 * *********************************************************************************************************************
 * blueMarine II: Semantic Media Centre
 * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2021 by Tidalwave s.a.s. (
 * *********************************************************************************************************************
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
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 * *********************************************************************************************************************
 * git clone
 * git clone
 * *********************************************************************************************************************
package it.tidalwave.bluemarine2.util;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Model;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Statement;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Value;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.impl.TreeModel;

 * Unlike the similar class in RDF4J, this is thread-safe and can merge to similar objects.
 * @author  Fabrizio Giudici
public class ModelBuilder
    private final Model model = new TreeModel();

    @Nonnull private final Resource[] contexts;

    public ModelBuilder (@Nonnull final Resource ... contexts)
        this.contexts = contexts;

    public synchronized Model toModel()
        return new TreeModel(model);

    public synchronized ModelBuilder with (@Nonnull final Resource subject,
                                           @Nonnull final IRI predicate,
                                           @Nonnull final Value object,
                                           @Nonnull final Resource... contexts)
        model.add(subject, predicate, object, contexts);
        return this;

    public synchronized ModelBuilder with (@Nonnull final Resource subjext,
                                           @Nonnull final IRI predicate,
                                           @Nonnull final Optional<Value> optionalObject,
                                           @Nonnull final Resource... contexts)
        return -> ModelBuilder.this.with(subjext, predicate, object, contexts)).orElse(this);

    public synchronized ModelBuilder withOptional (@Nonnull final Optional<? extends Resource> optionalSubject,
                                                   @Nonnull final IRI predicate,
                                                   @Nonnull final Value object)
        return -> ModelBuilder.this.with(subject, predicate, object)).orElse(this);

    public synchronized ModelBuilder withOptional (@Nonnull final Resource subject,
                                                   @Nonnull final IRI predicate,
                                                   @Nonnull final Optional<? extends Value> optionalObject)
        return -> ModelBuilder.this.with(subject, predicate, object)).orElse(this);

    public synchronized ModelBuilder withOptional (@Nonnull final Optional<? extends Resource> optionalSubject,
                                                   @Nonnull final IRI predicate,
                                                   @Nonnull final Optional<? extends Value> optionalObject)
        return -> withOptional(optionalSubject, predicate, object)).orElse(this);

    public synchronized ModelBuilder with (@Nonnull final List<? extends Resource> subjects,
                                           @Nonnull final IRI predicate,
                                           @Nonnull final Value object)
        subjects.forEach(subject -> ModelBuilder.this.with(subject, predicate, object)); // FIXME ?? this = withOptional(...)
        return this;

    public synchronized ModelBuilder with (@Nonnull final List<? extends Resource> subjects,
                                           @Nonnull final IRI predicate,
                                           @Nonnull final List<? extends Value> objects)
        assert subjects.size() == objects.size();

        for (int i = 0; i < subjects.size(); i++)
            ModelBuilder.this.with(subjects.get(i), predicate, objects.get(i)); // FIXME ?? this = withOptional(...)

        return this;

    public synchronized ModelBuilder with (@Nonnull final Resource subject,
                                           @Nonnull final IRI predicate,
                                           @Nonnull final Stream<? extends Value> objects)
        objects.forEach(object -> ModelBuilder.this.with(subject, predicate, object)); // FIXME ?? this = withOptional(...)
        return this;

    public synchronized ModelBuilder withOptional (@Nonnull final Optional<? extends Resource> subject,
                                                   @Nonnull final IRI predicate,
                                                   @Nonnull final Stream<? extends Value> objects)
        if (subject.isPresent())
            objects.forEach(object -> withOptional(subject, predicate, object)); // FIXME ?? this = withOptional(...)

        return this;

    public synchronized ModelBuilder with (@Nonnull final Statement statement)
        return this;

    public synchronized ModelBuilder with (@Nonnull final Optional<ModelBuilder> optionalBuiilder)
        return this;

    public synchronized ModelBuilder with (@Nonnull final ModelBuilder other)
        return ModelBuilder.this.with(other.toModel());

    public synchronized ModelBuilder with (@Nonnull final Model other)
        return this;

    public synchronized ModelBuilder with (@Nonnull final List<ModelBuilder> others)
      { -> m.forEach(model::add));
        return this;