 * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
 * MapView: a JavaFX map renderer for tile-based servers
 * Copyright (C) 2024 - 2025 by Tidalwave s.a.s. (
 * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
 * git clone
 * git clone
 * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
package it.tidalwave.mapviewer.javafx;

import jakarta.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import javafx.animation.Interpolatable;
import javafx.animation.Interpolator;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.KeyValue;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.ScrollEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.ZoomEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
import javafx.util.Duration;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import it.tidalwave.mapviewer.MapArea;
import it.tidalwave.mapviewer.MapCoordinates;
import it.tidalwave.mapviewer.MapViewPoint;
import it.tidalwave.mapviewer.OpenStreetMapTileSource;
import it.tidalwave.mapviewer.TileSource;
import it.tidalwave.mapviewer.impl.MapViewModel;
import it.tidalwave.mapviewer.impl.RangeLimitedDoubleProperty;
import it.tidalwave.mapviewer.javafx.impl.TileCache;
import it.tidalwave.mapviewer.javafx.impl.TileGrid;
import it.tidalwave.mapviewer.javafx.impl.Translation;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.With;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import static java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits;
import static javafx.util.Duration.ZERO;

 * A JavaFX control capable to render a map based on tiles. It must be associated to a {@link TileSource} that provides the tile bitmaps; two instances are
 * provided, {@link OpenStreetMapTileSource} and {@link it.tidalwave.mapviewer.OpenTopoMapTileSource}. Further sources can be easily implemented by overriding
 * {@link it.tidalwave.mapviewer.spi.TileSourceSupport}.
 * The basic properties of a {@code MapView} are:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>{@link #tileSourceProperty()}: the tile source (that can be changed during the life of {@code MapView});</li>
 *   <li>{@link #centerProperty()}: the coordinates that are rendered at the center of the screen;</li>
 *   <li>{@link #zoomProperty()}: the detail level for the map, going from 1 (the lowest) to a value depending on the tile source.</li>
 * </ul>
 * Other properties are:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>{@link #minZoomProperty()} (read only): the minimum zoom level allowed;</li>
 *   <li>{@link #maxZoomProperty()} (read only): the maximum zoom level allowed;</li>
 *   <li>{@link #coordinatesUnderMouseProperty()} (read only): the coordinates corresponding to the point where the mouse is;</li>
 *   <li>{@link #areaProperty()} (read only): the rectangular area delimited by north, east, south, west coordinates that is currently rendered.</li>
 * </ul>
 * The method {@link #fitArea(MapArea)} can be used to adapt rendering parameters so that the given area is rendered; this is useful e.g. when one wants to
 * render a GPS track.
 * Maps can be scrolled by dragging and re-centered by double-clicking on a point (use {@link #setRecenterOnDoubleClick(boolean)} to enable this behaviour).
 * It is possible to add and remove overlays that move in solid with the map:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>{@link #addOverlay(String, Consumer)}</li>
 *   <li>{@link #removeOverlay(String)}</li>
 *   <li>{@link #removeAllOverlays()}</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see     OpenStreetMapTileSource
 * @see     it.tidalwave.mapviewer.OpenTopoMapTileSource
 * @author  Fabrizio Giudici
public class MapView extends Region
    private static final int DEFAULT_TILE_POOL_SIZE = 10;
    private static final int DEFAULT_TILE_QUEUE_CAPACITY = 1000;
    private static final OpenStreetMapTileSource DEFAULT_TILE_SOURCE = new OpenStreetMapTileSource();

     * This helper class provides methods useful for creating map overlays.
    @RequiredArgsConstructor(staticName = "of") @Accessors(fluent = true)
    public static class OverlayHelper
        private final MapViewModel model;

        private final ObservableList<Node> children;

         * Adds a {@link Node} to the overlay.
         * @param   node          the {@code Node}
        public void add (@Nonnull final Node node)

         * Adds multiple {@link Node}s to the overlay.
         * @param   nodes         the {@code Node}s
        public void addAll (@Nonnull final Collection<? extends Node> nodes)

         * {@return a map view point corresponding to the given coordinates}. This view point must be used to draw to the overlay.
         * @param   coordinates   the coordinates
        public MapViewPoint toMapViewPoint (@Nonnull final MapCoordinates coordinates)
            final var gridOffset = model.gridOffset();
            final var point = model.coordinatesToMapViewPoint(coordinates);
            return MapViewPoint.of(point.x() - gridOffset.x(), point.y() - gridOffset.y());

