Dependency-Check is an open source tool performing a best effort analysis of 3rd party dependencies;
false positives and false negatives may exist in the analysis performed by the tool. Use of the tool and
the reporting provided constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition, and there are NO warranties,
implied or otherwise, with regard to the analysis or its use. Any use of the tool and the reporting provided
is at the user’s risk. In no event shall the copyright holder or OWASP be held liable for any damages whatsoever
arising out of or in connection with the use of this tool, the analysis performed, or the resulting report.
Scan Information (
show all):
- dependency-check version: 11.1.1
- Report Generated On: Wed, 25 Dec 2024 08:53:56 +0100
- Dependencies Scanned: 49 (42 unique)
- Vulnerable Dependencies: 0
- Vulnerabilities Found: 0
- Vulnerabilities Suppressed: 0
- ...
- NVD API Last Checked: 2024-12-25T08:47:45+01
- NVD API Last Modified: 2024-12-25T07:15:11Z
Showing Vulnerable Dependencies (click to show all) activation-1.1.1.jar
The JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework is used by the JavaMail(TM) API to manage MIME data
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 46a37512971d8eca81c3fcf245bf07d2
SHA1: 485de3a253e23f645037828c07f1d7f1af40763a
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:runtime
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Commons:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:runtime
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):runtime
activation-1.1.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | activation | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | activation | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | javax | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | sun | Highest |
Vendor | jar (hint) | package name | oracle | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | extension-name | javax.activation | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Sun Microsystems, Inc. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor-Id | com.sun | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Sun Microsystems, Inc. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | activation | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | activation | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | javax.activation | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | activation | High |
Product | jar | package name | activation | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | javax | Highest |
Product | Manifest | extension-name | javax.activation | Medium |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework Specification | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | activation | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | javax.activation | Highest |
Product | pom | name | JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 1.1.1 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 1.1.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 1.1.1 | Highest |
The AspectJ runtime is a small library necessary to run Java programs enhanced by AspectJ aspects during a previous
compile-time or post-compile-time (binary weaving) build step.
Eclipse Public License - v 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: fde533763d923fce83b4feca25e6b07c
SHA1: 2b4f27c886fe697fc042f1f67eff7aa6e17e9473
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):runtime
aspectjrt- is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-projectexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-jobeventexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-hourlyreport@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-customerexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | aspectjrt | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | aspectj | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | aspects | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | runtime | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.aspectj.runtime | Medium |
Vendor | manifest: org/aspectj/lang/ | Implementation-Vendor | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | aspectjrt | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | aspectjrt | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | aclement | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | kriegaex | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Alexander Kriegisch | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Andy Clement | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.aspectj | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | AspectJ Runtime | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | aspectjrt | High |
Product | jar | package name | aspectj | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | aspects | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | runtime | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.aspectj.runtime | Medium |
Product | manifest: org/aspectj/lang/ | Implementation-Title | org.aspectj.runtime | Medium |
Product | manifest: org/aspectj/lang/ | Specification-Title | AspectJ Runtime Classes | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | aspectjrt | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | aclement | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | kriegaex | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Alexander Kriegisch | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Andy Clement | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.aspectj | Highest |
Product | pom | name | AspectJ Runtime | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | | High |
Version | manifest: org/aspectj/lang/ | Implementation-Version | | Medium |
Version | pom | version | | Highest |
The AspectJ weaver applies aspects to Java classes. It can be used as a Java agent in order to apply load-time
weaving (LTW) during class-loading and also contains the AspectJ runtime classes.
Eclipse Public License - v 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: f2edbc088126174a11b68279bd26c6eb
SHA1: bca243d0af0db4758fbae45c5f4995cb5dabb612
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
aspectjweaver- is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aspects@6.2.1
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aspects@6.2.1
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aspects@6.2.1
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aspects@6.2.1
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aspects@6.2.1
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aspects@6.2.1
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aspects@6.2.1
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aspects@6.2.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | aspectjweaver | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | agent | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | and | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | aspectj | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | aspects | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | ltw | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | org | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | runtime | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | weaver | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.aspectj.weaver | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Vendor | manifest: org/aspectj/weaver/ | Implementation-Vendor | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | aspectjweaver | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | aspectjweaver | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | aclement | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | kriegaex | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Alexander Kriegisch | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Andy Clement | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.aspectj | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | AspectJ Weaver | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | aspectjweaver | High |
Product | jar | package name | agent | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | and | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | aspectj | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | aspects | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | ltw | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | org | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | runtime | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | weaver | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.aspectj.weaver | Medium |
Product | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Product | manifest: org/aspectj/weaver/ | Implementation-Title | org.aspectj.weaver | Medium |
Product | manifest: org/aspectj/weaver/ | Specification-Title | AspectJ Weaver Classes | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | aspectjweaver | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | aclement | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | kriegaex | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Alexander Kriegisch | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Andy Clement | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.aspectj | Highest |
Product | pom | name | AspectJ Weaver | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | | High |
Version | manifest: org/aspectj/weaver/ | Implementation-Version | | Medium |
Version | pom | version | | Highest |
The Apache Commons Codec component contains encoders and decoders for
various formats such as Base16, Base32, Base64, digest, and Hexadecimal. In addition to these
widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a
collection of phonetic encoding utilities.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 7b3438ab4c6d91e0066d410947e43f3e
SHA1: 973638b7149d333563584137ebf13a691bb60579
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - Importer - iBiz:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
commons-codec-1.17.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | commons-codec | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | apache | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | codec | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | commons | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | digest | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.apache.commons.codec | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 17 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.apache.commons.commons-codec | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | The Apache Software Foundation | High |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | The Apache Software Foundation | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | commons-codec | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | commons-codec | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | ggregory at | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | bayard | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | chtompki | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | dgraham | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | dlr | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | ggregory | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | jon | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | julius | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | mattsicker | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | rwaldhoff | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | sanders | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | tn | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | tobrien | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Daniel Rall | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | David Graham | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Gary Gregory | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Henri Yandell | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Jon S. Stevens | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Julius Davies | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Matt Sicker | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Rob Tompkins | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Rodney Waldhoff | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Scott Sanders | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Thomas Neidhart | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Tim OBrien | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | The Apache Software Foundation | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org URL | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org URL | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | commons-codec | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Apache Commons Codec | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | commons-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | parent-groupid | org.apache.commons | Medium |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | commons-codec | High |
