 * #%L
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 * NorthernWind - lightweight CMS
 * - git clone
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2023 Tidalwave s.a.s. (
 * %%
 * *********************************************************************************************************************
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
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 * *********************************************************************************************************************
 * *********************************************************************************************************************
 * #L%

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.FormatStyle;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
import it.tidalwave.util.Finder;
import it.tidalwave.util.Key;
import it.tidalwave.util.spi.HierarchicFinderSupport;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.Content;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.HttpStatusException;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.RequestLocaleManager;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.ResourcePath;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.ResourceProperties;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.SiteNode;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.frontend.ui.RenderContext;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.frontend.ui.spi.VirtualSiteNode;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.With;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import static java.util.Collections.reverseOrder;
import static java.util.Collections.*;
import static java.util.Comparator.*;
import static*;
import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.*;
import static it.tidalwave.util.CollectionUtils.split;
import static it.tidalwave.util.LocalizedDateTimeFormatters.getDateTimeFormatterFor;
import static it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.Content.*;
import static it.tidalwave.northernwind.frontend.ui.component.Properties.*;
import static it.tidalwave.northernwind.frontend.ui.component.nodecontainer.NodeContainerViewController.*;
import static it.tidalwave.northernwind.util.UrlEncoding.encodedUtf8;
import static lombok.AccessLevel.PUBLIC;

 * <p>A default implementation of the {@link BlogViewController} that is independent of the presentation technology.
 * This class is capable to render:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>blog posts (in various ways)</li>
 * <li>an index of the blog</li>
 * <li>a tag cloud</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>It accepts path parameters as follows:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@code <uri>}: selects a single post with the given uri;</li>
 * <li>{@code <category>}: selects posts with the given category;</li>
 * <li>{@code tags/<tag>}: selects posts with the given tag;</li>
 * <li>{@code index}: renders a post index, with links to single posts;</li>
 * <li>{@code index/<category>}: renders an index of posts with the given category;</li>
 * <li>{@code index/tag/<tag>}: renders an index of posts with the given tag.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>Supported properties of the {@link SiteNode}:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@code P_CONTENT_PATHS}: one or more {@code Content} that contains the posts to render; they are folders and can have
 *     sub-folders, which will be searched for in a recursive fashion;</li>
 * <li>{@code P_MAX_FULL_ITEMS}: the max. number of posts to be rendered in full;</li>
 * <li>{@code P_MAX_LEADIN_ITEMS}: the max. number of posts to be rendered with lead-in text;</li>
 * <li>{@code P_MAX_ITEMS}: the max. number of posts to be rendered as links;</li>
 * <li>{@code P_DATE_FORMAT}: the pattern for formatting date and times;</li>
 * <li>{@code P_TIME_ZONE}: the time zone for rendering dates (defaults to CET);</li>
 * <li>{@code P_INDEX}: if {@code true}, forces an index rendering (useful e.g. when used in sidebars);</li>
 * <li>{@code P_TAG_CLOUD}: if {@code true}, forces a tag cloud rendering (useful e.g. when used in sidebars).</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>The {@code P_DATE_FORMAT} property accepts any valid pattern in Java 8, plus the values {@code S-}, {@code M-},
 * {@code L-}, {@code F-}, which stand for small/medium/large and full patterns for a given locale.</p>
 * <p>Supported properties of the {@link Content}:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@code P_TITLE}: the title;</li>
 * <li>{@code P_FULL_TEXT}: the full text;</li>
 * <li>{@code P_LEADIN_TEXT}: the lead-in text;</li>
 * <li>{@code P_ID}: the unique id;</li>
 * <li>{@code P_IMAGE_ID}: the id of an image representative of the post;</li>
 * <li>{@code P_PUBLISHING_DATE}: the publishing date;</li>
 * <li>{@code P_CREATION_DATE}: the creation date;</li>
 * <li>{@code P_TAGS}: the tags;</li>
 * <li>{@code P_CATEGORY}: the category.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>When preparing for rendering, the following dynamic properties will be set, only if a single post is rendered:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@code PD_URL}: the canonical URL of the post;</li>
 * <li>{@code PD_ID}: the unique id of the post;</li>
 * <li>{@code PD_IMAGE_ID}: the id of the representative image.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>Concrete implementations must provide two methods for rendering the blog posts and the tag cloud:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@link #renderPosts(java.util.List, java.util.List, java.util.List) }</li>
 * <li>{@link #renderTagCloud(java.util.Collection)  }</li>
 * </ul>
 * @author  Fabrizio Giudici
@RequiredArgsConstructor @Slf4j
public abstract class DefaultBlogViewController implements BlogViewController
    @AllArgsConstructor(access = PUBLIC) @Getter @EqualsAndHashCode
    public static class TagAndCount
        public final String tag;
        public final int count;

