Interface TileSource

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
OpenStreetMapTileSource, OpenTopoMapTileSource, TileSourceSupport

@API(status=STABLE) public interface TileSource extends Projection
This class represent a source for Tiles. A source is able to convert coordinates expressed as (latitude, longitude) into rectified (x,y) cartesian coordinates for a map, as well as to provide the URL for a map tile that contains a given pair of rectified coordinates.
Fabrizio Giudici
  • Method Details

    • getDisplayName

      String getDisplayName()
      Returns the display name of this object..
      the display name of this object
    • getTileUri

      @Nonnull URI getTileUri(int column, int row, int zoom)
      Returns the URI for the tile at the given position with the given zoom level..
      column - the tile column
      row - the tile row
      zoom - the zoom level
      the URI for the tile at the given position with the given zoom level
    • getMaxZoomLevel

      int getMaxZoomLevel()
      Returns the maximum zoom level of this source..
      the maximum zoom level of this source
    • getMinZoomLevel

      int getMinZoomLevel()
      Returns the minimum zoom level of this source..
      the minimum zoom level of this source
    • getDefaultZoomLevel

      int getDefaultZoomLevel()
      Returns the default zoom level of this source..
      the default zoom level of this source
    • getCachePrefix

      @Nonnull String getCachePrefix()
      Returns a prefix unique to this source to be used by the local tile cache..
      a prefix unique to this source to be used by the local tile cache
    • getTileSize

      int getTileSize()
      Returns the size of the tiles created by this source..
      the size of the tiles created by this source