Product | jar | package name | apache | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | codec | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | commons | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | digest | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.apache.commons.codec | Medium |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 17 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Apache Commons Codec | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.apache.commons.commons-codec | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | Apache Commons Codec | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | Apache Commons Codec | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | commons-codec | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | ggregory at | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | bayard | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | chtompki | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | dgraham | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | dlr | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | ggregory | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | jon | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | julius | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | mattsicker | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | rwaldhoff | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | sanders | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | tn | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | tobrien | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Daniel Rall | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | David Graham | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Gary Gregory | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Henri Yandell | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Jon S. Stevens | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Julius Davies | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Matt Sicker | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Rob Tompkins | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Rodney Waldhoff | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Scott Sanders | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Thomas Neidhart | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Tim OBrien | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | The Apache Software Foundation | Low |
Product | pom | developer org URL | | Low |
Product | pom | developer org URL | | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | commons-codec | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Apache Commons Codec | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | commons-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | parent-groupid | org.apache.commons | Medium |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 1.17.1 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 1.17.1 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 1.17.1 | High |
Version | pom | parent-version | 1.17.1 | Low |
Version | pom | version | 1.17.1 | Highest |
Tools to assist in the reading of configuration/preferences files in various formats; requires Java 8.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 3d3f1cdc1e87864c5bd87f7ce14f13ba
SHA1: af5a2c6abe587074c0be1107fcb27fa2fad91304
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - Importer - iBiz:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
commons-configuration2-2.11.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | commons-configuration2 | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | apache | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | commons | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | configuration | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | configuration2 | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.apache.commons.configuration2 | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 17 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.apache.commons.commons-configuration2 | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | The Apache Software Foundation | High |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | The Apache Software Foundation | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | commons-configuration2 | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | commons-configuration2 | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | ggregory at | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | bdunbar | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | chtompki | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | claudenw | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | dion | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | dlr | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | ebourg | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | epugh | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | ggregory | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | henning | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | joehni | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | jvanzyl | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | mpoeschl | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | oheger | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | rgoers | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Brian E. Dunbar | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Claude Warren | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Daniel Rall | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | dIon Gillard | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Emmanuel Bourg | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Eric Pugh | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Gary Gregory | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Henning P. Schmiedehausen | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Jörg Schaible | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Jason van Zyl | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Martin Poeschl | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Oliver Heger | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Ralph Goers | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Rob Tompkins | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | Ariane Software | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | Bosch Software Innovations | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | CollabNet, Inc. | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | INTERMETA - Gesellschaft fuer Mehrwertdienste mbH | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | Intuit | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | Multitask Consulting | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | The Apache Software Foundation | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | Zenplex | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org URL | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.apache.commons | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Apache Commons Configuration | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | commons-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | commons-configuration2 | High |
Product | jar | package name | apache | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | commons | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | configuration | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | configuration2 | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.apache.commons.configuration2 | Medium |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 17 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Apache Commons Configuration | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.apache.commons.commons-configuration2 | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | Apache Commons Configuration | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | Apache Commons Configuration | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | commons-configuration2 | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | ggregory at | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | bdunbar | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | chtompki | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | claudenw | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | dion | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | dlr | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | ebourg | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | epugh | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | ggregory | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | henning | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | joehni | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | jvanzyl | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | mpoeschl | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | oheger | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | rgoers | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Brian E. Dunbar | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Claude Warren | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Daniel Rall | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | dIon Gillard | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Emmanuel Bourg | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Eric Pugh | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Gary Gregory | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Henning P. Schmiedehausen | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Jörg Schaible | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Jason van Zyl | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Martin Poeschl | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Oliver Heger | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Ralph Goers | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Rob Tompkins | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | Ariane Software | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | Bosch Software Innovations | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | CollabNet, Inc. | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | INTERMETA - Gesellschaft fuer Mehrwertdienste mbH | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | Intuit | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | Multitask Consulting | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | The Apache Software Foundation | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | Zenplex | Low |
Product | pom | developer org URL | | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.apache.commons | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Apache Commons Configuration | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | commons-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 2.11.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 2.11.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 2.11.0 | High |
Version | pom | parent-version | 2.11.0 | Low |
Version | pom | version | 2.11.0 | Highest |
Apache Commons Lang, a package of Java utility classes for the
classes that are in java.lang's hierarchy, or are considered to be so
standard as to justify existence in java.lang.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 4e5c3f5e6b0b965ef241d7d72ac8971f
SHA1: 1ed471194b02f2c6cb734a0cd6f6f107c673afae
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - Importer - iBiz:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
commons-lang3-3.14.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/org.apache.commons/commons-configuration2@2.11.0
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | commons-lang3 | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | apache | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | commons | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | lang3 | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.apache.commons.lang3 | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.apache.commons.lang3 | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | The Apache Software Foundation | High |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | The Apache Software Foundation | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | commons-lang3 | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | commons-lang3 | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | ggregory at | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | bayard | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | britter | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | chtompki | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | djones | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | dlr | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | fredrik | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | ggregory | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | jcarman | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | joehni | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | lguibert | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | mbenson | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | niallp | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | oheger | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | pbenedict | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | rdonkin | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | scaswell | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | scolebourne | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Benedikt Ritter | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Daniel Rall | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Duncan Jones | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Fredrik Westermarck | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Gary Gregory | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Henri Yandell | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | James Carman | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Joerg Schaible | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Loic Guibert | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Matt Benson | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Niall Pemberton | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Oliver Heger | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Paul Benedict | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Rob Tompkins | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Robert Burrell Donkin | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Stephen Colebourne | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Steven Caswell | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | Carman Consulting, Inc. | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | CollabNet, Inc. | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | SITA ATS Ltd | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | The Apache Software Foundation | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org URL | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.apache.commons | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Apache Commons Lang | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | commons-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | commons-lang3 | High |