        public final String rank;

        public TagAndCount (@Nonnull final String tag)
            this(tag, 1, "");

        public TagAndCount reduced (@Nonnull final TagAndCount other)
            if (!this.tag.equals(other.tag))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mismatching " + this + " vs " + other);

            return new TagAndCount(tag, this.count + other.count, "");

        @Override @Nonnull
        public String toString()
            return String.format("TagAndCount(%s, %d, %s)", tag, count, rank);

     * A {@link Finder} which returns virtual {@link SiteNode}s representing the multiple contents served by the
     * {@link SiteNode} associated to this controller. This is typically used to create site maps.
    // TODO: add eventual localized versions
    private static class VirtualSiteNodeFinder extends HierarchicFinderSupport<SiteNode, VirtualSiteNodeFinder>
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        private final transient DefaultBlogViewController controller;

        public VirtualSiteNodeFinder (@Nonnull final VirtualSiteNodeFinder other, @Nonnull final Object override)
            super(other, override);
            final var source = getSource(VirtualSiteNodeFinder.class, other, override);
            this.controller = source.controller;

        @Override @Nonnull
        protected List<SiteNode> computeResults()
            return controller.findAllPosts(controller.getViewProperties())
                             .peek(p -> log.trace(">>>> virtual node for: {}", p.getExposedUri()))
                             .flatMap(post -> createVirtualNode(post).stream())

        private Optional<VirtualSiteNode> createVirtualNode (@Nonnull final Content post)
            final var siteNode = controller.siteNode;
            return post.getExposedUri().map(uri -> new VirtualSiteNode(siteNode,

    private static final Map<String, Function<Locale, DateTimeFormatter>> DATETIME_FORMATTER_MAP_BY_STYLE = new HashMap<>();

        DATETIME_FORMATTER_MAP_BY_STYLE.put("S-", locale -> getDateTimeFormatterFor(FormatStyle.SHORT, locale));
        DATETIME_FORMATTER_MAP_BY_STYLE.put("M-", locale -> getDateTimeFormatterFor(FormatStyle.MEDIUM, locale));
        DATETIME_FORMATTER_MAP_BY_STYLE.put("L-", locale -> getDateTimeFormatterFor(FormatStyle.LONG, locale));
        DATETIME_FORMATTER_MAP_BY_STYLE.put("F-", locale -> getDateTimeFormatterFor(FormatStyle.FULL, locale));

    protected static final List<Key<ZonedDateTime>> DATE_KEYS = List.of(P_PUBLISHING_DATE, P_CREATION_DATE);

    public static final ZonedDateTime TIME0 = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0).atZone(ZoneId.of("GMT"));

    public static final String DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = "CET";

    private static final int NO_LIMIT = 9999;

    private static final String INDEX_PREFIX = "index";

    private static final String TAG_PREFIX = "tag";

    private static final ResourcePath TAG_CLOUD = ResourcePath.of("tags");

    private static final Comparator<Content> REVERSE_DATE_COMPARATOR = (p1, p2) ->

    private final SiteNode siteNode;

    private final BlogView view;

    private final RequestLocaleManager requestLocaleManager;

    private Optional<String> tag = Optional.empty();

    private Optional<String> uriOrCategory = Optional.empty();

    private boolean indexMode;

    private boolean tagCloudMode;

    protected Optional<String> title = Optional.empty();

