 * *********************************************************************************************************************
 * blueMarine II: Semantic Media Centre
 * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2021 by Tidalwave s.a.s. (
 * *********************************************************************************************************************
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
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 * *********************************************************************************************************************
 * git clone
 * git clone
 * *********************************************************************************************************************
package it.tidalwave.bluemarine2.model.impl;

import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import it.tidalwave.util.As;
import it.tidalwave.util.Finder;
import it.tidalwave.util.spi.FinderSupport;
import it.tidalwave.util.SupplierBasedFinder;
import it.tidalwave.role.SimpleComposite;
import it.tidalwave.bluemarine2.model.MediaFolder;
import it.tidalwave.bluemarine2.model.spi.PathAwareEntity;
import it.tidalwave.bluemarine2.model.spi.PathAwareFinder;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import static java.util.Collections.*;
import static it.tidalwave.role.SimpleComposite._SimpleComposite_;
import static lombok.AccessLevel.PRIVATE;

 * A decorator of an {@link Finder} of {@link PathAwareEntity} that creates a virtual tree of entities. Each entity is
 * given a path, which starts with the path of a {@link MediaFolder} and continues with the id of the entity.
 * This {@code Finder} can filtered by path. If a filter path is provided, the filtering happens in memory: this means
 * that even when the delegate queries a native store, all the data are first retrieved in memory.
 * @stereotype  Finder
 * @author  Fabrizio Giudici
@RequiredArgsConstructor(access = PRIVATE) @Slf4j
public class PathAwareEntityFinderDelegate extends FinderSupport<PathAwareEntity, PathAwareFinder> implements PathAwareFinder
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4429676480224742813L;

    private final MediaFolder mediaFolder;

    private final Finder<PathAwareEntity> delegate;

    private final Optional<Path> optionalPath;

     * Creates an instance associated to a given {@link MediaFolder} and a delegate finder.
     * @see #PathAwareEntityFinderDelegate(it.tidalwave.bluemarine2.model.MediaFolder, java.util.function.Function)
     * @param   mediaFolder     the folder associated to this finder
     * @param   delegate        the delegate finder to provide data
    public PathAwareEntityFinderDelegate (@Nonnull final MediaFolder mediaFolder,
                                          @Nonnull final Finder<PathAwareEntity> delegate)
        this(mediaFolder, delegate, Optional.empty());

     * Creates an instance associated to a given {@link MediaFolder} and a function for providing children. This
     * constructor is typically used when the children are already present in memory (e.g. they are
     * {@link VirtualMediaFolder}s. Because the function doesn't have the full semantics of a {@link Finder} - it can't
     * optimise a query in function of search parameters, nor optimise the count of results - when a
     * {@code PathAwareEntityFinderDelegate} is created in this way all operations will be performed in memory. If one
     * can provide data from a native store and enjoy optimised queries, instead of this constructor use
     * {@link #PathAwareEntityFinderDelegate(it.tidalwave.bluemarine2.model.MediaFolder, it.tidalwave.util.Finder)}
     * @see #PathAwareEntityFinderDelegate(it.tidalwave.bluemarine2.model.MediaFolder, it.tidalwave.util.Finder)
     * @param   mediaFolder     the folder associated to this finder
     * @param   function        the function that provides children
    public PathAwareEntityFinderDelegate (@Nonnull final MediaFolder mediaFolder,
                                          @Nonnull final Function<MediaFolder, Collection<? extends PathAwareEntity>> function)
        this(mediaFolder, new SupplierBasedFinder<>(() -> function.apply(mediaFolder)), Optional.empty());

     * Clone constructor.
    public PathAwareEntityFinderDelegate (@Nonnull final PathAwareEntityFinderDelegate other,
                                          @Nonnull final Object override)
        super(other, override);
        final PathAwareEntityFinderDelegate source = getSource(PathAwareEntityFinderDelegate.class, other, override);
        this.mediaFolder = source.mediaFolder;
        this.delegate = source.delegate;
        this.optionalPath = source.optionalPath;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    @Override @Nonnull
    public PathAwareFinder withPath (@Nonnull final Path path)
        return clonedWith(new PathAwareEntityFinderDelegate(mediaFolder, delegate, Optional.of(path)));

     * {@inheritDoc}
    @Override @Nonnull
    protected List<? extends PathAwareEntity> computeResults()
        return new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(optionalPath.flatMap(path -> filteredByPath(path).map(e -> singletonList(e)))

     * {@inheritDoc}
    @Override @Nonnegative
    public int count()
        optionalPath.ifPresent(path -> log.warn("Path present: {} - count won't be a native query", path));
        return -> filteredByPath(path).map(entity -> 1).orElse(0))

    private Optional<? extends PathAwareEntity> filteredByPath (@Nonnull final Path path)
        log.debug("filteredByPath({})", path);
        return mediaFolder.getPath().equals(path)
                                        ? Optional.of(mediaFolder)
                                        : childMatchingPathHead(path).flatMap(entity -> path.equals(entity.getPath())
                                                ? Optional.of(entity)
                                                : childMatchingPath(entity, path));

     * Returns the child entity that matches the first element of the path, if present. The path can be exactly the one
     * of the found entity, or it can be of one of its children.
     * This method performs a bulk query of all children and then filters by path in memory. It is not possible to
     * use a query to the native store for the path - which would be good for performance reasons - , because even
     * though each segment of the path is function of some attribute of the related {@code PathAwareEntity} - typically
     * the id - it is not a matter of the native store. Performance of this section relies upon memory caching. Some
     * experiment showed that it's not useful to add another caching layer here, and the one in
     * {@code RepositoryFinderSupport} is enough.
     * @param   path    the path
     * @return          the entity, if present
    private Optional<PathAwareEntity> childMatchingPathHead (@Nonnull final Path path)
//                assert filtered.size() == 1 or 0;
        log.debug(">>>> bulk query to {}, filtering in memory", delegate);
        return (Optional<PathAwareEntity>)delegate.results().stream()
                                                  .filter(entity -> sameHead(relative(path), relative(entity.getPath())))

     * @param   entity
     * @param   path    the path
     * @return          the entity, if present
    private static Optional<PathAwareEntity> childMatchingPath (@Nonnull final PathAwareEntity entity,
                                                                @Nonnull final Path path)
        return ((PathAwareFinder)asSimpleComposite(entity).findChildren()).withPath(path).optionalResult();

    @Nonnull // FIXME: this should be normally done by as()
    private static SimpleComposite asSimpleComposite (@Nonnull final As object)
        return (object instanceof SimpleComposite) ? (SimpleComposite)object :;

     * Relativizes a path against the finder path, that is it removes the parent path. If the path can't be
     * relativized, that is it doesn't start with the finder path, returns null.
    private Path relative (@Nonnull final Path path)
        return mediaFolder.getParent().isEmpty() ? path :
                path.startsWith(mediaFolder.getPath()) ? path.subpath(mediaFolder.getPath().getNameCount(), path.getNameCount())
                                                       : null;

    private static boolean sameHead (@Nullable final Path path1, @Nullable final Path path2)
        return (path1 != null) && (path2 != null) && path1.getName(0).equals(path2.getName(0));