Product | jar | package name | apache | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | commons | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | lang3 | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.apache.commons.lang3 | Medium |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Apache Commons Lang | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.apache.commons.lang3 | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | Apache Commons Lang | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | Apache Commons Lang | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | commons-lang3 | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | ggregory at | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | bayard | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | britter | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | chtompki | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | djones | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | dlr | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | fredrik | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | ggregory | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | jcarman | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | joehni | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | lguibert | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | mbenson | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | niallp | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | oheger | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | pbenedict | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | rdonkin | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | scaswell | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | scolebourne | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Benedikt Ritter | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Daniel Rall | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Duncan Jones | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Fredrik Westermarck | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Gary Gregory | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Henri Yandell | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | James Carman | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Joerg Schaible | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Loic Guibert | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Matt Benson | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Niall Pemberton | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Oliver Heger | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Paul Benedict | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Rob Tompkins | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Robert Burrell Donkin | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Stephen Colebourne | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Steven Caswell | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | Carman Consulting, Inc. | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | CollabNet, Inc. | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | SITA ATS Ltd | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | The Apache Software Foundation | Low |
Product | pom | developer org URL | | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.apache.commons | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Apache Commons Lang | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | commons-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 3.14.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 3.14.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 3.14.0 | High |
Version | pom | parent-version | 3.14.0 | Low |
Version | pom | version | 3.14.0 | Highest |
Apache Commons Text is a set of utility functions and reusable components for the purpose of processing
and manipulating text that should be of use in a Java environment.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 544add6fbc8d4b100b07c3692d08099e
SHA1: 66aa90dc099701c4d3b14bd256c328f592ccf0d6
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - Importer - iBiz:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
commons-text-1.12.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/org.apache.commons/commons-configuration2@2.11.0
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | commons-text | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | apache | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | commons | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | text | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.apache.commons.text | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 17 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.apache.commons.text | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | The Apache Software Foundation | High |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | The Apache Software Foundation | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | commons-text | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | commons-text | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | ggregory at | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | britter | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | chtompki | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | djones | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | ggregory | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | kinow | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Benedikt Ritter | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Bruno P. Kinoshita | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Duncan Jones | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Gary Gregory | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Rob Tompkins | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | The Apache Software Foundation | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org URL | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.apache.commons | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Apache Commons Text | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | commons-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | commons-text | High |
Product | jar | package name | apache | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | commons | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | text | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | org.apache.commons.text | Medium |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 17 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Apache Commons Text | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.apache.commons.text | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | Apache Commons Text | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | Apache Commons Text | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | commons-text | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | ggregory at | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | britter | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | chtompki | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | djones | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | ggregory | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | kinow | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Benedikt Ritter | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Bruno P. Kinoshita | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Duncan Jones | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Gary Gregory | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Rob Tompkins | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | The Apache Software Foundation | Low |
Product | pom | developer org URL | | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.apache.commons | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Apache Commons Text | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | commons-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 1.12.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 1.12.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 1.12.0 | High |
Version | pom | parent-version | 1.12.0 | Low |
Version | pom | version | 1.12.0 | Highest |
High quality UI controls and other tools to complement the core JavaFX distribution
The 3-Clause BSD License:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 8476c5f2b8e53057ced89957b5800a41
SHA1: b6d091db1c3323eaa11d7c95b36f7830c4814689
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:runtime
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Commons:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:runtime
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):runtime
controlsfx-11.0.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx@1.1-ALPHA-5
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx@1.1-ALPHA-5
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx@1.1-ALPHA-5
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | controlsfx | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | controlsfx | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | org | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tools | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.controlsfx | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | controlsfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | controlsfx | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Jonathan Giles | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.controlsfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | ControlsFX | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | controlsfx | High |
Product | jar | package name | controlsfx | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | org | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tools | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | version | Highest |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | ControlsFX | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.controlsfx | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | ControlsFX | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | Java Version 9 | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | controlsfx | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Jonathan Giles | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.controlsfx | Highest |
Product | pom | name | ControlsFX | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 11.0.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 11.0.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 11.0.0 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.0.0 | Highest |
An abstract description of a simple message bus to be used within an application.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 50b1d43125bcfe8461d6424559d75365
SHA1: 5efb75d2584bea889cf804d51a774334329f96e4
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
it-tidalwave-messagebus-3.2-ALPHA-24.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-customerexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-hourlyreport@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-jobeventexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-projectexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-messagebus | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | messagebus | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-messagebus | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-messagebus | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-messagebus | High |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | messagebus | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-messagebus | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Product | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 3.2-ALPHA-24 | Highest |
A Spring implementation of a simple message bus to be used within an application.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 0985db2d25e72486163b10a145fd3394
SHA1: 7eafbf3457a7c7b98e3d1d8cafb4792f84d3e272
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring-3.2-ALPHA-24.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-jobeventexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-projectexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-customerexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-hourlyreport@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | messagebus | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring | High |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | messagebus | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Product | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: MessageBus :: Spring | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 3.2-ALPHA-24 | Highest |
Roles are a powerful way for designing complex behaviours while keeping good practices such as Single Responsibility, Dependency Inversion and
Interface Segregation.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 03c70042a28ce3c67af0117708e78a8d
SHA1: cb965781b67b40d6c7f3e09bbe5a59ef934bb0fc