    /* VisibleForTesting */ final List<Content> fullPosts = new ArrayList<>();

    /* VisibleForTesting */ final List<Content> leadInPosts = new ArrayList<>();

    /* VisibleForTesting */ final List<Content> linkedPosts = new ArrayList<>();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void prepareRendering (@Nonnull final RenderContext context)
      throws HttpStatusException
      {"prepareRendering(RenderContext) for {}", siteNode);

        final var viewProperties = getViewProperties();
        indexMode  = viewProperties.getProperty(P_INDEX).orElse(false);
        var pathParams = context.getPathParams(siteNode);
        tagCloudMode = viewProperties.getProperty(P_TAG_CLOUD).orElse(false);

        if (pathParams.equals(TAG_CLOUD))
            tagCloudMode = true;
        else if (pathParams.startsWith(INDEX_PREFIX))
            indexMode = true;
            pathParams = pathParams.withoutLeading();

        if (pathParams.startsWith(TAG_PREFIX) && (pathParams.getSegmentCount() == 2)) // matches(TAG_PREFIX, ".*")
            tag = Optional.of(pathParams.getTrailing());
        else if (pathParams.getSegmentCount() == 1)
            uriOrCategory = Optional.of(pathParams.getLeading());
        else if (!pathParams.isEmpty())
            throw new HttpStatusException(SC_BAD_REQUEST);

        if (tagCloudMode)
            prepareBlogPosts(context, viewProperties);

            if ((fullPosts.size() == 1) && leadInPosts.isEmpty() && linkedPosts.isEmpty())
                setDynamicProperties(context, fullPosts.get(0));

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void renderView (@Nonnull final RenderContext context)
      throws Exception
      {"renderView() for {}", siteNode);

        if (tagCloudMode)
            renderPosts(fullPosts, leadInPosts, linkedPosts);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    @Override @Nonnull
    public Finder<SiteNode> findVirtualSiteNodes()
        return new VirtualSiteNodeFinder(this);

     * Renders the blog posts. Must be implemented by concrete subclasses.
     * @param       fullPosts       the posts to be rendered in full
     * @param       leadinPosts     the posts to be rendered with lead in text
     * @param       linkedPosts     the posts to be rendered as references
     * @throws      Exception       if something fails
    protected abstract void renderPosts (@Nonnull List<? extends Content> fullPosts,
                                         @Nonnull List<? extends Content> leadinPosts,
                                         @Nonnull List<? extends Content> linkedPosts)
      throws Exception;

     * Renders the tag cloud. Must be implemented by concrete subclasses.
     * @param       tagsAndCount    the tags
    protected abstract void renderTagCloud (@Nonnull Collection<? extends TagAndCount> tagsAndCount);

     * Creates a link for a {@link ResourcePath}.
     * @param       path    the path
     * @return              the link
    protected final String createLink (@Nonnull final ResourcePath path)
        return siteNode.getSite().createLink(siteNode.getRelativeUri().appendedWith(path));

     * Creates a link for a tag.
     * @param       tag     the tag
     * @return              the link
    protected final String createTagLink (final String tag)
        // TODO: shouldn't ResourcePath always encode incoming strings?
        var link = siteNode.getSite().createLink(siteNode.getRelativeUri().appendedWith(TAG_PREFIX)

        // TODO: Workaround because createLink() doesn't append trailing / if the link contains a dot.
        // Refactor by passing a parameter to createLink that overrides the default behaviour.
        if (!link.endsWith("/") && !link.contains("?"))
            link += "/";

        return link;

    protected final ResourceProperties getViewProperties()
        return siteNode.getPropertyGroup(view.getId());

     * Formats a date with the settings taken from the configuration and the request settings.
     * @param       dateTime        the date to render
     * @return                      the formatted date
    protected final String formatDateTime (@Nonnull final ZonedDateTime dateTime)
        return dateTime.format(findDateTimeFormatter());

