup and consistency. Architecture and technologies: + the classic three-tier architecture is used: Model, DAO, Presentation; + [Spring 6 / Spring Boot 3]( is the reference framework; + [SQLite]( is the underlying database; + [Spring Data JPA]( with [Hibernate]( is used as ORM; + JPA entities are separated objects; + `Finder` and DCI roles from [TheseFoolishThings]( are used; + [SLF4J]( and [Logback]( are used for logging; + [TestNG]( and [Mockito]( are used for testing; + [Lombok]( is used for cleaner code.

Project Organization

Field Value
Name Tidalwave s.a.s.

Build Information

Field Value
GroupId it.tidalwave.solidblue3
ArtifactId solidblue3
Version 1.1
Type pom