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - Model, In-Memory Implementation:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - Importer - iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Model:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
it-tidalwave-role-3.2-ALPHA-24.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-customerexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-jobeventexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-projectexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model-impl-inmemory@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-hourlyreport@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-role | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | role | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-role | High |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | role | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Product | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 3.2-ALPHA-24 | Highest |
Specific Spring support for DCI roles.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 2f14e90a953ccc7bbaeb3e8961e7a693
SHA1: 7bd5a5916099ac476a3d7eeb4955d59eb2151144
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
it-tidalwave-role-spring-3.2-ALPHA-24.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx@1.1-ALPHA-5
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx@1.1-ALPHA-5
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-role-spring | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | role | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | spring | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role-spring | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role-spring | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-role-spring | High |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | role | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | spring | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role-spring | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Product | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: Roles :: Spring | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 3.2-ALPHA-24 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 7640a7199da6f9051085001942d6d22f
SHA1: 3ebfb29504e189bd7b2178b470498ba87b1dcbe1
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx-1.1-ALPHA-5.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | role | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | ui | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.steelblue | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | SteelBlue - JavaFX Bindings | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | it-tidalwave-steelblue-modules | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx | High |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | javafx | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | role | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | ui | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | SteelBlue - JavaFX Bindings | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | SteelBlue - JavaFX Bindings | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.steelblue | Highest |
Product | pom | name | SteelBlue - JavaFX Bindings | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | it-tidalwave-steelblue-modules | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 1.1-ALPHA-5 | Highest |
A collection of common utilities.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 1bd6e1d7d3b38390d73e52d60125ad65
SHA1: 77df5aa3f7b6a1647c7ac73b70dfd1ea047afc8e
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - Model, In-Memory Implementation:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - Importer - iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Model:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
it-tidalwave-util-3.2-ALPHA-24.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model-impl-inmemory@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx@1.1-ALPHA-5
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | it-tidalwave-util | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | util | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | High |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Tidalwave s.a.s. | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-util | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-util | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Low |
Product | file | name | it-tidalwave-util | High |
Product | jar | package name | it | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tidalwave | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | util | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | it-tidalwave-util | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings | Highest |
Product | pom | name | TheseFoolishThings :: Utilities | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | modules | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 3.2-ALPHA-24 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 50521c3cf24408c66eb193d9fb52389c
SHA1: f05e1e71fd87eb17b445b02b08307e722023439b
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:provided
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):provided
javafx-base-23.0.1-mac.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-base@23.0.1
- pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-base@23.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-base | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | beans | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Highest |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | file | name | javafx-base | High |
Product | jar | package name | beans | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Highest |
Version | file | version | 23.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 23.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 24fafc190097fa4d3191414e409794a8
SHA1: b09ccc9d998ad8eb1fade4e100c3ff0835d018b5
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:provided
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):provided
javafx-base-23.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-base | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.baseEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-base | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.baseEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-base | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 23.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 23.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 7b6b79148d891ebf79e93e25dfa698e9
SHA1: aa479f0c3f6275c20dbdf9591bbeffdcabe7b459
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:provided
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):provided
javafx-controls-23.0.1-mac.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-controls@23.0.1
- pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-controls@23.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-controls | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | control | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | scene | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Highest |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | file | name | javafx-controls | High |
Product | jar | package name | control | Low |
Product | jar | package name | scene | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Highest |
Version | file | version | 23.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 23.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 3e895a68f8b410520579f1fac70f4cf2
SHA1: c85b22eae11514b5481eb3dea9e2d448235ac592
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:provided
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):provided
javafx-controls-23.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-controls | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.controlsEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-controls | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.controlsEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-controls | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 23.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 23.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: a3f7dbeeb1746f64659cadc55bef307e
SHA1: b2dd65b856b98a785b154ed395cad830763aefdc
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:provided
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):provided
javafx-fxml-23.0.1-mac.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-fxml@23.0.1
- pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-fxml@23.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-fxml | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | fxml | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Highest |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | file | name | javafx-fxml | High |
Product | jar | package name | fxml | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Highest |
Version | file | version | 23.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 23.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: cd2178449193cd81f101514d072eef88
SHA1: 48ddf89947ddfba21890f670006e3692050e28a3
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:provided
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):provided
javafx-fxml-23.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-fxml | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.fxmlEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-fxml | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.fxmlEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-fxml | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 23.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 23.0.1 | Highest |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 0ff8b8cd7d68417844a84558a1dc0999
SHA1: 2179e556885f143e43b0bd180a347719a9ff26c6
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:provided
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):provided
javafx-graphics-23.0.1-mac.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-graphics@23.0.1
- pkg:maven/org.openjfx/javafx-graphics@23.0.1
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-graphics | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | sun | Low |
Vendor | jar (hint) | package name | oracle | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-graphics | Highest |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | file | name | javafx-graphics | High |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-graphics | Highest |
Version | file | version | 23.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 23.0.1 | Highest |
javafx-graphics-23.0.1-mac.jar: javafx-swt.jar
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: bec51df5f8b77846da5642a9139105fd
SHA1: 856dfd5a9ae631e3c9c7ab64924b24445ba05518
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:provided
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):provided
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-swt | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | embed | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javafx | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | swt | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-swt | High |
Product | jar | package name | embed | Low |
Product | jar | package name | swt | Low |
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 04e5cde14cc94c22025b2edbe7380c42
SHA1: 86bfcc23faf67f7eb9a6dc09b062f75499e9a76c
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:provided
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):provided
javafx-graphics-23.0.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javafx-graphics | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.graphicsEmpty | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-graphics | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javafx-graphics | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Low |
Product | file | name | javafx-graphics | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | javafx.graphicsEmpty | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javafx-graphics | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.openjfx | Highest |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | javafx | Medium |
Version | file | version | 23.0.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 23.0.1 | Highest |
Common Annotations for the JavaTM Platform API
CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 2ab1973eefffaa2aeec47d50b9e40b9d
SHA1: 934c04d3cfef185a8008e7bf34331b79730a9d43
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - Model, In-Memory Implementation:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - Importer - iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Model:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
javax.annotation-api-1.3.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util-test@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javax.annotation-api | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | annotation | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | javax | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | java.annotation | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | javax.annotation-api | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | extension-name | javax.annotation | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | GlassFish Community | High |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor-Id | org.glassfish | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Oracle Corporation | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javax.annotation-api | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javax.annotation-api | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | ldemichiel | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Linda De Michiel | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | Oracle Corp. | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | javax.annotation | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | API | High |