         * {@return the area rendered in the map view}.
        public MapArea getArea()
            return model.getArea();

     * Options for creating a {@code MapView}.
     * @param   cacheFolder         the {@link Path} of the folder where cached tiles are stored
     * @param   downloadAllowed     whether downloading tiles is allowed
     * @param   poolSize            the number of parallel thread of the tile downloader
     * @param   tileQueueCapacity   the capacity of the tile queue
    public record Options(@Nonnull Path cacheFolder, boolean downloadAllowed, int poolSize, int tileQueueCapacity) {}

    /** The tile source. */
    private final SimpleObjectProperty<TileSource> tileSource;

    /** The coordinates at the center of the map view. */
    private final SimpleObjectProperty<MapCoordinates> center;

    /** The zoom level. */
    private final RangeLimitedDoubleProperty zoom;

    /** The minimum zoom level. */
    private final SimpleDoubleProperty minZoom;

    /** The maximum zoom level. */
    private final SimpleDoubleProperty maxZoom;

    /** The coordinates corresponding to the mouse position on the map. */
    private final SimpleObjectProperty<MapCoordinates> coordinatesUnderMouse;

    /** The rectangular area in the view. */
    private final SimpleObjectProperty<MapArea> area;

    /** The model for this control. */
    private final MapViewModel model;

    /** The tile grid that the rendering relies upon. */
    private final TileGrid tileGrid;

    /** A cache for tiles. */
    private final TileCache tileCache;

    /** Whether double click re-centers the map to the clicked point. */
    @Getter @Setter
    private boolean recenterOnDoubleClick = true;

    /** Whether the vertical scroll gesture should zoom. */
    @Getter @Setter
    private boolean scrollToZoom = false;

    /** The duration of the re-centering animation. */
    @Getter @Setter
    private Duration recenterDuration = Duration.millis(200);

    /** True if a zoom operation is in progress. */
    private boolean zooming;

    /** True if a drag operation is in progress. */
    private boolean dragging;

    /** The latest x coordinate in drag. */
    private double dragX;

    /** The latest y coordinate in drag. */
    private double dragY;

    /** The latest value in scroll. */
    private double scroll;

     * Creates a new instance.
     * @param   options         options for the control
    @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") @SuppressFBWarnings({"MALICIOUS_CODE", "CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW"})
    public MapView (@Nonnull final Options options)
        if (!Platform.isFxApplicationThread())
            throw new IllegalStateException("Must be instantiated on JavaFX thread");

        tileSource = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "tileSource", DEFAULT_TILE_SOURCE);
        model = new MapViewModel(tileSource.get());
        tileCache = new TileCache(options);
        tileGrid = new TileGrid(this, model, tileSource, tileCache);
        center = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "center", tileGrid.getCenter());
        zoom = new RangeLimitedDoubleProperty(this, "zoom", model.zoom(), tileSource.get().getMinZoomLevel(), tileSource.get().getMaxZoomLevel());
        minZoom = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "minZoom", tileSource.get().getMinZoomLevel());
        maxZoom = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "maxZoom", tileSource.get().getMaxZoomLevel());
        coordinatesUnderMouse = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "coordinatesUnderMouse", MapCoordinates.of(0, 0));
        area = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "area", MapArea.of(0, 0, 0, 0));
        tileSource.addListener((_1, _2, _3) -> onTileSourceChanged());
        center.addListener((_1, _2, newValue) -> setCenterAndZoom(newValue, zoom.get()));
        zoom.addListener((_1, _2, newValue) -> setCenterAndZoom(center.get(), newValue.intValue()));
        AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(tileGrid, 0d);
        AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(tileGrid, 0d);
        AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(tileGrid, 0d);
        AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(tileGrid, 0d);
        // needRefresh();

     * {@return a new set of default options}.
    public static Options options()
        return new Options(Path.of(System.getProperty("")), true, DEFAULT_TILE_POOL_SIZE, DEFAULT_TILE_QUEUE_CAPACITY);

     * {@return the tile source}.
     * @see                   #setTileSource(TileSource)
     * @see                   #tileSourceProperty()
    public final TileSource getTileSource()
        return tileSource.get();