     * Prepares the blog posts.
     * @param       context               the rendering context
     * @param       properties            the view properties
     * @throws      HttpStatusException   status 404 if no post found
    protected final void prepareBlogPosts (@Nonnull final RenderContext context, @Nonnull final ResourceProperties properties)
      throws HttpStatusException
        final var maxFullItems   = indexMode ? 0        : properties.getProperty(P_MAX_FULL_ITEMS).orElse(NO_LIMIT);
        final var maxLeadinItems = indexMode ? 0        : properties.getProperty(P_MAX_LEADIN_ITEMS).orElse(NO_LIMIT);
        final var maxItems       = indexMode ? NO_LIMIT : properties.getProperty(P_MAX_ITEMS).orElse(NO_LIMIT);

        log.debug(">>>> preparing blog posts for {}: maxFullItems: {}, maxLeadinItems: {}, maxItems: {} (index: {}, tag: {}, uri: {})",
                  view.getId(), maxFullItems, maxLeadinItems, maxItems, indexMode, tag.orElse(""), uriOrCategory.orElse(""));

        final var posts = findPosts(context, properties)
                .filter(post -> post.getProperty(P_TITLE).isPresent())

        if (posts.isEmpty())
            throw new HttpStatusException(SC_NOT_FOUND);

        final var split = split(posts, 0, maxFullItems, maxFullItems + maxLeadinItems, maxItems);

     * Renders the tag cloud.
    private void renderTagCloud()
        final var tagsAndCount = findAllPosts(getViewProperties())
                .flatMap(post -> post.getProperty(P_TAGS).stream().flatMap(Collection::stream))
                .collect(toMap(t -> t, TagAndCount::new, TagAndCount::reduced))

     * Finds all the relevant posts, applying filtering as needed.
    // TODO: use some short circuit to prevent from loading unnecessary data
    private List<Content> findPosts (@Nonnull final RenderContext context, @Nonnull final ResourceProperties properties)
        final var pathParams = context.getPathParams(siteNode);
        final var filtering  = tag.isPresent() || uriOrCategory.isPresent();
        final var allPosts = findAllPosts(properties);
        final var posts = new ArrayList<Content>();
        // The thing works differently in function of pathParams:
        //      when no pathParams, return all the posts;
        //      when it matches a category, return all the posts in that category;
        //      when it matches an exposed URI of a single specific post:
        //          if not in 'index' mode, return only that post;
        //          if in 'index' mode, returns all the posts.
        if (indexMode && !filtering)
            if (tag.isPresent())
                posts.addAll(filteredByTag(allPosts, tag.get()));
                posts.addAll(filteredByExposedUri(allPosts, pathParams)
                            // pathParams matches an exposedUri; thus it's not a category, so an index wants all
                            .map(singlePost -> indexMode ? allPosts : singletonList(singlePost))
                            // pathParams didn't match an exposedUri, so it's interpreted as a category to filter posts
                            .orElseGet(() -> filteredByCategory(allPosts, uriOrCategory)));

        log.debug(">>>> found {} items", posts.size());

        return posts;

     * Finds all the posts.
    private List<Content> findAllPosts (@Nonnull final ResourceProperties properties)
        return properties.getProperty(P_CONTENT_PATHS).orElse(emptyList()).stream()
                .flatMap(path -> siteNode.getSite().find(_Content_).withRelativePath(path).stream()
                                                                   .flatMap(folder -> folder.findChildren().stream()))