Vendor | pom | name | ${} API | High |
Vendor | pom | organization name | GlassFish Community | High |
Vendor | pom | organization url | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | jvnet-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | parent-groupid | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | javax.annotation-api | High |
Product | jar | package name | annotation | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | javax | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | java.annotation | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | javax.annotation API | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | javax.annotation-api | Medium |
Product | Manifest | extension-name | javax.annotation | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | javax.annotation-api | Highest |
Product | pom | developer id | ldemichiel | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Linda De Michiel | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | Oracle Corp. | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | javax.annotation | Highest |
Product | pom | name | API | High |
Product | pom | name | ${} API | High |
Product | pom | organization name | GlassFish Community | Low |
Product | pom | organization url | | Low |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | jvnet-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | parent-groupid | | Medium |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 1.3.2 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 1.3.2 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 1.3.2 | High |
Version | pom | parent-version | 1.3.2 | Low |
Version | pom | version | 1.3.2 | Highest |
The javax.inject API
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 289075e48b909e9e74e6c915b3631d2e
SHA1: 6975da39a7040257bd51d21a231b76c915872d38
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
javax.inject-1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx@1.1-ALPHA-5
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx@1.1-ALPHA-5
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javax.inject-1 | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | inject | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | inject | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javax | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | javax | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javax.inject | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javax.inject | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | javax.inject | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | javax.inject | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | javax.inject-1 | High |
Product | jar | package name | inject | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | inject | Low |
Product | jar | package name | javax | Highest |
Product | pom | artifactid | javax.inject | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | javax.inject | Highest |
Product | pom | name | javax.inject | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 1 | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 1 | Highest |
CDDL 1.1:
GPL2 w/ CPE:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 5983d1e2ec1a9b0604575cd9e9582591
SHA1: 32274d4244967ff43e7a5d967743d94ed3d2aea7
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
jaxb-api-2.2.11.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | jaxb-api | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | bind | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | javax | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | jaxb | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | xml | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | jaxb-api | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | extension-name | javax.xml.bind | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | implementation-build-id | tags/jaxb-api-2.2.11-1631, 2013-09-06T10:10:58+0000 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Oracle Corporation | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jaxb-api | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jaxb-api | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Iaroslav Savytskyi | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Martin Grebac | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | Oracle Corporation | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | javax.xml.bind | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Java Architecture for XML Binding | High |
Vendor | pom | organization name | Oracle Corporation | High |
Vendor | pom | organization url | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | jvnet-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | parent-groupid | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | jaxb-api | High |
Product | jar | package name | bind | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | javax | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | jaxb | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | xml | Highest |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | jaxb-api | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | jaxb-api | Medium |
Product | Manifest | extension-name | javax.xml.bind | Medium |
Product | Manifest | implementation-build-id | tags/jaxb-api-2.2.11-1631, 2013-09-06T10:10:58+0000 | Low |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | Java Architecture for XML Binding | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | jaxb-api | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Iaroslav Savytskyi | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Martin Grebac | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | Oracle Corporation | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | javax.xml.bind | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Java Architecture for XML Binding | High |
Product | pom | organization name | Oracle Corporation | Low |
Product | pom | organization url | | Low |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | jvnet-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | parent-groupid | | Medium |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 2.2.11 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 2.2.11 | High |
Version | Manifest | specification-version | 2.2.11 | High |
Version | pom | parent-version | 2.2.11 | Low |
Version | pom | version | 2.2.11 | Highest |
jaxb-core-2.2.11.jar (shaded: com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:2.21)
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: caebf95d1d57fc0321b36137e246e192
SHA1: 04c234cf684a202c5c9bb7f0a198ba97e958f8f4
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:runtime
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Commons:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:runtime
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):runtime
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | istack-commons-runtime | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | com.sun.istack | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | istack common utility code runtime | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | istack-commons | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | istack-commons-runtime | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | com.sun.istack | Highest |
Product | pom | name | istack common utility code runtime | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | istack-commons | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 2.21 | Highest |
jaxb-core-2.2.11.jar (shaded: org.glassfish.jaxb:txw2:2.2.11)
TXW is a library that allows you to write XML documents.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 83d24d59202baf2810daa01739963822
SHA1: 4be03527dbf2428f7ea99fb9c2f50f089dffad5e
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:runtime
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Commons:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:runtime
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):runtime
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | txw2 | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.glassfish.jaxb | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | TXW2 Runtime | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | jaxb-txw-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | parent-groupid | com.sun.xml.bind.mvn | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | txw2 | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.glassfish.jaxb | Highest |
Product | pom | name | TXW2 Runtime | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | jaxb-txw-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | parent-groupid | com.sun.xml.bind.mvn | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 2.2.11 | Highest |
Old JAXB Core module. Contains sources required by XJC, JXC and Runtime modules with dependencies.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: c5eca4e58a75eabe3379926803421bab
SHA1: c3f87d654f8d5943cd08592f3f758856544d279a
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:runtime
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Commons:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:runtime
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):runtime
jaxb-core-2.2.11.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | jaxb-core | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | bind | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | sun | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | xml | Highest |
Vendor | jar (hint) | package name | oracle | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | com.sun.xml.bind.jaxb-core | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | git-revision | f92ac5110f00752578034111d2f8a10bb0c466e3 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Oracle | High |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor-Id | | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest (hint) | Implementation-Vendor | sun | High |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jaxb-core | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jaxb-core | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | com.sun.xml.bind | Highest |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.glassfish.jaxb | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | JAXB Core | High |
Vendor | pom | name | Old JAXB Core | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | jaxb-bundles | Low |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | jaxb-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | parent-groupid | com.sun.xml.bind.mvn | Medium |
Product | file | name | jaxb-core | High |
Product | jar | package name | bind | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | sun | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | xml | Highest |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Old JAXB Core | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | com.sun.xml.bind.jaxb-core | Medium |
Product | Manifest | git-revision | f92ac5110f00752578034111d2f8a10bb0c466e3 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | JAXB Implementation | High |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | Java Architecture for XML Binding | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | jaxb-core | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | com.sun.xml.bind | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.glassfish.jaxb | Highest |
Product | pom | name | JAXB Core | High |
Product | pom | name | Old JAXB Core | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | jaxb-bundles | Medium |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | jaxb-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | parent-groupid | com.sun.xml.bind.mvn | Medium |
Version | file | version | 2.2.11 | High |
Version | Manifest | build-id | 2.2.11 | Medium |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 2.2.11 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 2.2.11 | High |
Version | Manifest | major-version | 2.2.11 | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 2.2.11 | Highest |
jaxb-impl-2.2.11.jar (shaded: org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:2.2.11)
JAXB (JSR 222) Reference Implementation
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: fa2e4dc2609e6a4d96418f4ac6519e8d
SHA1: 6a1651361e4c2392aff30da0df648187f670f8cb
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:runtime
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Commons:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:runtime
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):runtime
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jaxb-runtime | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.glassfish.jaxb | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | JAXB Runtime | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | jaxb-runtime-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | parent-groupid | com.sun.xml.bind.mvn | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | jaxb-runtime | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.glassfish.jaxb | Highest |
Product | pom | name | JAXB Runtime | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | jaxb-runtime-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | parent-groupid | com.sun.xml.bind.mvn | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 2.2.11 | Highest |
Old JAXB Runtime module. Contains sources required for runtime processing.