     * Sets the tile source. Changing the tile source might change the zoom level to make sure it is within the limits of the new source.
     * @param   tileSource    the tile source
     * @see                   #getTileSource()
     * @see                   #tileSourceProperty()
    public final void setTileSource (@Nonnull final TileSource tileSource)

     * {@return the tile source property}.
     * @see                   #setTileSource(TileSource)
     * @see                   #getTileSource()
    @Nonnull @SuppressFBWarnings("EI_EXPOSE_REP")
    public final ObjectProperty<TileSource> tileSourceProperty()
        return tileSource;

     * {@return the center coordinates}.
     * @see                   #setCenter(MapCoordinates)
     * @see                   #centerProperty()
    public final MapCoordinates getCenter()
        return center.get();

     * Sets the coordinates to show at the center of the map.
     * @param   center        the center coordinates
     * @see                   #getCenter()
     * @see                   #centerProperty()
    public final void setCenter (@Nonnull final MapCoordinates center)

     * {@return the center property}.
     * @see                   #getCenter()
     * @see                   #setCenter(MapCoordinates)
    @Nonnull @SuppressFBWarnings("EI_EXPOSE_REP")
    public final ObjectProperty<MapCoordinates> centerProperty()
        return center;

     * {@return the zoom level}.
     * @see                   #setZoom(double)
     * @see                   #zoomProperty()
    public final double getZoom()
        return zoom.get();

     * Sets the zoom level.
     * @param   zoom    the zoom level
     * @see                   #getZoom()
     * @see                   #zoomProperty()
    public final void setZoom (final double zoom)

     * {@return the zoom level property}.
     * @see                   #getZoom()
     * @see                   #setZoom(double)
    @Nonnull @SuppressFBWarnings("EI_EXPOSE_REP")
    public final DoubleProperty zoomProperty()
        return zoom;

     * {@return the min zoom level}.
     * @see                   #minZoomProperty()
    public final double getMinZoom()
        return minZoom.get();

     * {@return the min zoom level property}.
     * @see                   #getMinZoom()
    @Nonnull @SuppressFBWarnings("EI_EXPOSE_REP")
    public final ReadOnlyDoubleProperty minZoomProperty()
        return minZoom;

     * {@return the max zoom level}.
     * @see                   #maxZoomProperty()
    public final double getMaxZoom()
        return maxZoom.get();

     * {@return the max zoom level property}.
     * @see                   #getMaxZoom()
    @Nonnull @SuppressFBWarnings("EI_EXPOSE_REP")
    public final ReadOnlyDoubleProperty maxZoomProperty()
        return maxZoom;

     * {@return the coordinates corresponding to the point where the mouse is}.
    @Nonnull @SuppressFBWarnings("EI_EXPOSE_REP")
    public final ObjectProperty<MapCoordinates> coordinatesUnderMouseProperty()
        return coordinatesUnderMouse;

     * {@return the area rendered on the map}.
     * @see                   #areaProperty()
     * @see                   #fitArea(MapArea)
    public final MapArea getArea()
        return area.get();

     * {@return the area rendered on the map}.
     * @see                   #getArea()
     * @see                   #fitArea(MapArea)
    @Nonnull @SuppressFBWarnings("EI_EXPOSE_REP")
    public final ObjectProperty<MapArea> areaProperty()
        return area;

     * Fits the zoom level and centers the map so that the two corners are visible.
     * @param   area          the area to fit
     * @see                   #getArea()
     * @see                   #areaProperty()
    public void fitArea (@Nonnull final MapArea area)
        log.debug("fitArea({})", area);
        setCenterAndZoom(area.getCenter(), model.computeFittingZoom(area));

     * {@return the scale of the map in meters per pixel}.
    // @Nonnegative
    public double getMetersPerPixel()
        return tileSource.get().metersPerPixel(tileGrid.getCenter(), zoom.get());

     * {@return a point on the map corresponding to the given coordinates}.
     * @param  coordinates    the coordinates
    public MapViewPoint coordinatesToPoint (@Nonnull final MapCoordinates coordinates)
        return model.coordinatesToMapViewPoint(coordinates);

     * {@return the coordinates corresponding to a given point on the map}.
     * @param   point         the point on the map
    public MapCoordinates pointToCoordinates (@Nonnull final MapViewPoint point)
        return model.mapViewPointToCoordinates(point);

