Class HtmlTemplateSitemapViewController

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    SitemapViewController, ViewController

    public class HtmlTemplateSitemapViewController
    extends DefaultSitemapViewController

    An implementation of SitemapViewController based on HTML templates.

    The template for rendering the page can be specified by means of the property P_SITEMAP_TEMPLATE_PATH.

    This controller calls render methods to the view by passing Template.Aggregates to be used with templates.

    In case of post rendering, the following aggregates are defined:

    • entries: the entries to be rendered.

    Each item is an Template.Aggregate of the following fields:

    • location: the URL of the page;
    • lastModification: the last modification date of the page;
    • changeFrequency: the change frequency of the page;
    • priority: the priority of the page.
    Fabrizio Giudici