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: bea06b3ee5ef2c338beac9187b7782f3
SHA1: a49ce57aee680f9435f49ba6ef427d38c93247a6
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:runtime
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - UI:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Commons:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:runtime
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:runtime
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:runtime
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):runtime
jaxb-impl-2.2.11.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | jaxb-impl | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | bind | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | sun | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | xml | Highest |
Vendor | jar (hint) | package name | oracle | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | com.sun.xml.bind.jaxb-impl | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | git-revision | f92ac5110f00752578034111d2f8a10bb0c466e3 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | Oracle | High |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor-Id | | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | originally-created-by | Apache Maven 3.0.4 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest (hint) | Implementation-Vendor | sun | High |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jaxb-impl | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jaxb-impl | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | com.sun.xml.bind | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Old JAXB Runtime | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | jaxb-bundles | Low |
Vendor | pom | parent-groupid | com.sun.xml.bind.mvn | Medium |
Product | file | name | jaxb-impl | High |
Product | jar | package name | bind | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | sun | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | xml | Highest |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Old JAXB Runtime | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | com.sun.xml.bind.jaxb-impl | Medium |
Product | Manifest | git-revision | f92ac5110f00752578034111d2f8a10bb0c466e3 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | JAXB Implementation | High |
Product | Manifest | originally-created-by | Apache Maven 3.0.4 | Low |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | Java Architecture for XML Binding | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | jaxb-impl | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | com.sun.xml.bind | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Old JAXB Runtime | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | jaxb-bundles | Medium |
Product | pom | parent-groupid | com.sun.xml.bind.mvn | Medium |
Version | file | version | 2.2.11 | High |
Version | Manifest | build-id | 2.2.11 | Medium |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 2.2.11 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 2.2.11 | High |
Version | Manifest | major-version | 2.2.11 | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 2.2.11 | Highest |
JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J
Apache License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: c077b88c43f9d63f64f9880fdb457efb
SHA1: 9d08badad22f1ac07deac9188ade596472a2bfd9
Referenced In Project/Scope: blueHour - Application (JavaFX):runtime
jcl-over-slf4j-2.0.16.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | jcl-over-slf4j | High |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | jcl.over.slf4j | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | originally-created-by | Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 5.1.9 | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jcl-over-slf4j | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jcl-over-slf4j | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.slf4j | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | slf4j-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | jcl-over-slf4j | High |
Product | jar | package name | 9 | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | apache | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | jcl.over.slf4j | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | jcl-over-slf4j | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | Manifest | originally-created-by | Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 5.1.9 | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | jcl-over-slf4j | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.slf4j | Highest |
Product | pom | name | JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | slf4j-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | pom | version | 2.0.16 | Highest |
A theme / look and feel for JavaFX inspired by Microsoft's Fluent Design (previously named Metro)
BSD New:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 2dbdab0d96cf0b0d9d886a5f618b2d21
SHA1: e7a760f00799966e257a4fae37ab13563f461af9
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
jmetro-11.6.14.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx@1.1-ALPHA-5
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx@1.1-ALPHA-5
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx@1.1-ALPHA-5
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | jmetro | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | jfxtras | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | jmetro | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jmetro | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jmetro | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | dukke | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Pedro Duque Vieira | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.jfxtras | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | jmetro | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | jmetro | High |
Product | jar | package name | jfxtras | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | jmetro | Highest |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | jmetro | High |
Product | pom | artifactid | jmetro | Highest |
Product | pom | developer id | dukke | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Pedro Duque Vieira | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.jfxtras | Highest |
Product | pom | name | jmetro | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 11.6.14 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 11.6.14 | High |
Version | pom | version | 11.6.14 | Highest |
JSR305 Annotations for Findbugs
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: dd83accb899363c32b07d7a1b2e4ce40
SHA1: 25ea2e8b0c338a877313bd4672d3fe056ea78f0d
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - Model, In-Memory Implementation:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - Importer - iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Model:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
jsr305-3.0.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util-test@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | jsr305 | High |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.jsr-305 | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jsr305 | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jsr305 | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | FindBugs-jsr305 | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | jsr305 | High |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | FindBugs-jsr305 | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.jsr-305 | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | jsr305 | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | | Highest |
Product | pom | name | FindBugs-jsr305 | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 3.0.2 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 3.0.2 | High |
Version | pom | version | 3.0.2 | Highest |
logback-core module
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 932d68eb5c938eee29ddd0f47c0cf31b
SHA1: 81633c8360b7e5b4edc52ca908bf14de0b73ef05
Referenced In Project/Scope: blueHour - Application (JavaFX):runtime
logback-core-1.5.15.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | logback-core | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | ch | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | logback | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | qos | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | ch.qos.logback.core | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | Implementation-Vendor | | High |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | originally-created-by | Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 5.1.9 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | logback-core | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | logback-core | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | ch.qos.logback | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Logback Core Module | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | logback-parent | Low |
Product | file | name | logback-core | High |
Product | jar | package name | 21 | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | ch | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | logback | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | qos | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Logback Core Module | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | ch.qos.logback.core | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | Logback Core Module | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | Manifest | originally-created-by | Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 5.1.9 | Low |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | Logback Core Module | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | logback-core | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | ch.qos.logback | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Logback Core Module | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | logback-parent | Medium |
Version | file | version | 1.5.15 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 1.5.15 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 1.5.15 | High |
Version | pom | version | 1.5.15 | Highest |
Related Dependencies
- logback-classic-1.5.15.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: 042b4c78d1f6b7e862cc3de54e995642
- SHA1: 07f8d6371626833bd1a232fe35490edffe04e5b3
- SHA256: 5832abd425fc3036182f02931e9a121e7b464ddf2323ef7361b863570d3c8aa2
- pkg:maven/ch.qos.logback/logback-classic@1.5.15
Spice up your java: Automatic Resource Management, automatic generation of getters, setters, equals, hashCode and toString, and more!