     * Adds an overlay, passing a callback that will be responsible for rendering the overlay, when needed.
     * @param   name          the name of the overlay
     * @param   creator       the overlay creator
     * @see                   OverlayHelper
    public void addOverlay (@Nonnull final String name, @Nonnull final Consumer<OverlayHelper> creator)
        tileGrid.addOverlay(name, creator);

     * Removes an overlay.
     * @param   name          the name of the overlay to remove
    public void removeOverlay (@Nonnull final String name)

     * Removes all overlays.
    public void removeAllOverlays()

     * Sets both the center and the zoom level.
     * @param   center        the center
     * @param   zoom          the zoom level
    private void setCenterAndZoom (@Nonnull final MapCoordinates center, final double zoom)
        log.trace("setCenterAndZoom({}, {})", center, zoom);

        if (!center.equals(tileGrid.getCenter()) || doubleToLongBits(zoom) != doubleToLongBits(model.zoom()))
            tileGrid.setCenterAndZoom(center, zoom);

     * Translate the map center by the specified amount.
     * @param   dx            the horizontal amount
     * @param   dy            the vertical amount
    private void translateCenter (final double dx, final double dy)
        tileGrid.translate(dx, dy);

     * This method is called when the tile source has been changed.
    private void onTileSourceChanged()
        final var minZoom = tileSourceProperty().get().getMinZoomLevel();
        final var maxZoom = tileSourceProperty().get().getMaxZoomLevel();
        zoom.setLimits(minZoom, maxZoom);

     * Mouse callback.
    private void onMousePressed (@Nonnull final MouseEvent event)
        if (!zooming)
            dragging = true;
            dragX = event.getSceneX();
            dragY = event.getSceneY();
            log.trace("onMousePressed: {} {}", dragX, dragY);

     * Mouse callback.
    private void onMouseReleased (@Nonnull final MouseEvent ignored)
        dragging = false;

     * Mouse callback.
    private void onMouseDragged (@Nonnull final MouseEvent event)
        if (!zooming && dragging)
            translateCenter(event.getSceneX() - dragX, event.getSceneY() - dragY);
            dragX = event.getSceneX();
            dragY = event.getSceneY();

     * Mouse callback.
    private void onMouseClicked (@Nonnull final MouseEvent event)
        if (recenterOnDoubleClick && (event.getClickCount() == 2))
            final var delta = Translation.of(getWidth() / 2 - event.getX(), getHeight() / 2 - event.getY());
            final var target = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(Translation.of(0, 0));
            target.addListener((__, oldValue, newValue) ->
                                       translateCenter(newValue.x - oldValue.x, newValue.y - oldValue.y));
            animate(target, Translation.of(0, 0), delta, recenterDuration);

     * Mouse callback.
    private void onMouseMoved (@Nonnull final MouseEvent event)

     * Gesture callback.
    private void onZoomStarted (@Nonnull final ZoomEvent event)
        log.trace("onZoomStarted({})", event);
        zooming = true;
        dragging = false;

     * Gesture callback.
    private void onZoomFinished (@Nonnull final ZoomEvent event)
        log.trace("onZoomFinished({})", event);
        zooming = false;

     * Gesture callback.
    private void onZoom (@Nonnull final ZoomEvent event)
        log.trace("onZoom({})", event);

     * Mouse callback.
    private void onScroll (@Nonnull final ScrollEvent event)
        if (scrollToZoom)
  "onScroll({})", event);
            final var amount = -Math.signum(Math.floor(event.getDeltaY() - scroll));
            scroll = event.getDeltaY();
            log.debug("zoom change for scroll: {}", amount);
            System.err.println("AMOUNT " + amount);
            zoom.set(Math.round(zoom.get() + amount));

     * Animates a property. If the duration is zero, the property is immediately set.
     * @param   <T>           the static type of the property to animate
     * @param   target        the property to animate
     * @param   startValue    the start value of the property
     * @param   endValue      the end value of the property
     * @param   duration      the duration of the animation
    private static <T extends Interpolatable<T>> void animate (@Nonnull final ObjectProperty<T> target,
                                                               @Nonnull final T startValue,
                                                               @Nonnull final T endValue,
                                                               @Nonnull final Duration duration)
        if (duration.equals(ZERO))
            final var start = new KeyFrame(ZERO, new KeyValue(target, startValue));
            final var end = new KeyFrame(duration, new KeyValue(target, endValue, Interpolator.EASE_OUT));
            new Timeline(start, end).play();

    // FIXME: on close shut down the tile cache executor service.