     * Returns the proper {@link DateTimeFormatter}. It is built from an explicit pattern, if defined in the current
     * {@link SiteNode}; otherwise the one provided by the {@link RequestLocaleManager} is used. The formatter is
     * configured with the time zone defined in the {@code SiteNode}, or a default is used.
     * @return      the {@code DateTimeFormatter}
    private DateTimeFormatter findDateTimeFormatter()
        final var locale = requestLocaleManager.getLocales().get(0);
        final var viewProperties = getViewProperties();
        final var dtf = viewProperties.getProperty(P_DATE_FORMAT)
                                      .map(s -> s.replaceAll("EEEEE+", "EEEE"))
                                      .map(s -> s.replaceAll("MMMMM+", "MMMM"))
                                      .map(p -> (((p.length() == 2) ? DATETIME_FORMATTER_MAP_BY_STYLE.get(p).apply(locale)
                                          : DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(p)).withLocale(locale)))

        final var zoneId = viewProperties.getProperty(P_TIME_ZONE).orElse(DEFAULT_TIMEZONE);
        return dtf.withZone(ZoneId.of(zoneId));

    private void setDynamicProperties (@Nonnull final RenderContext context, @Nonnull final Content post)
        context.setDynamicNodeProperty(PD_TITLE, computeTitle(post));
        post.getExposedUri().map(this::createLink).ifPresent(l -> context.setDynamicNodeProperty(PD_URL, l));
        post.getProperty(P_ID).ifPresent(id -> context.setDynamicNodeProperty(PD_ID, id));
        post.getProperty(P_IMAGE_ID).ifPresent(id -> context.setDynamicNodeProperty(PD_IMAGE_ID, id));

    private void setTitle (@Nonnull final RenderContext context)
        if (tagCloudMode)
            title = Optional.of("Tags");
        else if (indexMode)
            title = Optional.of("Post index");

            if (tag.isPresent())
                title = Optional.of(String.format("Posts tagged as '%s'", tag.get()));
            else uriOrCategory.ifPresent(s -> title = Optional.of(String.format("Posts in category '%s'", s)));
            title = getViewProperties().getProperty(P_TITLE).map(String::trim).flatMap(DefaultBlogViewController::filterEmptyString);

        title.ifPresent(s -> context.setDynamicNodeProperty(PD_TITLE, s));

    private String computeTitle (@Nonnull final Content post)
        final var prefix    = siteNode.getProperty(P_TITLE).orElse("");
        final var title     = post.getProperty(P_TITLE).orElse("");
        final var separator = "".equals(prefix) || "".equals(title) ? "" : " - ";

        return prefix + separator + title;

    private static List<TagAndCount> withRanks (@Nonnull final Collection<? extends TagAndCount> tagsAndCount)
        final var counts =
        return -> tac.withRank(rankOf(tac.count, counts))).collect(toList());

     * Filters the given posts that match the selected category; returns all the posts if the category is empty.
     * @param  posts          the source posts
     * @param  category       the category
     * @return                the filtered posts
    private static List<Content> filteredByCategory (@Nonnull final List<? extends Content> posts,
                                                     @Nonnull final Optional<String> category)
        return -> hasCategory(post, category)).collect(toList());

     * Filters the {@code sourcePosts} that matches the selected{@code tag}; returns all
     * posts if the category is empty.
     * @param  posts          the source posts
     * @param  tag            the tag
     * @return                the filtered posts
    private static List<Content> filteredByTag (@Nonnull final List<? extends Content> posts, @Nonnull final String tag)
        return -> hasTag(post, tag)).collect(toList());

    private static Optional<Content> filteredByExposedUri (@Nonnull final List<Content> posts,
                                                           @Nonnull final ResourcePath exposedUri)
        return -> post.getExposedUri().map(exposedUri::equals).orElse(false)).findFirst();

    private static String rankOf (final int count, final List<Integer> counts)
        assert counts.contains(count);
        final var rank = counts.indexOf(count) + 1;
        return (rank <= 10) ? Integer.toString(rank) : "Others";

    private static boolean hasCategory (@Nonnull final Content post, @Nonnull final Optional<String> category)
        return category.isEmpty() || post.getProperty(P_CATEGORY).equals(category);

    private static boolean hasTag (@Nonnull final Content post, @Nonnull final String tag)
        return post.getProperty(P_TAGS).orElse(emptyList()).contains(tag);

    private static Optional<String> filterEmptyString (@Nonnull final String s)
        return "".equals(s) ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(s);