The MIT License:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 92c08153ae16c161c8cc2cc8185d2724
SHA1: 5a30490a6e14977d97d9c73c924c1f1b5311ea95
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:provided
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:provided
- blueHour - Model:provided
- blueHour - UI:provided
- blueHour - UI - Commons:provided
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:provided
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:provided
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:provided
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:provided
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:provided
- blueHour - Importer - iBiz:provided
- blueHour - Model, In-Memory Implementation:provided
- blueHour (modules):provided
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):provided
lombok-1.18.36.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-projectexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-jobeventexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/bluehour-modules@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-customerexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model-impl-inmemory@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-hourlyreport@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | lombok | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | java | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | lombok | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tostring | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | lombok | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | lombok | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | lombok | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | rspilker | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | rzwitserloot | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Reinier Zwitserloot | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Roel Spilker | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.projectlombok | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Project Lombok | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | lombok | High |
Product | jar | package name | java | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | lombok | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tostring | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | lombok | Medium |
Product | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | lombok | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | rspilker | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | rzwitserloot | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Reinier Zwitserloot | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Roel Spilker | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.projectlombok | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Project Lombok | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 1.18.36 | High |
Version | Manifest | lombok-version | 1.18.36 | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 1.18.36 | Highest |
lombok-1.18.36.jar: mavenEcjBootstrapAgent.jar
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 27467519bf9615b24cad3b003c4353a9
SHA1: 37d92e0a726a67883ab94bee27c6f292e6318dcd
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:provided
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:provided
- blueHour - Model:provided
- blueHour - UI:provided
- blueHour - UI - Commons:provided
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:provided
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:provided
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:provided
- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:provided
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:provided
- blueHour - Importer - iBiz:provided
- blueHour - Model, In-Memory Implementation:provided
- blueHour (modules):provided
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):provided
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | mavenEcjBootstrapAgent | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | launch | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | lombok | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Product | file | name | mavenEcjBootstrapAgent | High |
Product | jar | package name | launch | Low |
Product | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Module containing common code
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 534f518acc64c3bd5a9de436130f407b
SHA1: 69c454dbec59c7842cf59a534b7ec03618d75b91
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
micrometer-commons-1.14.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx@1.1-ALPHA-5
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | micrometer-commons | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | common | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | micrometer | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | micrometer.commons | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | branch | HEAD | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-date | 2024-12-10_10:18:33 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-date-utc | 2024-12-10T10:18:33.878998962Z | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-host | 183180b9f3cd | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-job | deploy | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-number | 40141 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-timezone | Etc/UTC | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-url | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | built-os | Linux | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | built-status | release | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | micrometer-commons | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | change | 4f534a7 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | full-change | 4f534a77397d189e204a6a087fac3462d832dabf | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-email | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-origin | micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-owner | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-source | /micrometer-commons | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | micrometer-commons | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | micrometer-commons | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | shakuzen | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Tommy Ludwig | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | io.micrometer | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | micrometer-commons | High |
Vendor | pom | url | micrometer-metrics/micrometer | Highest |
Product | file | name | micrometer-commons | High |
Product | jar | package name | common | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | micrometer | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | micrometer.commons | Medium |
Product | Manifest | branch | HEAD | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-date | 2024-12-10_10:18:33 | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-date-utc | 2024-12-10T10:18:33.878998962Z | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-host | 183180b9f3cd | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-job | deploy | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-number | 40141 | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-timezone | Etc/UTC | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-url | | Low |
Product | Manifest | built-os | Linux | Low |
Product | Manifest | built-status | release | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | micrometer-commons | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | micrometer-commons | Medium |
Product | Manifest | change | 4f534a7 | Low |
Product | Manifest | full-change | 4f534a77397d189e204a6a087fac3462d832dabf | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | io.micrometer#micrometer-commons;1.14.2 | High |
Product | Manifest | module-email | | Low |
Product | Manifest | module-origin | micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git | Low |
Product | Manifest | module-owner | | Low |
Product | Manifest | module-source | /micrometer-commons | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | micrometer-commons | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | shakuzen | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Tommy Ludwig | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | io.micrometer | Highest |
Product | pom | name | micrometer-commons | High |
Product | pom | url | micrometer-metrics/micrometer | High |
Version | file | version | 1.14.2 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 1.14.2 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 1.14.2 | High |
Version | pom | version | 1.14.2 | Highest |
Module containing Observation related code
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: b8dcb10fa3bdd5ca79dd8763102abdc4
SHA1: a9cad29cc04c0f7e30e3e58b454d4cd47ccc54bd
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
micrometer-observation-1.14.2.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.steelblue/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx@1.1-ALPHA-5
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | micrometer-observation | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | micrometer | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | observation | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | micrometer.observation | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | branch | HEAD | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-date | 2024-12-10_10:18:34 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-date-utc | 2024-12-10T10:18:34.344374015Z | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-host | 183180b9f3cd | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-job | deploy | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-number | 40141 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-timezone | Etc/UTC | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | build-url | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | built-os | Linux | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | built-status | release | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | micrometer-observation | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | change | 4f534a7 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | full-change | 4f534a77397d189e204a6a087fac3462d832dabf | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-email | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-origin | micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-owner | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | module-source | /micrometer-observation | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | micrometer-observation | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | micrometer-observation | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | shakuzen | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Tommy Ludwig | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | io.micrometer | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | micrometer-observation | High |
Vendor | pom | url | micrometer-metrics/micrometer | Highest |
Product | file | name | micrometer-observation | High |
Product | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | micrometer | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | observation | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | micrometer.observation | Medium |
Product | Manifest | branch | HEAD | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-date | 2024-12-10_10:18:34 | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-date-utc | 2024-12-10T10:18:34.344374015Z | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-host | 183180b9f3cd | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-job | deploy | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-number | 40141 | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-timezone | Etc/UTC | Low |
Product | Manifest | build-url | | Low |
Product | Manifest | built-os | Linux | Low |
Product | Manifest | built-status | release | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | micrometer-observation | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | micrometer-observation | Medium |
Product | Manifest | change | 4f534a7 | Low |
Product | Manifest | full-change | 4f534a77397d189e204a6a087fac3462d832dabf | Low |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | io.micrometer#micrometer-observation;1.14.2 | High |
Product | Manifest | module-email | | Low |
Product | Manifest | module-origin | micrometer-metrics/micrometer.git | Low |
Product | Manifest | module-owner | | Low |
Product | Manifest | module-source | /micrometer-observation | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | micrometer-observation | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | shakuzen | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Tommy Ludwig | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | io.micrometer | Highest |
Product | pom | name | micrometer-observation | High |
Product | pom | url | micrometer-metrics/micrometer | High |
Version | file | version | 1.14.2 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 1.14.2 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 1.14.2 | High |
Version | pom | version | 1.14.2 | Highest |
The slf4j API
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: c8de8f5d740584cb24b5652cfba8b3c4
SHA1: 0172931663a09a1fa515567af5fbef00897d3c04
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - Model, In-Memory Implementation:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - Importer - iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Model:compile
- blueHour (modules):compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
slf4j-api-2.0.16.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-projectexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/bluehour-modules@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-customerexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-application-javafx@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-importer-ibiz@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model-impl-inmemory@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-hourlyreport@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-marshalling-xml@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-jobeventexplorer@1.0-ALPHA-9
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | slf4j-api | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | slf4j | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | slf4j.api | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | slf4j-api | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | slf4j-api | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.slf4j | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | SLF4J API Module | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | slf4j-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | slf4j-api | High |
Product | jar | package name | slf4j | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | SLF4J API Module | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | slf4j.api | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | slf4j-api | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | slf4j-api | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.slf4j | Highest |
Product | pom | name | SLF4J API Module | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | slf4j-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | pom | version | 2.0.16 | Highest |
Annotations the SpotBugs tool supports
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 56a1a81d69b6a111161bbce0e6dea26a
SHA1: 2ef5127efcc1a899aab8c66d449a631c9a99c469
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - Model, In-Memory Implementation:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - Importer - iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Model:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
spotbugs-annotations-3.1.9.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-util-test@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-role@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | spotbugs-annotations | High |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | com.github.spotbugs.annotations | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-requiredexecutionenvironment | J2SE-1.5 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | spotbugs-annotations | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | spotbugs-annotations | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | spotbugs-annotations | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | henrik242 | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | iloveeclipse | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | jsotuyod | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | KengoTODA | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | mebigfatguy | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | sewe | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | ThrawnCA | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Andreas Sewe | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Andrey Loskutov | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Dave Brosius | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Juan Martín Sotuyo Dodero | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Kengo TODA | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | com.github.spotbugs | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | SpotBugs Annotations | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | spotbugs-annotations | High |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | com.github.spotbugs.annotations | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | spotbugs-annotations | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-requiredexecutionenvironment | J2SE-1.5 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | spotbugs-annotations | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | spotbugs-annotations | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | henrik242 | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | iloveeclipse | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | jsotuyod | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | KengoTODA | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | mebigfatguy | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | sewe | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | ThrawnCA | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Andreas Sewe | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Andrey Loskutov | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Dave Brosius | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Juan Martín Sotuyo Dodero | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Kengo TODA | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | com.github.spotbugs | Highest |
Product | pom | name | SpotBugs Annotations | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 3.1.9 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 3.1.9 | High |
Version | pom | version | 3.1.9 | Highest |
Spring Core
Apache License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
MD5: 394df39af63d06af987c5629c15c3154
SHA1: f42e6b51d9c0c2fcf95df9e5848470d173adc9af
Referenced In Projects/Scopes:- blueHour - UI - Project Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer:compile
- blueHour - Model, In-Memory Implementation:compile
- blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz:compile
- blueHour - Importer - iBiz:compile
- blueHour - UI - Commons:compile
- blueHour - UI - Hourly Report:compile
- blueHour - Model:compile
- blueHour - UI:compile
- blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer:compile
- blueHour - UI - JavaFX:compile
- blueHour - Marshalling - XML:compile
- blueHour - Application (JavaFX):compile
spring-core-6.2.1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by:- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.1
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.1
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.accounting/it-tidalwave-accounting-model@1.0-ALPHA-9
- pkg:maven/it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings/it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring@3.2-ALPHA-24
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | spring-core | High |
Vendor | hint analyzer | vendor | pivotal software | Highest |
Vendor | hint analyzer | vendor | SpringSource | Highest |
Vendor | hint analyzer | vendor | vmware | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | org | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | springframework | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | spring.core | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | spring-core | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | spring-core | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | jhoeller | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Juergen Hoeller | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.springframework | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Spring Core | High |
Vendor | pom | organization name | Spring IO | High |
Vendor | pom | organization url | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | url | spring-projects/spring-framework | Highest |
Product | file | name | spring-core | High |
Product | hint analyzer | product | springsource_spring_framework | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | org | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | springframework | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | spring.core | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | spring-core | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | spring-core | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | jhoeller | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Juergen Hoeller | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.springframework | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Spring Core | High |
Product | pom | organization name | Spring IO | Low |
Product | pom | organization url | | Low |
Product | pom | url | spring-projects/spring-framework | High |
Version | file | version | 6.2.1 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 6.2.1 | High |
Version | pom | version | 6.2.1 | Highest |
Related Dependencies
- spring-aop-6.2.1.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: ebfcdfe96624e5a3de3d0d6522c8593a
- SHA1: a9384de38fc00751084446ba014a0c4962240244
- SHA256: a9cb0dddec1312c1cc6bc6a1762ad880f0e8b2a82ea2243b91abf2ac9debb86b
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aop@6.2.1
- spring-aspects-6.2.1.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: 3a64339e5d196b661f4e31277a742a1b
- SHA1: 50350218608abf215ae40ef00c87cc666737e199
- SHA256: c9af641603205859dbf8b1dcea3267170408883f6215693fa19ce2523d7a3f44
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-aspects@6.2.1
- spring-beans-6.2.1.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: 8478f819bdba583b002b45fcfc44c7fb
- SHA1: ab57ec03ba6900075bf28e3cd70ccce173205b8d
- SHA256: 3afc928c036bc557b650df75ae33ccdd440bc48f9184d19b463df0d2ea74c509
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-beans@6.2.1
- spring-context-6.2.1.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: 6c650372cd5aef72f5cd4eea1194ef60
- SHA1: f56c7431b03860bfdb016e68f484c5c35531ef2e
- SHA256: 226617237451b420f5742517d1aaa27fb20bb3dbe23db6fb5ea1570bf97ce162
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-context@6.2.1
- spring-expression-6.2.1.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: cba4fb289daba10c26882d49062e3e6d
- SHA1: 91fcf6b9501705c31c8337e2713fe823bb512b24
- SHA256: e4efd330d907a506a4ebc558f5ab2f2320a399527474c95316c16d510c9e222e
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-expression@6.2.1
- spring-jcl-6.2.1.jar
- File Path: /Volumes/Users/fritz/Business/Tidalwave/Projects/WorkAreas/Tidalwave/
- MD5: 0580c8806b325bd0fcc984ae7a5e8b45
- SHA1: a5d662d64470aff0ae51d210147bb6ede31a8ea3
- SHA256: 83604b743df124b064836bc930d7e7c8e81832144b9e4292e7b816fca0cd42cd
- pkg:maven/org.springframework/spring-jcl@6.2.1